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ไม่มีใครช่วยเหลือตนเองได้นอกจากตนเอง ความดีที่เราทำจะช่วยเรา

โพสต์แล้ว: อาทิตย์ ธ.ค. 01, 2013 6:15 pm
โดย syaoran

1. วันหนึ่งเราจะเห็นพระเยซูเสด็จลงมา วันนั้นจะเป็นวันแห่งการสิ้นสุดโลกนี้
***จงร้องฮาเลลูยา ฮาเลลูยา จงร้องฮาเลลูยา
2. องค์พระเยซูคริสต์จะเต็มด้วยสง่าราศรี วันนั้นองค์ภูมีพิพากษาคนบาป
พระองค์ทำตามคำสัญญา เพื่อรักษาความยุติธรรม
3. วันนี้ขอเชิญท่านจงรับเข้ามารับความรอด


หันมาสวดภาวนาเข้าถึงกระแสแห่งรักเมตตาจิตกุศลกันวันนี้ ดีว่าไม่มีวันหน้าให้ทำดีกว่านะ.......ชีวิตคนเราไม่มีสิ่งใดรับประกันในวันพรุ่งนี้ได้เลย....แค่ก้าวขาออกจากประตูบ้านคุณกล้ารับประกันว่าจะได้กลับไปหรือไม่? คำตอบ....คุณจะได้กลับบ้านเก่านะซิ ถามได้ ดังนั้นมาฟังเพลงสวดปฏิบัติเสียเพื่อตัวคุณเอง ไม่มีใครช่วยเหลือตนเองได้นอกจากตนเอง ความดีที่เราทำจะช่วยเราเองนะ...ทุกท่าน!!!!!

Re: ไม่มีใครช่วยเหลือตนเองได้นอกจากตนเอง ความดีที่เราทำจะช่ว

โพสต์แล้ว: อาทิตย์ ธ.ค. 01, 2013 6:17 pm
โดย syaoran
'Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, Nor the effeminate, nor liers with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God.'
Saint Paul (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

'Behold how many there are who are called, and how few who are chosen! And behold, if you have no care for yourself, your perdition is more certain than your amendment, especially since the way that leads to eternal life is so narrow.'
St. John of the Cross

'The saved are few, but we must live with the few if we would be saved with the few. O God, too few indeed they are: yet amongst those few I wish to be!'
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

'The more the wicked abound, so much the more must we suffer with them in patience; for on the threshing floor few are the grains carried into the barns, but high are the piles of chaff burned with fire.'
Pope St. Gregory the Great

'Not all, nor even a majority, are saved. . . They are indeed many, if regarded by themselves, but they are few in comparison with the far larger number of those who shall be punished with the devil.' ...'Beyond a doubt the elect are few.'
St. Augustine

'The number of the elect is so small - so small - that were we to know how small it is, we should faint away with grief. The number of the elect is so small that were God to assemble them together, He would cry to them, as He did of old, by the mouth of His prophet, "Gather yourselves together, one by one" - one from this province, one from that kingdom.'
St. Louis Marie de Montfort

'That those who walk in the way of salvation are the smaller number is due to the vice and depraved habits imbibed in youth and nourished in childhood. By these means Lucifer has hurled into Hell so great a number of souls, and continues thus to hurl them into Hell every day, casting so many nations from abyss to abyss of darkness and errors, such as are contained in the heresies and false sects of the infidels.'
Venerable Mary of Agreda

'What do you think? How many of the inhabitants of this city may perhaps be saved? What I am about to tell you is very terrible, yet I will not conceal it from you. Out of this thickly populated city with its thousands of inhabitants not one hundred people will be saved. I even doubt whether there will be as many as that!' ...'I do not speak rashly, but as I feel and think. I do not think that many bishops are saved, but that those who perish are far more numerous.'
St. John Chrysostom, Doctor and Father of the Church

'Shall we all be saved? Shall we go to Heaven? Alas, my children, we do not know at all! But I tremble when I see so many souls lost these days. See, they fall into Hell as leaves fall from the trees at the approach of winter.'
St. Jean Marie Baptiste Vianney, the Cure of Ars

'Ah, how many souls lose Heaven and are cast into Hell!'
St. Francis Xavier

'So many people are going to die, and almost all of them are going to Hell! So many people falling into hell!'
Blessed Jacinta of Fatima

'Since their eternal happiness, consisting in the vision of God, exceeds the common state of nature, and especially in so far as this is deprived of grace through the corruption of original sin, those who are saved are in the minority. In this especially, however, appears the mercy of God, that He has chosen some for that salvation, from which very many in accordance with the common course and tendency of nature fall short.'
St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church

'Get out of the filth of the horrible torrent of this world, the torrent of thorns that is whirling you into the abyss of eternal perdition. . . This torrent is the world, which resembles an impetuous torrent, full of garbage and evil odours, making a lot of noise but flowing swiftly passed, dragging the majority of men into the pit of perdition.'
St. John Eudes