Pope Francis Slips Out Of Vatican For Prayers

ถาม-ตอบพระคัมภีร์ เรื่องเสริมศรัทธา ความรู้ และสาระ บทความ ในคริสตศาสนา
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Defender of lawS
โพสต์: 522
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อาทิตย์ ต.ค. 31, 2010 1:05 am

พฤหัสฯ. มี.ค. 14, 2013 4:46 pm

Latin America's first ever pontiff begins his first full day in the job with a visit to one of Rome's ancient basilicas.

Pope Francis started his new life as leader of the Roman Catholic Church by praying at one of Rome's oldest basilicas, dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

The 76-year-old, who has become the first Jesuit pope and the first pope to be named Francis, opened his pontificate quietly leaving the Vatican with a visit to Santa Maria Maggiore for private prayers via a side entrance.

"He spoke to us cordially like a Father," said Father Ludovico Melo, a priest who joined in the prayers. "We were given 10 minutes' notice that the Pope was coming."

Shortly after his election, Pope Francis, known for his humility and simplicity, shunned the papal limousine for a shuttle bus with other cardinals to go back to a residence inside the Vatican for a meal.

Huge crowds welcomed the announcement of Pope Francis

That showed his humble side, according to prominent US cardinal Timothy Dolan, who also revealed that the new pontiff told the cardinals he would be visiting his predecessor Benedict XVI at the papal retreat in Castel Gandolfo, south of Rome.

Speaking at the North American College, the US seminary in Rome said Francis was expected to arrive in the limousine.

"And as the last bus pulls up, guess who gets off? It's Pope Francis. I guess he told the driver, 'that's ok, I'll just go with the boys'."

During the dinner, Cardinal Dolan said the new pope also showed his humorous side.

Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio becomes the first Jesuit pope
As Francis toasted the cardinals, he said to them: "May God forgive you." It brought the house down, said Cardinal Dolan.

The trip to see Benedict on Friday is significant because Benedict's resignation has raised concerns about potential power conflicts emerging from the peculiar situation of having a reigning pope and a retired one alive at the same time.

Francis has already spoken by phone with Benedict, who has been living at the papal retreat in Castel Gandolfo since the end of his papacy.

Known until Wednesday as Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Argentine Pope Francis became a cardinal in 2001.

He has spent nearly his entire career in Argentina, and becomes the first ever pope from Latin America.

He is respected in the church as a humble man who has denied himself the luxuries that previous Buenos Aires cardinals enjoyed.

Pope Francis is said to have finished second when Benedict was elected in 2005.

During this week's papal conclave, he was chosen on just the fifth ballot to replace the first pontiff to resign in 600 years.

Francis' election has pleased Latin Americans, who number 40% of the world's Catholics but have long been underrepresented in the church leadership.

Francis is sure to bring the church closer to the poverty-wracked region, while also introducing the world to a very different type of pope, whose first words to the faithful were a simple, "Brothers and sisters, good evening".

He asked for prayers for himself, and for Benedict, whose shock resignation paved the way for his election.

"I want you to bless me," Francis said in his first appearance from the balcony of St Peter's Basilica, asking the faithful to bow their heads in silent prayer.

He also delivered a blessing to "all men and women of good will", before calling for "brotherhood" in the church.

A roar emanated from the crowds outside the Vatican in St Peter's Square on Wednesday as the white smoke indicated the new pontiff had obtained the required two-thirds majority in the voting by 115 cardinals.


VDO อื่น ๆ เพิ่มเติมจ๊ะ
1. White Smoke

2. The New Pope

3. จากสำนักข่าว หลาย ๆ แห่งน๊ะค่ะ

โพสต์: 3257
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: จันทร์ ส.ค. 22, 2011 6:44 pm

พฤหัสฯ. มี.ค. 14, 2013 9:24 pm

:s007: :s007: :s007:
โพสต์: 559
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อาทิตย์ พ.ย. 18, 2012 8:11 pm
ที่อยู่: อ มะขาม จ จันทบุรี

พฤหัสฯ. มี.ค. 14, 2013 10:31 pm

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โพสต์: 2477
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อาทิตย์ ก.ย. 18, 2011 8:17 pm

ศุกร์ มี.ค. 15, 2013 1:01 pm

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โพสต์: 6094
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: ศุกร์ ม.ค. 29, 2010 2:37 pm

ศุกร์ มี.ค. 15, 2013 10:09 pm

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