อยากรู้ประวัติของ นักบุญอลิซาเบธหน่อยค่ะ

ถาม-ตอบพระคัมภีร์ เรื่องเสริมศรัทธา ความรู้ และสาระ บทความ ในคริสตศาสนา
Kanokwan Sansub
โพสต์: 37
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: พฤหัสฯ. ส.ค. 25, 2005 3:25 pm
ที่อยู่: Bangkok

อังคาร ส.ค. 30, 2005 4:45 pm

คือว่าเราอยากรู้เรื่องนักบุญอลิซาเบธเหลือเกินค่ะ ช่วยหน่อยค่ะ
โพสต์: 698
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร ม.ค. 18, 2005 5:52 pm

อังคาร ส.ค. 30, 2005 9:17 pm

which St. Elizabeth ???
St. Elizabeth
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Elizabeth of Schonau
St. Elizabeth of Portugal
St. Elizabeth Rose
Which one?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย MarioAntonio เมื่อ อังคาร ส.ค. 30, 2005 9:20 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
~@Little lamb@~
Defender of lawS
Defender of lawS
โพสต์: 9396
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: จันทร์ ม.ค. 17, 2005 3:00 pm

พุธ ส.ค. 31, 2005 12:24 am

มีหลายอลิซาเบธ นะคะ

Kanokwan Sansub
โพสต์: 37
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: พฤหัสฯ. ส.ค. 25, 2005 3:25 pm
ที่อยู่: Bangkok

ศุกร์ ก.ย. 02, 2005 11:32 am

ทุกอลิซาเบธไงค่ะ ;D
โพสต์: 698
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร ม.ค. 18, 2005 5:52 pm

ศุกร์ ก.ย. 02, 2005 1:22 pm

St. Elizabeth
Feastday: November 5


Not much information is known about Elizabeth, but she has the distinction of being one of the first to know about Mary's great blessing as the Mother of God.

Zachary was a priest in Jerusalem whose wife, Elizabeth, Mary's cousin, was beyond child-bearing age. He was told by an angel in a vision that they would have a son and should name him John. When he doubted this, he was struck dumb. Elizabeth was visited by Mary, at which time Mary spoke the hymn of praise now known at the Magnificat, and after John's birth, Zachary's speech was restored. This is all that is known of Elizabeth and Zachary, and is found in the New Testament in Luke, Chapter 1. An unvarifiable tradition has Zachary murdered in the Temple when he refused to tell Herod where his son John was to be found. Their feast day is November 5th.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย MarioAntonio เมื่อ ศุกร์ ก.ย. 02, 2005 2:15 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
โพสต์: 698
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร ม.ค. 18, 2005 5:52 pm

ศุกร์ ก.ย. 02, 2005 1:28 pm

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Feastday: January 4 1821


Elizabeth Bayley Seton was the first native born American to be canonized by the Catholic Church.

Born two years before the American Revolution, Elizabeth grew up in the "cream" of New York society. She was a prolific reader, and read everything from the Bible to contemporary novels.

In spite of her high society background, Elizabeth's early life was quiet, simple, and often lonely. As she grew a little older, the Bible was to become her continual instruction, support and comfort; she would continue to love the Scriptures for the rest of her life.

In 1794, Elizabeth married the wealthy young William Seton, with whom she was deeply in love. The first years of their marriage were happy and prosperous. Elizabeth wrote in her diary at first autumn, "My own home at twenty-the world-that and heaven too-quite impossible."

This time of Elizabeth's life was to be a brief moment of earthly happiness before the many deaths and partings she was to suffer. Within four years, Will's father died, leaving the young couple in charge of Will's seven half brothers and sisters, as well as the family's importing business. Now events began to move fast - and with devastating effect. Both Will's business and his health failed. He was finally forced to file a petition of bankruptcy. In a final attempt to save Will's health, the Setons sailed for Italy, where Will had business friends. Will died of tuberculosis while in Italy. Elizabeth's one consolation was that Will had recently awakened to the things of God.

The many enforced separations from dear ones by death and distance, served to draw Elizabeth's heart to God and eternity. The accepting and embracing of God's will - "The Will," as she called it - would be a keynote in her spiritual life.

Elizabeth's deep concern for the spiritual welfare of her family and friends eventually led her into the Catholic Church.

In Italy, Elizabeth c aptivated everyone by her own kindness, patience, good sense, wit and courtesy. During this time Elizabeth became interested in the Catholic Faith, and over a period of months, her Italian friends guided her in Catholic instructions.

Elizabeth's desire for the Bread of Life was to be a strong force leading her to the Catholic Church.

Having lost her mother at an early age, Elizabeth felt great comfort in the idea that the Blessed Virgin was truly her mother. She asked the Blessed Virgin to guide her to the True Faith. Elizabeth finally joined the Catholic Church in 1805.

At the suggestion of the president of St. Mary's College in Baltimore, Maryland, Elizabeth started a school in that city. She and two other young women, who helped her in her work, began plans for a Sisterhood. They established the first free Catholic school in America. When the young community adopted their rule, they made provisions for Elizabeth to continue raising her children.

On March 25, 1809, Elizabeth Seton pronounced her vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, binding for one year. From that time she was called Mother Seton.

Although Mother Seton was now afflicted with tuberculosis, she continued to guide her children. The Rule of the Sisterhood was formally ratified in 1812. It was based upon the Rule St. Vincent de Paul had written for his Daughters of Charity in France. By 1818, in addition to their first school, the sisters had established two orphanages and another school. Today six groups of sisters trace their origins to Mother Seton's initial foundation.

For the last three years of her life, Elizabeth felt that God was getting ready to call her, and this gave her joy. Mother Seton died in 1821 at the age of 46, only sixteen years after becoming a Catholic. She was canonized on September 14, 1975.
โพสต์: 698
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร ม.ค. 18, 2005 5:52 pm

ศุกร์ ก.ย. 02, 2005 1:35 pm

St. Elizabeth of Hungary

Patron services, tertiaries, widows, and young brides


St. Elizabeth was born in Hungary in 1207, the daughter of Alexander II, King of Hungary. At the age of four she was sent for education to the court of the Landgrave of Thuringia, to whose infant son she was betrothed. As she grew in age, her piety also increased by leaps and bounds. In 1221, she married Louis of Thuringia and in spite of her position at court began to lead an austerely simple life, practiced penance, and devoted herself to works of charity.

Her husband was himself much inclined to religion and highly esteemed her virtue, encouraging her in her exemplary life. They had three children when tragedy struck - Louis was killed while fighting with the Crusaders. After his death, Elizabeth left the court, made arrangements for the care of her children, and in 1228, renounced the world, becoming a tertiary of St. Francis. She built the Franciscan hospital at Marburg and devoted herself to the care of the sick until her death at the age of 24 in 1231.

St. Elizabeth is the patron saint of bakers, countesses, death of children, falsely accused, the homeless, nursing services, tertiaries, widows, and young brides. Her symbols are alms, flowers, bread, the poor, and a pitcher.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย MarioAntonio เมื่อ ศุกร์ ก.ย. 02, 2005 1:59 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
โพสต์: 698
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร ม.ค. 18, 2005 5:52 pm

ศุกร์ ก.ย. 02, 2005 1:37 pm

St. Elizabeth of Schonau
Feastday: June 18 1164

A Benedictine abbess who was a gifted mystic. She had her first vision in 1152 and was known for ecstasies, prophecies, and diabolical visitations. She became abbess in 1157 . Her cult was never formalized, but she is listed as a saint in the Roman Martyrology. Her brother, Ethbert, a Benedictine abbot, wrote her biography and recorded her visions in three books.
โพสต์: 698
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร ม.ค. 18, 2005 5:52 pm

ศุกร์ ก.ย. 02, 2005 1:42 pm

St. Elizabeth of Portugal
Feastday: July 4
Patron: of the Third Order of St. Francis


Elizabeth was a Spanish princess who was given in marriage to King Denis of Portugal at the age of twelve. She was very beautiful and very lovable. She was also very devout, and went to Mass every day. Elizabeth was a holy wife, but although her husband was fond of her at first, he soon began to cause her great suffering. Though a good ruler, he did not imitate his wife's love of prayer and other virtues. In fact, his sins of impurity gave great scandle to the people.

Later, to make matters worse, the King believed a lie told about Elizabeth and one of her pages by another page, who was jealous of his companion. In great anger the King ordered the one he believed guilty, to be sent to a lime-burner. The lime-burner was commanded to throw into his furnace the first page who came. The good page set out obediently, not knowing death was waiting for him. On his way he stopped for Mass, since he had the habit of going daily. The first Mass had begun, so he stayed for a second one. In the meantime, the King sent the wicked page to the lime-burner to find out if the other had been killed. And so it was this page who was thrown into the furnace! When the King learned what had happened, he realized that God had saved the good page, punished the liar, and proven Queen Elizabeth to be innocent.

This amazing event helped greatly to make the King live better. He apologized to his wife in front of everyone and began to have a great respect for her. In his last sickness, she never left his side, except for Mass, until he died a holy death. St. Elizabeth lived for eleven more years, doing even greater charity and penance. She was a wonderful model of kindness toward the poor and a successful peacemaker between members of her own family and between nations.

Because St. Elizabeth was faithful to daily Mass, she found strength to carry her many great crosses. And because her page was faithful to daily Mass, he escaped death. We should try o ur best to make it a habit to go to Mass daily.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย MarioAntonio เมื่อ ศุกร์ ก.ย. 02, 2005 1:56 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
โพสต์: 698
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร ม.ค. 18, 2005 5:52 pm

ศุกร์ ก.ย. 02, 2005 1:47 pm

St. Elizabeth Rose
Feastday: December 13 1130

Benedictine abbess, the foundress of the convent of Sainte-Marie-du-Rozoy, near Courtenay, Loiret, France.
โพสต์: 698
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร ม.ค. 18, 2005 5:52 pm

ศุกร์ ก.ย. 02, 2005 2:18 pm

St. Elizabeth Bichier
Feast Day: August 26
Born: 1773 :: Died: 1838


Elizabeth was born in France and came from a very good family. Then during the time of the French Revolution, Elizabeth's family lost everything they owned. This was because the republicans were taking property from the nobility.

But this intelligent young woman of nineteen studied law so she could fight her family's case in court. Being a good lawyer, she won the case and was able to save her family. The village shoemaker exclaimed: "All you have to do now is marry a good republican!"

But Elizabeth had no intention of marrying anyone republican or noble. On the back of a picture of Our Lady, she had written: "I dedicate and consecrate myself to Jesus and Mary forever."

Elizabeth soon joined the convent and became a nun, with the help of St. Andrew Fournet, she started a new religious order called the Daughters of the Cross.

As a little girl, her favorite game was building castles in the sand. Many years later, this holy French woman had to take charge of building many convents for the Daughters of the Cross. "I guess building was meant to be my business," she joked, "since I started it so young!"

This new order taught children and cared for the sick. Elizabeth would face any danger to help people. Once she found a tramp lying sick in a barn. She brought him to the convent hospital and did all she could for him until he died. The next morning the police chief came to tell her she could be arrested for sheltering a man who was a criminal.

Elizabeth was unafraid. "I only did what you yourself would have done, sir," she said. "I found this poor sick man, and took care of him until he died. I am ready to tell the judge just what happened."

Of course, the saint's honesty and charity won her great respect. People admired her straight, clear answers. By 1830, Elizabeth had opened over sixty convents.

The order's co-founder, St. Andrew Fournet, died in 1834. St. Elizabeth wrote to the sisters, "This is our greatest and most sad loss." Then four years later St. Elizabeth died on August 26, 1838.
Kanokwan Sansub
โพสต์: 37
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: พฤหัสฯ. ส.ค. 25, 2005 3:25 pm
ที่อยู่: Bangkok

ศุกร์ ก.ย. 02, 2005 2:44 pm
