สารของแม่พระผู้เห็นอกเห็นใจฯ ไทย English Version (Book One)

รวมสารการประจักษ์แม่พระที่ลำไทร สามารถแสดงความเห็นได้อย่างสุภาพ และไม่อนุญาตให้ตั้งกระทู้ใด ๆ ในบอร์ดนี้
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

ศุกร์ เม.ย. 05, 2019 11:12 am

>ใหม่สุดในรูปแบบหนังสือเปิดเป็นหน้าๆ ไทยและอังกฤษ

Dear reader, Mother Mary’s messenger (Nipon/Little Peter) and the translator are not the same person. The translator is a friend of Khun Nipon/Little Peter whom he trusts to translate Mother Mary’s messages as accurately as possible.

The following is Mother Mary’s messenger declaration:
The decree of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, A.A.S. 58, 1186 (approved by Saint Pope Paul VI on 14 October 1966) states that the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur are no longer required on publications that deal with private revelations, provided that they contain nothing contrary to the faith or morals. The author wishes to manifest his unconditional submission to the final and official judgment of the Magisterium of the Church in matter of faith and morals.

The Blessed Virgin Mary in Thailand
Adelia Bernard and the Appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Thailand.
Mary, the Blessed Mother, first appeared to Adelia in August 1979, and asked her to prepare to go and assist the Church in Thailand to help refugees who would soon enter Thailand from all over her borders.

The Blessed Mother directed Adelia in all the necessary steps to accomplish the mission. The Blessed Mother helped Adelia through the messages which she delivered regularly.

Later in 1988, Adelia told Father Joseph Wichitr Likitham, the parish priest of The Holy Family Church, Lamsai, Pathum Thani, Thailand, on April 12, 1988, that the Blessed Mother would give important signs at the grotto dedicated to her at The Holy Family Church. The name for her appearance would be “The Compassionate Mother.”

On May 25, 1988, Father Wichitr asked Adelia why Mother Mary would appear. To answer his question, Adelia wrote the following.
1) To teach us to love Jesus all the time. Nobody loves and follows Jesus more than Mother Mary with her humility.
2) To change the way we conduct our lives, if we have not already abandoned sin.
3) To save our souls and the souls in purgatory.
4) To make us obedient to the Church and those with the Church’s authority to care for us.
5) To show us the Kingdom of Heaven and to give us hope.

On May 29, 1988, Mother Mary told Adelia that she would be there every time there was a recitation of the Rosary to offer our prayer to the Almighty God. She also gave a prayer to Adelia during the procession of her statue at the Holy Family Church.
Adelia told Father Wichitr that she was not the key instrument of the appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There was no need for her to be at every appearance. It was up to the faith of the Thai Christians. If she was not around, Mother Mary would call on the Thai people to carry it on.

There was no documentation of the appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary after 1988 until Sunday, October 31, 2004, 3:00-3:30 a.m., 16 years later.
Mother Mary, once again, began to give messages. She gave the messages to a Thai gentleman while he was praying at her grotto at the Holy Family Church at Lamsai, Pathum Thani, Thailand.

Introduction From Mother Mary’s Messenger
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
My name is Peter, from Chanthaburi. My parents moved to Bangkok a long time ago.
I was a sinful Catholic, and abandoned God for several years. I went to church because it was a duty, an obligation. I skipped going to church whenever I did not want to go. I never thought of going to see God with my real desire.

I often had difficulties in my life but I always received the blessings from God to survive and even, surprisingly, escape from the dangers.
But I have never realized that God helped me all along. I did not realize that I was taken care of by the greatest benefactor of my life. Fortunately, I was constantly taught and warned by the Lord through my conscience.

Then, one day, I felt and appreciated the care and concern that I had never valued before. I just recently understood how great Mother Mary’s love is. It was almost too late. It made me yearn for the lost time. Mother Mary who kept giving and loving me wholeheartedly called me back after I ignored her love for several decades. Yes, people always overlook what is close to them. They are busy looking somewhere else.

I know what true love is and where to find peace and tranquility because of Mother Mary’s love and concern. Mother Mary is not only my mother. She loves every one of you equally as if you are her own children.

Every word that she taught me made me turn my life around, how to pray, do penance, and to respond to the great love of the Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus by showing true love to fellow human beings.

I would like to share with you, the reader, of what Mother Mary has been teaching me. The names of persons involved in the events, including my name are not important to her teaching. I have omitted the names. These events happened. They are real and they are totally my own personal belief.

I would like to thank those who participated and supported the publication of this book in order to spread the teaching of Mother Mary to those interested.

What is the meaning of Mother Mary’s Apparitions (Appearances)?

Apparition- Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
1) a. an unusual or unexpected sight: PHENOMENON
b. a ghostly figure
2) the act of becoming visible: APPEARANCE

Vision- Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
1) a. something seen in a dream, trance, or ecstasy; especially: a supernatural appearance that conveys a revelation
b. a thought, concept, or object formed by the imagination
c. a manifestation to the senses of something immaterial
(look, not at visions, but at realities-Edith Wharton)
2) a. the act or power of imagination
b. (1) mode of seeing or conceiving
(2) unusual discernment or foresight (a person of vision)
c. direct mystical awareness of the supernatural usually invisible form
3) a. the act or power of seeing: SIGHT
b. the special sense by which the qualities of an object (as color luminosity, shape, and size) constituting its appearance are perceived through a process in which light rays entering the eye are transformed by the retina into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve
4) a. something seen
b. a lovely or charming sight

Apparition and Vision – Definition from http://www.newmana.com (a Thai Catholic website)

Apparition: the occurrence of mind or supernatural event. For Christians, the appearance of heaven messengers, Lord Jesus, Blessed Virgin Mary, etc., is to reveal the messages from heaven. God’s messengers appeared several times in the Bible. A couple of them appeared to Abraham and Jacob. One of them even wrestled with Jacob.

The apparition is a little different from vision because vision might be a picture or sound, that no one might actually come down from heaven.

But the apparition gives you the feeling that someone actually comes down from heaven. As in the New Testament, Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Blessed Virgin Mary, or Lord Jesus’ transfiguration and his conversation with Moses and Elijah on a mountain. Lord Jesus appeared to Saint Paul to convert him.

So, the apparition is not only for God’s messengers or God. It is also for holy persons who passed away and are now in heaven and able to come down to meet people on earth, to reveal something from heaven to them. All of them come in the name of God and come to serve God.

The apparitions (appearances) of Mother Mary
In our time, after Lord Jesus’ resurrection, there were several apparitions, particularly in the Roman Catholic Church, in private and public. There have been the apparitions of heaven's messengers, saints, Mother Mary, and even Lord Jesus since the early day of the Church and up until now.

Of all the apparitions, the apparitions of Mother Mary happened quite often, particularly in the Roman Catholic Church which has special respect for her, the Mother of God.

The apparitions in Thailand
In Thailand: We believe that the apparitions of Lord Jesus and Mother Mary occurred to some people in private, from the testimonies of eye witnesses and miracles.
But the apparitions of Mother Mary in public, at Lamsai, Thailand, are the biggest apparitions of Mother Mary in Thailand which you can read (in Thai) in details at http://www.newmana.com/Thai/Lamsai01.htm

Messages from heaven
In her apparitions, Mother Mary often gave “messages from heaven.” She served the Heavenly Father by bringing them to His children. She chose some of the Heavenly Father’s children to be the messengers who would pass the messages to others. And in this case, she also has messages from heaven for Thai Christians which we have collected and published.

Problems and understanding the apparitions of Mother Mary
We must correctly understand that Mother Mary appears to bring the messages from the Heavenly Father. And everyone who comes down from heaven to communicate with humans must receive permission from the Father or receive order from Him to come down to meet them.

So, Mother Mary does not come down to take Lord Jesus’ place or act like she is God.
Mother Mary is always a servant of God, starting from the day she responded to Archangel Gabriel who told her that she was to be the Mother of Lord Jesus (the Annunciation). And it is her eternal vow to always serve God.

Please take a look at this painting.

Translator: sorry, I was unable to post the picture. Please see http://www.newmana.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3174. The English version (Book One) has the picture.

This painting clearly explains the apparition of Mother Mary. Mother Mary comes to help us go back to the Son, her Dearest Son, Lord Jesus who is the mediator between humans and our Heavenly Father.

Mother Mary is human like us, not God, or angel, or even one of heaven's messengers. But she is the most humble and gentle human being that the Holy Trinity loves more than any women on earth. And He is pleased to let her serve Him by helping His children.

Mother Mary is our helper and the most powerful mediator who asks God on our behalf because the prayer from the just is powerful and productive (James 5:16).

And Mother Mary stays beside us, giving us encouragement and preparing our souls who come to her to make them beautiful and worthy offering to God.

(2nd Corinthians 11:2) “For I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy. For I married you to one husband, that I might present you as a pure virgin to Christ”.

Mother Mary does what she did at the Wedding at Cana (John 2:1-12): 1). She helps us when asking for help from Lord Jesus for poor human beings and 2). She tells us to listen to her Son.

So, every time you read these messages, remember everything is for leading us back to the Heavenly Father. Let the Holy Spirit lead you. Pray to the soul of God which is the Holy Spirit to guide you on every word you read so you will find only His will.
Ask yourself the following questions:

If you read and follow these messages, your life and the lives of your loved ones are getting better or worse?

Are you getting closer to God or further away from Him?

This is the proof that Lord Jesus taught us in the New Testament of what comes from God.

Luke 6:43-49
[43] “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. [44] Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. [45] The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
May the blessing from the Holy Spirit lead His children, reveal what is hidden in His messages and make your life fruitful from Him. May the name of God, the Holy Trinity, be praised. We ask the Heavenly Father in the name of Lord Jesus, Your Son. And we ask Mother Mary to help us in asking. Amen.

Opening Remark
The following Mother Mary’s Messages have been translated to English with great care and attention to details. It is our goal to accurately convey Mother Mary’s messages to her children in plain language, just like she did in Thai. Word for word translation is not practical because of difference between English and Thai language.

First Message From Lamsai
In Front of Mother Mary’s Grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Sunday, October 31, 2004, 3:00-3:30 a.m.
This is the first time I documented Mother Mary’s messages. We have been praying all Saturday night. Whoever fell asleep, slept in front of Mother Mary’s grotto.

I had the feeling that Mother Mary was coming to the grotto after we finished praying. This feeling is hard to explain because I got it through my forehead. Then I had the feeling that Mother Mary had arrived at the grotto.

I saw the inside wall of the grotto deepening like watching a three- dimensional picture. The wall lighted up and started to slowly swing to the left and right.

The statue of Mother Mary looked the same but I knew through my mind that Mother Mary, in white dress, was floating on the right side of the grotto. I felt that she was looking and smiling at me. The smile was full of kindness. I was unexpectedly warmed by her smile. I returned her smile. And she started to talk to me.

I was not quite sure whether the sound was my imagination so I kept quiet for a long time. But the sound kept repeating itself over and over. Finally, I told Mother Mary, in my mind, that if she wanted me to receive her message, please repeat it one more time. And I heard it again.

Because I was not prepared to take note, I had to listen to the message several times to make sure it was not my imagination and repeated it aloud so others could hear it too. Several of them did not understand what I was talking about and why I was talking.

I felt like I was in a trance during that time. My mind only focused on Mother Mary who was giving me the message. At first, I did not write the whole thing down. I started to look for a sheet of paper to write when she stopped giving the message. I could not remember most of the details of the message once I said it. I felt like I was Mother Mary’s communication equipment.

After the transmitter stopped transmitting, there was nothing left in my brain. So I wrote only what I remembered. Mother Mary said this to us that night,
“Few people came to me when they were alive. Do not judge others. Spend your remaining time to get the most benefit out of it. Honor God. Before committing a sin, think of a picture of Lord Jesus and a picture of His suffering. And you will know how much He loves you.”

This is the first message that I documented with my little brain.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ พฤหัสฯ. ต.ค. 12, 2023 12:25 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 15 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 1:38 am

Human’s Belief
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Sunday, January 30, 2005, 3:30 – 4:00 a.m.
I got my Video Recorder with me so I could record Mother Mary’s message if she wanted me to receive it. I wanted to do something in order for people to know that Mother Mary really appeared here.

I wanted lots of people to come back to Mother Mary. And the time I have been waiting for has arrived.

I was in a trance and knew from my mind that presently Mother Mary was once again in our midst. She told me this,
“Human’s belief depends only on seeing, huh? Do you believe because you see me? If you do not see me, you are not going to believe in me, right?

Poor human beings, you do not know what will happen in the future. Praying and asking for the blessing through my Son is the only thing that will save you.

Human beings have committed a lot of sins and they forget God. I would like to thank every one of you who represents the minority that stays put with me. I always hear your prayers. The souls that are in sins will be saved because of your prayers. Everything will happen according to God’s will.

Everyone, do not be careless. Make the most out of every minute. Do not abandon praying.”
Faith Must Come From Your Heart
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Sunday, February 27, 2005, 4:00-4:30 a.m.
I got my Video Recorder with me again so I could record Mother Mary’s message. I asked Mother Mary to let people see a miracle in the sun in order for them to believe in her. And this would be the only time I record the miracle in the sun.
After we prayed, until 4:00 a.m., I started to be in a trance. And Mother Mary had arrived.

Several people saw Mother Mary move with their own eyes. Some said Mother Mary was big and tall, almost as tall as the ceiling of the grotto. Some said Mother Mary’s eyes were big and black. Some said Mother Mary was praying with us. Some said Mother Mary was smiling at them, with her teeth clearly visible.

But I was not blessed enough to see Mother Mary with my own eyes because she once told me,” If you come because you only want to see the statue move, you will never see me until the day you die.”

So I happily received Mother Mary’s blessing to be her messenger and pass the messages to other people.

Tonight Mother Mary, through my mind, gave this message.
“I would like to thank every one of you for the prayers offered to the Lord through me tonight. Do not look for any miracle. The miracle has already happened in your hearts. The statue is only a plain statue. I am not a statue that human beings can see with their eyes. Never mind, tomorrow you will see what you want (Mother Mary's messenger: I asked Mother Mary for a miracle in the sun). If your faith is truly firm, you will see it.

Son, you have good intention for me, wanting people to come back to me. But I want to tell you that I want every human being who comes to me to come with true faith, not because he has seen a miracle.

Human beings have been like this throughout the ages. They must see in order to believe. Why don’t you ask your hearts whether you believe in me? I am in everywhere and I am also in the hearts of those who believe in me. Even though you will not come here next month, I still will always be in your hearts.

Do not abandon prayer. Disasters are approaching. Whoever believes in me will be saved.

(Mother Mary's messenger: Mother Mary means praying and asking the blessing from Lord Jesus who is the path of salvation.)

Pray for the conversion of sinners so they will be saved too. Forgive even your enemy. Love those you hate most.

It is God’s will to let me come to warn human beings who are deep in sin. I thank every one of you who is faithful to me. When the last day of your life has arrived, I will be there for you.

There is no need to make an announcement for people to believe. If they will believe, the belief must come from their own true hearts.

Do not forget to pray. Every soul will be saved because of your prayers. Even those who are in the deepest of sins will be released and forgiven by God at the proper time.

In your daily activities, always remember that today you have the intension to do good deeds the best you can. Avoid sins and sinful habits. When you hear the call of evil in your mind, remember me and pray. You will escape from the devil’s trap.

You have been patient in waiting for me. Go and rest. Remember that I will always be with every one of you who opens your heart to me. And I will always be in every place.”

Miracle of the Sun
Holy Family Church’s cemetery, Lamsai
Sunday, February 27, 2005, 5:50 – 8:00 a.m.
My auntie and I chose to go to the cemetery because it was flat and clear, enabling us to clearly see and record a sunrise.

I thought we would see the rising sun soon, but the morning sky was gloomy.
Even though it was getting bright, I could not see the sun rising from anywhere.

I started to feel bad and thought perhaps I was not blessed enough to see a miracle of the sun. But with persistence to get the job done, my auntie and I started to pray and asked Mother Mary for a miracle of the sun.

It was getting close to 7:00 a.m. when I heard my auntie said, “There, the sun is rising!” I turned to look at the direction my auntie told me and saw the big red-orange sun start to rise above the tree tops in front of us. I started to video and zoom in to get the clearest picture possible.

At that time it was not too bright. We could see the sun with our eyes. Then we started to see a gray disk, like the Holy Communion (a little bit smaller than the sun) covering the sun and enabling us to see it without hurting our eyes. I started to feel better because finally I have seen what Mother Mary had said.

Soon the sun was getting brighter and brighter and we could not see it with our eyes. I had to dim the light in my Video Recorder in order to be able to see the sun clearly. Now all of us got very excited because the sun started to change miraculously. We saw the gray disk that has been turning in the sun started to change color to light blue and then to darker shade of blue. At the same time at the edge of the sun, we saw blue ray turning up and down and around the sun. The blue ray turned yellow then red.

The Holy Communion that has been covering the sun once again changed to gray. But this time we saw the rays intersecting at the sun, like a cross with the sun in the middle. At that time we forgot about praying. Every one kept talking about the scene in front of us. I continued to video the whole thing until my auntie’s son drove up in his car to pick us up. We then hurried home.

Once we arrived at home we played the video, watching it one more time and from early morning when I received Mother Mary’s message up to the miraculous picture of the sun.

I started to tell myself that I got to do something about this event.

I told Mother Mary, in my mind, “Starting from now until the day I die, I offer myself to be your servant, Mother Mary. I am willing to do whatever you want.”

Starting the Project With an Important Person
Thursday, March 10, 2005, 8:00 p.m.
After my daily prayer at home, I heard Mother Mary said, “Give father a call tomorrow.”
Saturday, March 12, 2005, 10:15 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
I brought the recorded video of Mother Mary’s messages and the miracle in the sun on Sunday, February 2005, to show it to the father.

I told him that I was eager to do something to let people know that Mother Mary was still with us at the Holy Family Church’s grotto. I wanted more people to come back to Mother Mary because there were only a few people from Chanthaburi who were able to travel to see Mother Mary on the last Saturday of the month.

For the past 16 years, they have been traveling to this grotto because of their devotion to Mother Mary. They prayed in front of the grotto all Saturday night and waited until the end of the procession of Mother Mary’s statue after morning Sunday Mass before going back to Chanthaburi.

Several of them died. And several were not in good health to travel because of old age. My grandmother was one of those who participated in praying in front of the grotto.

Later on, my grandma passed away. Those from Chanthaburi asked whether any grandma’s children and grandchildren would carry on with praying together with them in front of this grotto.

My mother, my aunt, my sister, and I started to represent grandma for the past three years. I still remember that 16 years ago lots of people from all parts of Thailand made pilgrimage to this grotto. But nowadays there are only a few people from Bangkok that come to join us in prayer. When we all die, who will carry on with the pilgrimage to this grotto?

Father told me, “Do not worry. Have confidence in Mother Mary because she has her own plan.” He also told me not to be in a hurry. Take it easy. Document all messages from Mother Mary as evidence. And notice whether there is a difference each time I receive a message from Mother Mary.

I wanted my nephew to transfer this video on a DVD and bring it to father when the time is right so those that believe in Mother Mary will see it.

I talked too long with father, way over his lunch time. I wanted to say goodbye but father invited me to have lunch with him.

After lunch, father led me to pray in front of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima and then told me to pick up the Bible and open any page and see what God would tell me.
When I put my hands on the Bible, I heard a voice coming through my mind,” It is the right thing for you to come here.”

Father summarized the passage in the Bible for me: Several of God’s prophets have been fought against, even put in jail. Do not be in a hurry. God will find a way for you to do His work.

Then father prayed the prayer of invitation of the presence of the Holy Spirit and put his hands on my forehead. I had the feeling that I was losing conscience so I prayed, in my mind, to the Holy Spirit and told Him that if He wanted to come and cure me from the evil in my heart, I was ready to accept Him. Then I passed out.

My last feeling before passing out was knowing that the father used his hands to hold me, preventing me from falling.

I could not open my eyes, feeling so happy and light. I heard father still praying, “Lord Jesus triumphs over Satan.” until I gained conscience, got up and joined him in prayer.

I looked around and saw four statues of Mother Mary in the room. Father told me that he asked one of his acquaintances to make them in case somebody wanted to take one home. I asked him for the price of one of the statues. He gave me an unbelievably low price.

I searched my pocket, checking for the money whether I had enough. Father told me not to worry. If I did not have enough money, just bring it to him later. But I got enough money. I then asked him to bless the statue of Mother Mary for me.

The father also gave me a big and very beautiful cross. He carried the statue of Mother Mary to my car and came with me to my home and visit my mother and aunt. My mother was so happy.

After the visit, I drove the father back to the church. The father said today he was very happy. And I also felt the same.

Father was full of love and care, making me feel that I have met the person whom Mother Mary wanted me to work with.

First Message From Our Lady of Fatima
Saturday, March 12, 2005, 8:00 p.m.
Tonight we specifically prayed to welcome Our Lady of Fatima. During my daily prayer at home, I heard Mother Mary’s voice go through my mind,

“You will get help when you go back to work.”

I actually got help when I went back to work.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 11:10 am, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 2 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 1:58 am

The Beginning of the Journey
Sunday, March 13, 2005, 8:00-10:00 a.m.
After we finished the 14 Stations of the Cross, father brought out the cross and blessed all of us. When he put the cross back at the altar, I heard a voice coming from the cross go through my mind,
“You have arrived at the right direction. And your journey will begin here.”

Choosing a Humble Man for the Job
Sunday, March 13, 2005, 9:30 p.m.
While we were praying our daily prayer in my home, I started to sense something wonderful and started to feel good about it. Then I saw an image of Our Lady of Fatima imposing on her own statue. This image was much bigger than the statue and the image of her also wore a crown.

After we finished praying, I started to hear Mother Mary talk to me. I told her, “I could not remember everything you told me. What should I do?”
Mother Mary answered, “Son, go get the tape recorder and record it.”

I hurried to get the tape recorder and recorded Mother Mary’s message as she told me. Here is the message:

“It is God’s will to let you bring this message to humankind. Record it as a testimony for bringing the message from me. Your work has already begun. When the time has arrived, you will know what to do. It is my intention to be here in order for you to get closer to me.

God will always hear your pleas, every time you ask through me. Do not worry about the upcoming work. God will lead you. You know where to start, right? Follow that direction.”

I asked Mother Mary, in my mind, how can I do the work for her when I am a sinner? Mother Mary answered,

“Every human being is also a sinner, but every one of you can follow my footsteps. Apologize to God. He is always ready to forgive you. Do not listen to the voice of evil in your heart. Praying will protect you. Collect and preserve all of my recorded messages from the very beginning. This is your first task. I will lead you. I have been keeping an eye on your family all the time.

Thank you, son, for not wanting to see any more miracles because you have realized that the miracle has already happened in your heart. Go rest. Tomorrow you have to go to work early.”

Do Not Work Hard on God’s Day
Saturday, March 19, 2005, 11:15 – 11:45 p.m.
“Do not work hard on God’s day. I am very pleased to hear the prayer for poor souls (souls in the purgatory). This prayer will be heard by God. Your duty has already begun. Do not work hard on God’s day. God will be pleased when you work for me.

The cry for direction in your heart will be answered and the answer will be clearer and clearer every day. You will know what your job is.

My children, tomorrow prepare your hearts to celebrate the arrival of Lord Jesus and to welcome Him (Palm Sunday). And be ready for the death that will be remembered again (Good Friday).

I have seen your real intention in having confidence in me. Record this message and make it a testimony in accordance with God’s will.

Son, your body is so tired. Go rest. I will always and forever be with you.”

I Will Come Here to See You Every Saturday
Saturday, April 9, 2005, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
“Thank you very much, Son. Thank you for all the things you have done for me. God is very pleased. This blessing will also go to your relatives. Prepare your heart for the upcoming work. Do not be afraid of the difficulty that will happen. I will always be with you.

Every plea going through me, especially this Saturday night, will receive a special blessing from God. I am very glad to see the two people who love me in front of me (Mother Mary's messenger: Mother Mary means me and my sister). Pray. Pray more than this for the sinners and your loved ones to come back and live under God’s grace.

Remember my words. Every Saturday I will come here to see you. Your family has been chosen by God to pray for humankind to be saved from sins.

Bring this message to the father. Tell him everything you heard. Your upcoming work is waiting for you. Do not forget to pray more. Your prayers going through me will be heard by God. It is up to the Lord on whether or not He will grant what you ask for.

You will have a part in the conversion of sinners. Start from people in your family, the rest is my job.

Thank you very much, Son, for your good intentions for me all the time. God is pleased that you have come to work for me. Your nephew will receive the calling to come back. Pray for him hard. He will come back. Your brother is so far away from me. He will come back by his own heart only."

I asked Mother Mary, in my mind, is there any way to help his conversion to come back to her? Mother Mary said, “There is no way unless he wants to come back. Pray hard for him and one day he will receive the blessing from God.”

My sister asked Mother Mary, in her mind, what we had to do to help this brother of ours. Mother Mary said, “You two must do penance!” My sister, again, asked Mother Mary what kind of penance. Mother Mary said, “It is up to both of you to choose what to do.”

My sister told me that we had to do some kind of penance that was big enough to help save our brother. I told her tomorrow we would go to a Mass which will be presided by the father and I would ask him for advice. I believed that he must have good advice for both of us.

Mother Foretold Events in the Future
Saturday, April 16, 2005, 7:00 – 9:40 p.m.
My sister and I intended to do penance every Saturday and offer it to Mother Mary and Lord Jesus as a plea to God for the conversion of our brother.

Today is our first day that we started to do penance for our brother. And my brother came home to visit us that evening.

I found an opportunity to persuade him by turning on the tape that recorded Mother Mary’s messages for him to listen to. I chose only the part that Mother Mary talked about him. But it seemed like he did not pay much attention to it. He listened for awhile and walked off to the outside of the house without hearing what Mother Mary said about him.

I was so hurt in my heart that he was so indifferent, but I did not give up. I told him that I got a Video Compact Disc (VCD) of the miracle of the sun to show him because I saw him about to check the VCD he just bought to see whether it worked or not. But he did not have time to watch the VCD I prepared for him. I felt so bad that I could not persuade him. My sister told me that today is our first day that we did penance for him. Perhaps we did not do enough penance to help him at this time.

Tonight I started to pray the prayer of Our Lady of Sorrows alone because I was so hurt. And this prayer made me realize that Mother Mary suffered greatly to see Lord Jesus being tortured and died in front of her. My suffering, compared to hers, was a tiny one.

When my mother, my aunt, and my sister showed up, we started to pray together with Mother Mary by using the Book of Prayer for the Holy Rosary.

When we prayed to the fourth decade, I started to see with my own eyes that there was a blurred shadow of a white cloth behind the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. And that shadow started to get clearer and clearer to the point I could see that it was another statue of Our Lady of Fatima. It was taller than the first one and it was behind it. Soon after that, I started to see the blurry third one of Our Lady of Fatima appearing between the first two. This time I only saw her shawl and eyes.

I was so glad because today Mother Mary did what she promised.

When we prayed the 10 beads of the last decade, the three images of Mother Mary disappeared. But then I started to see the statue of Our Lady of Fatima starting to separate into two of them right in front of me. I could see the separated one almost as clearly as the original one.

Tonight we prayed all the way to 8:55 p.m. My sister asked whether Mother Mary would show up. I answered her with no hesitation, “Of course, she will show up.” I immediately started to pick up the tape recorder, getting ready to record Mother Mary’s message. And here is her message:

"My children, thank you for paying good attention in praying today. I am pleased. Your prayer will be heard by God in heaven."

I know that you are hurt (Mother Mary's messenger: My brother being indifferent to my good intention). But let me tell you every time I see my children (human beings) commit a sin I am more hurt than you and every human being. Give him love and compassion. Pray more for him. One day the blessing of God might be given to him.

Do not feel sorry. Look at the example of Lord Jesus who has only love for every human being. The Lord even gave up His life for them. He forgave even the person that sold Him. Follow His footsteps. Clean up your heart.

Do not abandon prayer, both in front of me and behind my back. This will make you in God’s grace. He has the greatest love waiting to give you. Do not be afraid of the sins you have committed (being afraid of being in front of Him because of the committed sins). Apologize to Him with sincerity. He is ready to forgive you.

You do not have to prepare anything for this Tuesday. Talk from your heart. Everyone will understand. The Holy Spirit will inspire you. (Mother Mary's messenger: I got an invitation from the father to talk about the experience I have received from Mother Mary).

About your nephew, converting him will take time. It will be like water that fills up the sandy well. Mom (Mother Mary's messenger: My sister) has to set an example for him to see.

Pray every day. Pray so he can hear you. And one day he will know how much Moms (Mother Mary's messenger: My sister and Mother Mary) love him.

What you want to do in the future has many obstacles. Do not be afraid. I will be with you. Every human being has good and bad parts. Some do not like to see others better than them. Forgive them. Love them more. Love will help them understand us (Mother Mary's messenger: Me and Mother Mary).

What you saw tonight is what I wanted you to see. All of my children, when they are under grace, will see me in their hearts. Even though they could not see me with their eyes, there is no need to feel sad.

Today I came here as promised. And I have promised that I will come here every Saturday to meet you, my children, who still believe in me. Your prayers will save sinners.

Keep praying and pray harder because nowadays there are a lot of sinners in this world. Do not feel sorry to see your brother being indifferent. One day he will receive the blessing from God so he can find the Lord. Do not give up your intention.

The Compassionate Mother for Justice
for Those Who Need Compassion
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Sunday, April 24, 2005, 3:00 – 4:30 a.m.
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, I brought the prayer that Mother Mary gave to Adelia Bernard on May 29, 1988 and passed it on to everyone here because I was not sure whether anyone has prayed this prayer.

I would like to thank Mr. Holy (pen name) for copying the story of the appearances of Mother Mary in Thailand from Issara Magazine (11th year, second issue) and posting it on the internet which helped me get this prayer.

I asked everyone to pray Mother Mary’s prayer in which she told Adelia that she was the Compassionate Mother for justice for those who need compassion and to follow it with the Apostles’ Creed and Hail Holy Queen.

Tonight Mother Mary said this to us,

"My children, thank you for coming here today. I have seen your perseverance in what you have been doing for a long time. Thank you for bringing back my prayer and praying it again. If you are under God’s grace, you should have already seen me in your hearts.

Thank you for coming to me with true confidence. I do not want anything except the faith coming from your heart.

I have been waiting for you for a long time (Mother Mary's messenger: Mother Mary has been waiting for those who opened their hearts to hear her voice). I have been looking for a chance to contact you but none of you heard me.

There is only this son of mine who has been trying to open his heart to me and try to hear my voice (Mother Mary's messenger: me). Sometimes he thought it was the voice that floated in the air, the voice that came from his own imagination. But I tell you that it was me who talked to him.

My dear children, have compassion for your relatives and friends. Give love and sympathy to those who are suffering and in sin. Bring my prayer that you received today and pray for them so they will receive help from me.

It has been such a long time that I have not heard this prayer. Thank you, my children. I am very glad that my prayer has been heard again.

Several of you might wonder what has happened. I would like to tell you that I have been watching all of you for a long time.

Children, renew your real intention that you have. Do penance for what you have promised but forgot to do it (Mother Mary's messenger: I, too, forgot to do penance for my brother on that day).

Today I tell you that the Kingdom of Heaven is open, welcoming you if you have faith and real intention to follow me. I will be with you everywhere.

Do not be surprised. These are my words. From now on you will hear my voice every time you come here to see me (Mother Mary's messenger: Every last Saturday of the month, through me who is Mother Mary’s communication equipment).

One day there will be several people following you. Do not feel sorry (Mother Mary's messenger: At that time, there was nobody joined us in prayer). Thank you, children, for always having love and faith in me.

God is very pleased to hear you praying and see you gathering here. Pray with special attention for the new-chosen one, your Pope. He will lead all of you.

Pray more, much more. The world is catching fire by sins. Human hearts and minds only seek their own benefits. They are ready to do everything that will please them without thinking about the adverse effect that will follow.

Pray for them to realize that I have been watching them, wanting them to know what true love is. It is not love that loves one’s self. It is the love that one is willing to give up his life for those that he loves to be happy.

I know that several of you are surprised. Never mind, one day you will hear my voice in your own hearts.”

Prayer of Consecration to the Compassionate Mother
Given by Our Lady to Adelia Bernard at the Holy Family Church,
Lamsai, Pathum Thani, Thailand, May 29, 1988.
Dearest Mother of compassion,
pleading for true justice for all mankind,
I offer to You all that I may do today.
I offer You my work and my rest, all my thoughts,
and all my prayers, all my joys and all my sorrows
and I hope that God shall sanctify my efforts and actions.
I put all in your hands with my love
and I ask the grace of forgiveness for myself and my brothers and sisters.
I abandon myself completely to your guidance
that You may add what I do to the Graces
which gush from your shrine bringing light and love,
hope and promise to our still dark world.
I pray that all who are poor, lost, hopeless, despairing, without courage,
all who search for peace and serenity find You and be comforted.
Offering Prayer to the Compassionate Mother
Compassionate Mother,
I offer you my life and my soul.
Please protect and purify my soul
so it will be worthy for you to dwell in.
Come, dearest Mother.
Please come and dwell in my heart
so that I can follow your footsteps
and place all of my trust in you wholeheartedly.
May everything be done to me
according to the will of the Heavenly Father.
Please make me accept everything with humility and serenity
and surrender everything
to whatever the Heavenly Father mercifully desires of me.
Here and now I offer my life and my soul to unite with you, Mother.
Please transform and purify my soul
so it will be clean and pure to serve our Lord.
+ Hail Holy Queen
+ Our Father
+ Hail Mary
+ Glory Be
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 11:18 am, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 3 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 3:13 am

The Teaching From Mother
Saturday, April 30, 2005, 9:00 – 9:30 p.m.
Tonight we started to pray at 7:30 p.m. Once we started to pray, I heard the sound of a big storm approaching. I thought a heavy rain would follow soon. But I was mistaken because soon I was severely disturbed by invisible things. I heard filthy, scolding, and disgusting words pouring into my ears the whole time I was praying the Holy Rosary.

I told, in my mind, those voices to go away but it was useless. So I asked all of us who were there to pray the Prayer of the Archangel Michael. We had to pray the prayer three times before those voices started to fade away.

My aunt told me that tonight the statue of Our Lady of Fatima was so beautiful, especially when she was giving me the message.

There was a bright- golden light shining around the statue. The statue seemed to come alive, tenderly looking at us with compassion.
But when she stopped giving the message, the bright- golden light disappeared. Once again, she became an ordinary statue.

Here is Mother Mary's message:

"My children, thank you very much for waiting for me. Today you were severely disturbed, right? Remember me every time you are tempted. Do not listen to the voice of evil in your heart. If you do not pay attention to it, you will not hear it.
I am very pleased that today you went to visit me at the house of a blessed family. It is not an accident. I wanted you to meet them. You will work with them in the future.

Thank you for doing everything for me with love. Your life will always be under my care. Start from yourself. Clean up your mind to be pure and then spread love and kindness to your family. They will receive the blessing from God to come back to Him, by your own action.

Your work starts to take shape now, right? There will be an obstacle every time. But you will learn how to solve the problem and get better every day.

Today I want to tell you that I have offered all of your prayers that you asked me to God. It is up to Him whether to grant it to you.

Be sturdy on what you are doing. Keep moving forward. This is only the beginning. Your relatives will also receive this blessing to come back to live under His grace. The piety will spread throughout this house and from this house to other houses.
Each day, think only good deeds you want to do.

Offer kindness to others. Give them love. Pray for them. And they will receive this blessing to come back and to stay together in God’s holy place on their judgment’s day.

Keep going. You have arrived at the right direction. God is very pleased with what you are doing. Do not forget the promise you gave me that you would help me with my work the rest of your life. Do not forget it.

Tell your relatives to pray more, especially those who are far away. Remind them to pray. The evil things that surround them are getting closer and closer (Mother Mary's messenger: The decline of morality).

Being in God’s grace is the only thing that can save them. Tell your children and grandchildren what I told you.

Forgive your relatives and those who upset you or whoever made you sad. Forgive them. Pray for them so they will come back to God and be His children again.

I tell you this: I love you and your family very much because all of your hearts have opened to me. There are very few who think like this in this time and age. Remember my word. I love every one of you. I will stay with every one of you forever."

The Messenger
Saturday, May 7, 2005, 8:45 – 9:15 p.m.
“My dear children, today I came to see you as promised. You already know the answer to what you wanted to ask me.

What you heard yesterday are all of the problems that will happen in the future. Be strong. I will be with you. Be perseverant. Do not fight back. If you truly believe in me, you will make it through. Think carefully before you execute what you want to do tomorrow.

Why do you want to know what the Red Death is? Didn’t you get the answer yesterday? (It is the evil spirit that came to cause destruction among the people that I know.)

Today I have been waiting for you for a long time. I saw you sleeping soundly. What did you learn yesterday? Share it with your family. Do not think that you are better than them. There are a lot of people who have been working harder for me than you most of their lives. They do not want anything in return. They do it because of their love for me.

The problems in the future are getting closer. Be alert. Ask God for wisdom, it will help you make it through. The voices that you heard yesterday were my warnings. Be firm in God. Do not be uncertain. His mercy will make you safe.

Look at the new converted as an example. He has offered his whole life to God. He accepts the will of God even when he is in the midst of suffering. Have a steady heart. Look at him as an example.

I tell you that your family might be affected by this. Love each other. Love each other more. Do not allow anything that will cause division among you to take place. You will be safe. (Mother Mary's messenger: There might be obstacles in spreading Mother Mary’s messages and the ripple effect on my family).

Write from your heart the lesson you learned yesterday in order for others to learn what the meaning of loving God with all of your heart and soul is.

Ask your heart, every one of you, whether you have done that. He is watching you.
Have you ever opened your heart to Him? Have you ever had time to hear His voice?
If you have real desire, you will hear His voice in your heart. It is the love with no boundaries. The love that wants to see you, His creation, come back to be in His grace.

(Mother Mary's messenger: I have learned that for those who truly believe and love Mother Mary, Lord Jesus and the Heavenly Father, they do not want to do anything to make Him feel bad in their daily life. They accept everything, if it is God’s will. They are willing to always comply with God’s will even when they are in the harshest suffering that nobody can help them, they still believe in Him.

They contemplate and plead for help with sincerity and with all their heart and soul, just like a child talking to his Mom and Dad. They will receive the Lord's blessing and find peace and tranquility.)

I am very sad that there are some in your family who still do not know how to open their hearts to God. Pray harder for them. I will help pleading to God so they will receive His grace.

Do not forget your promise to me to do penance. Your penance and your sister’s will bring him back. I heard your sister’s prayers. Keep trying. Nobody can win over God, regardless of how stubborn he is. Keep trying.

I have promised that every prayer you said I would ask God for you and I did. He is looking at your actions to see how strong your determination is.

You are not Vassula Ryden. Do not be afraid. You are my messenger.

(Mother Mary's messenger: I cried when I heard Mother Mary said this because my heart started to get shaky by some parts of the last message. It was like the message that Lord Jesus gave to Mrs. Vassula Ryden who is His messenger. It made me wonder whether I have remembered those words.

And I told Mother Mary that I did not want to be like Vassula. I want to be me. You may read Lord Jesus’ messages from the book called “True Life in God.”)

I feel bad that you were afraid to speak up while I was going to speak in front of those people (Mother Mary's messenger: I cried and told Mother Mary I was sorry).
(Yesterday my sister and I went to our older friend's house, a lady.

After we prayed, we shared our experiences of our blessings that we have received from Mother Mary. During that time, I realized that Mother Mary wanted me to tell them that I was her messenger.

She told me three times but I was afraid to interrupt the conversation and was too afraid to speak what she wanted. This is Mother Mary’s test of my heart to see whether I was brave enough to do what she wanted. That place was full of those who believe in her. I failed because I was so weak.)

Mother’s Prayer Given to Every Thai
Saturday, May 14, 2005, 9:45 – 10:00 p.m.
My dear children, thank you for letting your brothers and sisters send me off. Today I am very glad to see you paying attention at the confession, confessing your sins to God with sincerity.

The Lord promised that every time you confess your sins with real intention, regret, and with all your heart and soul, He will be there to hear your confession.

Listen to the teaching voice you hear. If you do what it tells you, your life will always has peace and tranquility (Mother Mary's messenger: Before going to the confession, I contemplated and asked the Heavenly Father to help me know Him because I have known and loved only Mother Mary since my childhood, all the way up to now).

I am very glad to see and hear the prayers in this house. Do you remember what I told you? Mom (Mother Mary's messenger: My sister) has to set an example for him to see. One day, this blessing from God will pour down to everyone in this house. All of them will come back to Him and be His children.

Every time you pray, God always listens. Pray more and more. Praying will always keep you in God’s grace. Tomorrow, when you go back home, you will hear several stories from those who went on the pilgrimage.

(Later, I actually heard the stories from those who went on the pilgrimage. They were impressed with the people of St. Michael the Archangel Parish (in Ban Nong Song Yae, Yasothon Province, Thailand) that each of them came to see Mother Mary with pure love.

The flowers they offered her, even though they were grown and from roadsides, seemed to be more valuable than the ones from people of Bangkok because it was the best they could find.

They came to see their most beloved Mother Mary with joy. And she came back to them with beauty and splendor.

It was not a surprise that Mother Mary chose to come and stay in their midst. Several of people who went on the pilgrimage received Mother Mary’s blessing. It helped them to receive miraculous help. So they came to send off Our Lady of Fatima, of Ban Nong Song Yae.)

Even though I am not here, you can go and see me in your heart. You know that I will be waiting to hear your voice, right?

Do not be afraid of the events in the future. God will not let His people fall into the suffering of body and mind. Have true faith and everything will be done according to His will.

I want to thank you again for trying to revive the prayer I gave to Adelia (Prayer of consecration to the Compassionate Mother given by Mother Mary to Adelia Bernard at the Holy Family Church, Lamsai, Pathum Thani, Thailand on May 29, 1988.)

I intentionally gave this prayer to every Thai. Whoever asks me through this prayer of mine will receive a special blessing from God.

Spread out this prayer. Make Christians in Thailand know it.

The Heavenly Father told me that now your heart has opened up to receive Him. The Lord will lead you to do my work with steadiness and alertness with the wisdom He gave you.

See, there was an obstacle every time you did my work (Mother Mary's messenger: Today I did not have a tape recorder that could record my voice, and my memory is not that good). But today you showed me, with the Lord's wisdom, that you could solve the problem.

Let there be praying everyday at this house. I will come to you when there are two or more of you praying. I promise.

Meeting With a Group of Young Evangelists
Tuesday, May 17, 2005, 12:30 – 1:00 a.m.
Tonight I went to meet a group of young evangelists. Every one of them was still innocent and truly believed in Christianity.

I was happy for them that they chose to do the work for God while people at their age are still God’s lost lambs. They asked me to ask Mother Mary how the work they were doing will turn out.

With your permission, I would like to disclose some portions of Mother Mary’s message, asking about their willingness,

”Ask your hearts whether you are ready to carry Lord Jesus’ cross. If the answer is 'no', back off.”

(Mother Mary's messenger: The reason Mother Mary said it because she wanted only the persons with real intention, not those who just wanted to go along with their friends or being forced to do it. And the work is not easy. There will be a lot of obstacles and temptations in the future.)

I was elated when they told Mother Mary that all of them would continue to drive on with the work. I was so glad for them that they were so blessed to know God at such a young age, unlike me who wasted decades before getting to know Him.
Today I learned much more about how great is Lord Jesus’ love for every human being.

I would like to thank those of you who know the fact; otherwise I would still be His lost son for a long, long time.

I have never understood why the Lord had to accept the suffering when He was able to choose to do other things. He chose to willingly carry the cross and accepted the suffering because of our sins.

The sins from our words caused Him to suffer contempt, being slapped in the face and being spitted on His face.

The sins from our thoughts caused the Lord to suffer by wearing the crown of thorns that penetrated His skull and made Him suffer with excruciating pain. I never thought of what He taught us with this lesson.

His body was torn apart with wounds that could not be accurately counted because of the sins against human flesh that were repeatedly committed over and over with no end. Our hands and feet that took us to commit sins caused the Lord to be nailed to the cross.

How great is His suffering to redeem us from these sins?

When I heard about this fact, I was shocked and so sorry that I have never loved the Lord like I loved Mother Mary. I felt closer to her than to Him. Mother Mary is the mother of every human being. I never thought of Lord Jesus, even when I was tempted.

When I got home, I remembered the work I volunteered to do for the father. I picked it up and it turned out to be the prayer to the image of Lord Jesus and Novena Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Lord Jesus. The words in the Prayer made me cry with sorrow. Here is the prayer:

“Lord, I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love You. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not trust, and do not love You.”

Lord Jesus has been waiting for me at this house (Mother Mary's messenger: I am like a house), for a long time but I have never opened my heart to Him.

So I contemplated and told Him, “Lord Jesus, Mother Mary has taught me how to love You but with my stupidity I could not understand her teaching. Now my eyes are open. I will try to avoid temptations and being in mortal sins because I have realized how great is Your love for every human being.”

Spiritual Director
Saturday, May 21, 2005, 10:43 – 11:05 p.m.
My dear children, thank you for waiting for my message. I was the one that led you through everything that happened today. Did anyone of you think you would stay with the father this long?

It is God’s will to let you have an opportunity to be close to him who was full with the power of compassion.

It was me who told you today to tell father that he is now your spiritual director. I am very happy that you have been following my directions all the time.

Everyone you met was the one I wanted you to know. They will have a part to help your work moving along. Even though there will be obstacles, they will be able to give you advice to overcome them because of their experiences.

Be proud. God was very pleased that today your family and relatives went to pray in front of me (Mother Mary's messenger: At the rectory, priest’s residence). Do not forget the lesson from today's homily. Think over with great care so you will know what my message is.

Give love with no strings attached, no expectations, even for those whom you know will disregard your good will. Do not give up on asking and praying to God. The power of love will spread out, from you to those around you. And from those around you, it will spread out further.

The Heavenly Father has the greatest love for every human being. Try opening up your heart to welcome Him to be with you. You will find true peace and tranquility.
Today do you remember that father told you, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you"?

It is God’s plan to let all of you have a part in today’s event. Believe in Him. Offer your lives and your hearts to Him. Do each day’s activities to praise Him. Each one of you go over what you have learned today. Listen to the voice in your heart and follow it.

Thank you, I heard you (Mother Mary's messenger: Today my Mom said she wished she had won a big lottery jackpot so she could spend the money to finish up the roof of the church that is under construction). I do not expect money or anything. Everything will be done according to God’s will. Make sure your heart is with Him.

Try going over what you have said today, why you wanted the money. Be content with what God gave you and your family.

Even though it is a small amount of money, I will be pleased if it comes from your heart that is full of compassion, giving with real intention.

Look around you in order to see those who are suffering more than you. Aren’t you satisfied that you have received God’s blessing to have peace and tranquility? Think about it again with great care.

God only wants your wholesome soul; the Lord does not expect to receive money or any valuable items from you.

Love Him with all your heart and soul.

Do you understand what I said? Be content with what the Lord has given you.

Receiving a Message in Front of Father
for the First Time
Sunday, May 22, 2005, 1:00 – 1:30 a.m.
My dear children, I am very glad that you came and gathered here together. Everything you saw and shared today is your experience that was willed by God to make it happen.

My son, today was the first day I wanted you to stay with the father (Mother Mary's messenger: Me, the messenger) so he could see the whole thing. He could grasp whether what you said is true.

My children, I am so happy to see that all of you got inspired to be God’s children. Let all of you thank God with all your hearts and souls.

My son, today you were very brave (Mother Mary's messenger: I was brave to say what is in Mother Mary’s message in front of the father), confident, and you believed that this is my message.

Do not be afraid, everyone. Even though the work in the future will be difficult, God will lead you. Trust Him. His endless love will lead you to the path He has already planned for you.

Trust the Lord.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 11:25 am, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 2 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 3:29 am

Telling the Events in the Future
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Sunday, May 29, 2005, 3:45 – 4:30 a.m.
My dear children, thank you. I am so glad that there are new members coming and praying here tonight.

Each one of you was chosen by God to do a job in this world. I would like to welcome the new members who are going to be Christians with great joy.

Tonight I heard you pray, especially the prayer I gave to Adelia. You do not have to pray it so often like this (Mother Mary's messenger: Mother Mary was amused that I led everyone to pray this prayer too many times, like a responsorial psalm). I just want you to spread out this prayer to Thai Christians so they will know it and ask me for help. Whoever prays this prayer of mine will receive a special blessing from God.

I am very glad that each one of you is starting to know what your capability is.
You don’t think this is an accident that all of a sudden you know what to do, right?

(Mother Mary's messenger: Each one of us got different blessings from God. So when we get together, we are able to do His work given to us).

Whoever believes in God will always receive responses from Him. And the sick will be healed by the blessing of Lord Jesus.

I want to thank all of you who are advanced in age and bodies are in decline, but still come to see me with true love. This will be the testimony of your faith. After your death, we will meet in heaven.

Son, I want to tell you that your Dad (Mother Mary's messenger: A father of one of those who came and joined us in prayer) has already been in God’s grace and blessing. Trust the Lord.

Your family is very blessed. Lord Jesus is particularly pleased with you. You love Him with all your heart and soul. Listen to His voice and move on the path He has planned for you.

From now on, several of the older members (Mother Mary's messenger: Those old people who came and prayed the last 16 years) might not be able to come again (Mother Mary's messenger: Mother Mary's voice was full of sadness). Even though they could not come, they can send their hearts to me. I promise that I will be there with you when the last day of your life has arrived (Mother Mary's messenger: Everyone who came to pray tonight). Remember my words.

My son, disclose some of what you heard today to those who were involved only, otherwise there might be some adverse effects that you have not expected to happen (Mother Mary's messenger: The following message had disappeared because the starting point of the tape recorder did not work. I asked Mother Mary to tell me the missing portion of it, below is what she told me).

Each human heart is too difficult for you to understand. Seeking his or her profits and not wanting to see others better than he or she happen all the time. Don’t be scared of anything. God has already dictated your path. Follow the path. Be alert, be perseverant and be forgiving.

Spread love to those around you. Forgive those that you know will discard your good will. Look at Lord Jesus as an example.

You know how much He loves human beings, right?

The Lord is your teacher. Follow His footsteps and you will find only peace and tranquility. Let your heart be firm from now on, no matter what happens.
Be in God’s grace. Give love to every one of your fellow human beings. I promise that the fruits of your compassion and love will come back to you.

The Devil's Work
Saturday, June 11, 2005, 10:45 – 11:15 p.m.
My dear son, I would like to thank you for giving up your time to pray and ask for Lord Jesus’ blessing for the poor family. Your kindness will be reciprocated by the Heavenly Father. The power of love and compassion with the blessing from the Heavenly Father makes everything possible.

I want to thank you for your willingness to follow the path I dictated for you at all time.

Today is another day you got tested by me. I know that you were confused but with God’s wisdom you were able to pick the right choice. From now on you will learn by yourself what other people have been seeking their whole lives (Mother Mary's messenger: The Contemplative Prayer, a technique of meditating and praying to leave everything to God’s will).

My children, let all of you remember that the power of love, compassion, and the Prayer of Divine Mercy of Lord Jesus make everything possible.

Son, tell your sister that it is God’s will to see her traveling full with difficulties (Mother Mary's messenger: My sister’s legs hurt every time she went to church). Son, even though she was hurt, she was willing to go and see God. Tell her to offer this pain to Lord Jesus. He is with her. Tell her to carry the cross with Him.

If your sister accepts this pain, it will be a great penance and a part of Lord Jesus’ suffering. And with love and devotion to Lord Jesus, He will take away the pain. Soon the pain will be gone.

Son, the devil does not want to see anybody close to God. Whomever He particularly favors, will be particularly temped. Be firm in Him. Offer every activity to the Lord. Let the Lord lead you.

Son, nothing comes easy. Nobody can go to heaven without going through pain. Sharing the suffering with Lord Jesus is the only way that will save you from sins and lead you to heaven.

Remind your brothers and sisters that at this present time the devil is working very hard on a large amount of sins. Let them listen to God’s voice in their hearts and they will be safe.

Everything that happened today was God’s plan and it was done according to His will (Mother Mary's messenger: The test given to me by Mother Mary).
Children, let all of you stay in state of grace because the devil is doing his work. He can come in every shape and form, especially in your thought. He can do his work on you with ease if you listen to his voice, even a tiny bit of it. Do not believe him. Turn your back from him and pray right away. I promise that you will be safe.

Trust in God
Sunday, June 19, 2005, 12:00 – 12:15 a.m.
My son, today you came and asked for my blessing. I had to come and see you because of your kindness for other people.

All the problems you asked me are up to the Lord whether He will solve them or not. Nothing is impossible for the Lord (Mother Mary's messenger: I asked Mother Mary about a problem that belonged to one of my acquaintances).

Tell him to plead and pray to the Lord from his heart. He will receive the blessing by his own doing (Mother Mary's messenger: This acquaintance of mine asked me to pray on his behalf for a special blessing from Mother Mary).

Human beings want a lot of things to go their own way but the Lord has His own reasons whether to grant them what they want or not. He might have better things to give them. Do not give up on trying. Keep praying for His mercy. If it is the Lord’s will to let him get what he wants, he will get it right on time.

If he does not get it this time, it means the Lord wants him to come back and finish what he has started. Trust in God. He has never abandoned those who believed in Him with all their hearts and souls.

Yesterday you were in front of a lot of people. The group of young evangelists and all grown-ups heard my voice through you. Even though you could not remember the whole message, know that it was my message to the group of the young evangelists.

Tell those children not to doubt God’s blessings anymore. Each of them will receive different blessings. But when they come together, they will be able to accomplish His work according to His will.

Tell the children that when they have received the Lord's blessings, they will know in their hearts about the capability that He has given them. There is no need for you to tell them what their blessings are. They will know it themselves.

Tell them to have confidence in the Lord. Listen to the voice in their hearts. The Lord will lead them. Everything will be done according to His will only. Let all of them truly believe in God and it will be enough for everything.

Knowing in advance for human beings might have adverse effects on them (Mother Mary's messenger: Mother Mary means knowing in advance of the blessing from God that each of them might receive, might not be good for them because human beings still have the Seven Deadly Sins.

They might be tempted by the devil, making them crazy about themselves or not wanting to see anybody better than they. They might be like Adam and Eve who made the mistake a long time ago).

Trust and let everything go according to God's will. He has never abandoned those who trusted Him.

Tell them to trust in God and love Him with all their hearts and souls.

My Witnesses Receiving the Message From Mother Mary
Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Sunday, June 26, 2005, 3:51 – 4:19 a.m.
Tonight we did not pray in front of the grotto because it was raining lightly almost all the time. So we prayed in front of the entrance of the church. Tonight I had an urgent task in the city so it was almost 2:30 a.m. when I came to join them and started to pray with them.

After praying, around 3:30 a.m., I felt inexplicably sad and down. Later on, I felt that Mother Mary and Lord Jesus have arrived in front of us, at the church square. In my mind, I saw Mother Mary on the left and Lord Jesus, wearing a red cape, on the right. I asked everyone to be quiet so I could concentrate on receiving Mother Mary’s message.

Tonight Mother Mary was very sad. I could feel it so I cried the whole time.

“My dear children, thank you very much for trying to stay awake and for praying in front of me to pay me homage. From now on, the devil will work harder and harder. Today the father had told some of you about it. Do penance for the sins that you or other people have committed.

Do not give up praying. The devil moves in very quickly, even at a flash of your thought. He will take you away from God.

The Heavenly Father is very concerned about you so He let me come to warn you that the world is in commotion because of the sins human beings have committed. Human beings almost completely forget God, especially those in the West. They no longer believe in God.

Let all of you plead and pray for the blessing of the Heavenly Father. Pray for those who have no religion in order for them to come back to Him. Come to be His children. Do not let the devil take them away.

I know that several of you are surprised (Mother Mary's messenger: Those who were there) to hear this son of mine talk (Mother Mary's messenger: Mother Mary means me, the messenger). But let all of you believe that this is my message so you will be the witnesses of him receiving the message from me.

The Heavenly Father let me come to warn you, your children, and your grandchildren that the disaster is approaching, coming from fellow human beings’ hands. The Heavenly Father’s hands are the only thing that can stop it. All of you need to hurry up and pray to stop His anger.

Human beings have committed a lot of sins. Their hearts have been altered, thinking only what they want and do what they want to do. They have never asked God, even a tiny bit, what He wants. The Lord wants His children to live in His peace and tranquility.

If some of you do not believe this, I could not stop you. But for those who believe, pass the word around that I have come to warn you not to give up praying and do penance for the sins committed by you and the whole world.”

That night we prayed in front of the Holy Family Church at Lamsai. All of us knelt down on the ground and asked for the blessing from Mother Mary and Lord Jesus. Several of us could feel the power of His mercy. They felt that they had been freed of worries and also had peace of mind.

Warning of the Disaster
Saturday, July 2, 2005, 10:40 – 10:58 p.m.
My dear children, thank you for coming to pray and wait for my message. The things you have been experiencing during this time were caused by demons. They will keep bothering you. The more a person tries harder to get closer to God, the more they will try to take him away from the Lord.

I want to thank you for your good intention (Mother Mary's messenger: Mother Mary means my sister). Doing penance is necessary at this time. Whoever does penance will receive special blessings.

The devil cannot harm you and additionally you will receive the power of grace to pass on to other people and save them from sins.

I have warned you twice on this subject. Once again, I still insist that all of you need to do penance for your sins and for other sinners. The disasters have been waiting in front of you. They come from human thoughts and from evil spirits that cause human beings to fall into sins.

Selfishness, greed, and the desire to be powerful will cause a lot of destructions.

The Heavenly Father already sent me to warn you once. I, again, insist that nobody will be saved from these disasters without praying and doing penance for the conversion of sinners.

You are one of those chosen by God (Mother Mary's messenger: Mother Mary means my sister). Your penance will save a lot of people from the disasters caused by the hands of your fellow human beings.

Spread the word that doing penance must come from the heart. You will be able to help those in the purgatory too. Tell your children and grandchildren about this matter.

The Heavenly Father does not want to see these disasters to happen. Because of human beings' sins and evil spirits, human beings will destroy each other.

The situation at this moment is bad. It will get worse as time progresses. Let everyone hurry up and pray, apologize to the Heavenly Father for all the sins that your fellow human beings have committed. The Lord does not want to see this destruction to happen again.

I pray for you to always stay in God’s grace.

Image of the Compassionate Mother
Saturday, July 9, 2005, 11:20 – 11: 45 a.m
I would like to thank all of you for praying with good attention today.
To be fruitful, doing penance must come from the heart. My children, I heard all the things you have been asking from me.

I have never broken my promise to you that I will meet you here every Saturday. Tonight, I come as promised. At this time I could not give you answers for some things that you have been asking from me. Keep asking from the Heavenly Father. When the time is right, you will receive answers from the Lord in your hearts.

You have been asking to see my image, like the one Adelia saw. My children, it depends on the levels of your minds which are not equal among you. And that is the cause of the difference in seeing my image. Even though I showed up for all of you at the same place, some of you could not see me, some of you saw me the way they wanted to see, and some of you were able to see me the way I wanted them to see.

At the end of this month, one of you will have a chance to see me. My image will be similar to the one that Adelia saw. That person will be the one to tell you how I look like. It is a special blessing from the Heavenly Father given to him so he can see my image that everyone has been asking for.

I would like to tell you whether you see me or not, or see me in any kind of images, be sure that it is I who come to see you as I have promised you.

My Children, nobody has seen the real me. The image of me that a person saw depends on the level of his mind. Do not worry about my image. There is no need to create a new image of me that will be uniquely designed for all of you at this place.

Every time you see me from a painting, sculpture, or even in your mind, those are the images of me that is your share to see.

Be content that even though you did not see me like Adelia used to see, you have already met me in your hearts.

At this moment there is something more important than my image: doing penance in order to convert people so they will come back to God.

The power of grace from penance will help saving people from sins, dangers, and will be able to save souls.

My children, hurry up and do penance. When the time is right, you will see me the way I want you to see.

Hurry up to pray and do penance.

The Fourth Warning
Sunday, July 17, 2005, 12:12 – 12:30 a.m.
My dear children, I would like to give special thanks to all of you today for good attention in praying and doing penance as you have promised me. The Lord is very pleased with the power of grace that came from your prayers, even though it came from a small number of you.

He gave the blessing to human beings through you (Mother Mary's messenger: The Lord gave the blessing to all human beings who have abandoned Him through us who were there).

Every time you pray and do penance, you could save at least one soul or more, depending on your determination.

It is God’s will to let everything that you have experienced today to happen for you. It is His will to let you participate and be in those events.

I want to reiterate that the two of you have been chosen by God to do His work in different ways. Accept His will. Ask the Lord not to let everything go according to what each of you wants.

Today my Dearest Son has come in front of you. He is very merciful to your family. Do not forget, in each day, to offer all of your works to Him and join Him in carrying His cross of pain and suffering. It is the Lord's will to let you be the representatives of a small group of people who believe in Him, and love Him with all their hearts and souls.

I still insist that the disasters will not go away without praying and doing penance from all of you. The Heavenly Father is very sad to see human beings, His creation, kill and destroy each other.

Oh! There are a lot of human sins. They are in their thoughts and in everything they decide and do. They listen to the evil spirits inside them instead of listening to their Guardian Angels. They do it because of greed, endless desire, and envy of others (not wanting to see other better than they).

Human beings have committed these sins over and over again but never realized what they did. They are satisfied with what they did and with the result they expected to get.

Oh! Poor human beings, you are being pulled away from God to a faraway place, very far from us (Mother Mary's messenger: far from those in heaven). You have never opened your hearts to listen to warnings, objections, and pleas from us in heaven who do not want to see you fall into sins like this. I am very sad. How many of you who still believe in me and listen to me?

My children, let all of you spread this message to those who have faith so they will know and understand that God has sent me to warn you for the fourth time. Poor human beings, don’t you know what you are doing!

(Mother Mary’s messenger: When Mother Mary said this thing to us I could not restrain myself from crying. I know how sad Mother Mary felt because of the sins that human beings like us have committed.)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 11:32 am, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 3 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 3:53 am

Disasters From Human Hands
Sunday, July 24, 2005, 1:40 – 2:05 a.m.
My dear children, today I would like to tell you that I have been watching you for a long time. I am very pleased with everything you did last week.

It is God’s will to let you move forward on the path directed by Him. Tell other people that the Lord is pleased that there are more of penance, fasting, and prayer. Even though these activities came from a small number of people, The Lord has seen tremendous love with willingness to sacrifice for others from all of you. Keep doing it because what you do will be rewarded much more in heaven.

The Heavenly Father let me come to tell you that the disasters are ending but there are a lot of losses. At the final stage of crisis, human beings will come back to God when they are in the deepest trouble and do not know whom to turn to. Before the disasters they have never thought of Him. They have wasted so much of the precious time.

Human beings are like this. When they are happy, they forget God. They are so obsessed with empty happiness, a temporal joy, which is not the happiness of eternal life. At the last second of their deepest trouble, they think of God. They apologize to the Lord, ask for His forgiveness, and beg for His help to save them.

My children, I am very sad. Why are human beings so forgetful like this? They wait until the last second and ask the Lord for help? What will they get from doing this? Throughout their lives, they have never thought, even a tiny bit, what they would do to please God.

Even though God will always forgive you, do not forget that whatever amount of sins you have committed and He has forgiven you for those sins, you have to make atonements for those sins by yourselves.

True love is forgiving, just like the Lord who has forgiven all of you. Be mindful when you still have a chance and it is still not too late to ask for His mercy and forgiveness.
His mercy will lead you away from the sufferings.

But as long as human beings listen to the evil spirits in their hearts, which keep telling them to do the wrong things, disasters in the future will happen again by human hands.

Poor human beings, why do you keep doing it over and over again? Are the lessons you have received not enough for you? I am very sad.

You Are My Children
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Sunday, July 30, 2005, 3:30 – 3:58 a.m.
My dear children, I would like to thank all of you for coming to pray together at this place in order to pay me homage and ask forgiveness for the sins of the whole world.
Today I am very happy to see the new members.

They came without being forced. They came with no expectation to see any miracle. They came because they love me. Thank you very much, my children.

During the past period, I have been watching all of you living your lives and doing your daily chores. Children, I saw everything you did.

Even though sometimes you made mistakes willingly or unwillingly, everything that you bring to me at this place to ask from me, I will offer them to the Heavenly Father. If you are truly sorry for the mistake you have made and have strong determination not to do it again, you will receive forgiveness from the Heavenly Father.

The events that are happening now and the ones that have happened in other parts of the world are the result of the sins that have been willingly committed by human beings. They committed the sins even though they were fully aware of the adverse effects that would follow.

Children, I hope you still remember my warning about praying and doing penance for the Lord's forgiveness on behalf of your friends and loved ones. I still insist that praying and doing penance could not stop people with sins in their hearts.

I have told you that the Heavenly Father sent me to tell you that the disasters are ending. They will end for only a short period of time. The people with sins in their hearts will start doing the evil things again.

I want to tell you that today is not an accident that all of you have gathered here. I want you to know what I told you. If you have faith, bring this message to your loved ones. Peace will happen for only a short period of time.

I am very sad that only few people understand and willingly comply with God’s will. There are many enticing, tempting, and harmful things in this world. My heart aches when I see you going astray. Children, bring faith and piety to warn those who are lost so they will come back in the arms of the Heavenly Father.

All of you are lucky to listen to the warning voice in your hearts. The Heavenly Fathers’ love is very powerful. He will listen to even a single person who pleads with Him. And He will not punish the person whom that single person pleaded for His mercy.

I thank all of you for your kindness. Without people like you, the world will not be at peace.

Do not think what I told you is an incredible burden that every one of you must carry. God has never let anyone do anything beyond his capability.

Let all of you be proud. Each one of you has been chosen to do different tasks in order for the world to live in peace.

Children, now my Dearest Son is in front of you. He wants to listen to what each one of you wants. Tell the Lord what you want from your heart. He is listening.

Mother Mary’s messenger: I told all of them to tell Lord Jesus what they want and ask for His blessing. I felt the power of His mercy and might. I do not remember everything I asked Him. I asked Him everything that popped up in my head. But I certainly remember that Lord Jesus was merciful to all of us and gave His blessing to every one of us for an extended period of time.

Then Lord Jesus started to talk to me, "The power of grace from every time there is a gathering to pray could lighten up everything. The sick will be comforted, and the tragedies in life will be relieved. Do not forget the power of faith and devotion for the Heavenly Father.

Normally, you will not hear my voice (Lord Jesus means me, Mother Mary’s messenger). But today I want you to know that I have been watching you too. There were several times that you started to get off the path I dictated for you but you were able to timely turn around and listen to the voice in your heart.

Remember that all of you are my children. I will never abandon anyone of you. Once in a while, think of me. Do not let me suffer more than this.”

(Mother Mary’s messenger: When I heard Lord Jesus told me this part, my tears inexplicably started to roll down my cheeks. I could not stop crying. I was very sorry to disappoint Him and make Him suffer. I could not remember the next prayer. I kept crying and feeling sorry that I was not strong enough and I did not deserve to be mercifully lifted up by Him from a lowly place three years ago.

I thanked Mother Mary for never abandoning me, even though I am a sinner. And I thanked Lord Jesus for being here with us tonight. I will never forget His mercy on this occasion.)

The Assigned Work
Sunday, August 7, 2005, 3:05 – 3:35 a.m.
My son, today I have seen your attempt to pray for the atonement of all human sins. Even though you could not pray all what you wanted, you have shown me that you really wanted to pray and to make it a penance to receive the Lord's forgiveness for all the sins on behalf of your fellow human beings.

From now on, I will give you opportunities to get closer to me. Talk to me from your heart. I will be there every time to listen to your pleas. No matter when or where you are, you will always receive my response.

From now on, your soul will be close to me. Talk to me like you talk to your mother. I will be waiting to hear your pleas with great joy.

All these things are the will of the Heavenly Father. Your journey on this world has begun (Mother Mary's messenger: Going out to help fellow human beings). Everything will be done according to His will. Keep listening to the voice in your heart and follow it. The Lord has already planned everything in advance for you. Follow the path He dictated for you.

Use your special gift wisely. And do not use it in the wrong way. Don’t be the devil’s tool. The father will be your good adviser in everything. He knows everything you did, even though you did not tell him.

My dear son, remember that I will wait to hear your voice every time and every minute. Your heart will be connected to me. Be humble to everyone. Treat everyone like your own brothers and sisters.

My Dearest Son is very pleased that you work for Him with confidence and trust in only Him.

In the future, you will have opportunities to use this wonderful gift to help fellow human beings who are sick or in misery. Remember that the Lord always watches you. Comply with His will. Follow His footsteps.

Son, loving with no expectation for reciprocation is your wok that you will do. Love every human being like your relative, regardless of who that person is. Be their shelter so they will know and feel God's love.

I am very glad that you always pleaded with me for other people every time you prayed. The Heavenly Father is very pleased. He listens to your pleas and will grant what you want when the time is right.

Do not forget that you told me that you are His servant the rest of your life. I will always keep an eye on you and give you comfort.

From me, the Mother of all human race

The Test
Friday, August 12, 2005, 10:40 – 11:00 p.m.
My dear children, today is another day that I have come to stay in the midst of you, even though today is not the day I planned for. I am glad to come here to see you as you wished.

Do not doubt in God’s plan that He has designed for both of you (Mother Mary's messenger: Myself and my older sister) to work together. Listen to the voice in your heart. Be firm and follow that voice. It is God’s will to let you do what He wants.

The Heavenly Father has prepared everything for you a long time ago. Follow the path He has dictated for you. Do not be surprised with what happened today. It is His will to test both of you (Mother Mary's messenger: Myself and my older sister) to see how firm you were with Him. Love with no strings attached; sacrifice and pain will make you closer to Him every day.

I thank you for your good will, for not being angry, and for praying to forgive those who hurt your feelings.

It is my Dearest Son’s will to let both of you take part in His suffering. Remember that both of you have been chosen for the task of releasing souls, helping others, and being their comfort. Today you should remember what the father preached in the church. Being obedient in everything like me must come from the heart. Be restrained, be perseverant and no fighting back, regardless of what happens. These are the blessings that the Lord gave you. Accept them with gladness.

From now on, both of your hearts will be close to me and they will be closer to me every day. My Dearest Son is very pleased to see what you did today. You were right to offer everything for the salvation of the world from the power of the evil spirits. I am very glad to see you willing to follow the designed path.

Do not be afraid. I will always be with you. Be assured.

Small Candles in the Dark
Saturday, August 13, 2005, 9:50 – 10:05 p.m.
My dear children, today is another day that I am glad to meet all of you. Whatever you did to serve God, He is very pleased.

Stop the intention to write about your experience that you received yesterday. Even though it is real, some of the readers might not understand what you try to explain. The Church will be harmed. And people will look at both of you differently from what you want, at the opposite end. Remember that whatever you do and as long as the Lord knows, there is no need to explain to anybody else.

Children, I thank you very much for spreading your love to others. Hold on and follow Lord Jesus’ path. Give with no strings attached. Give with no need to tell where it comes from. The Heavenly Father always sees and knows everything.

Spend the rest of your life, every time and every minute, to gain the most benefits out of it. Do not forget that the world still needs a lot of prayers. Pray and plea to the Heavenly Father for your relatives, neighbors, your country, and every country in the world to have peace and tranquility.

Even though it might be only your voice, He will always listen to you. He will be satisfied and will not punish those you have asked for His forgiveness.

Children, let all of you live to be the witnesses of the Heavenly Father’s love. You are the small candles that have been lighted up in the dark. Your light will make many people see the path of salvation. Do not forget my words.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 11:37 am, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 2 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 4:10 am

Be Close to God
Sunday, August 21, 2005, 00:30 – 1:05 a.m.
On Saturday, August 20, my aunt, my older sister and I went to a novena after church. We had a chance to see the father. And today is my birthday so I asked him for a special blessing. And because of the blessing, I saw a vision, as clear as I saw it with my own eyes.

I saw Santo Niño holding a big Host in His hands. And the Host was brightly green, shining all the time. I did not understand what the Lord wanted. I had to wait in order for me to ask Mother Mary when she came on Saturday night.

The father kindly taught us on several subjects, particularly daily praying to get close to God and praying for the blessing for the sick that we could not personally visit. Before we knew it, it was 10 p.m. We had to hurriedly say goodbye.

Tonight praying started a little late. It was about midnight when we finished praying. The message I got from Mother Mary turned out to be the one I got on Sunday.

“My dear children, today I am very glad to see you understand being with God in your daily life. Remember that all the prayers that do not come from your heart are useless, in comparison to your spending every second and every breath you take to be close to the Lord.

It is not the time for you to understand what you asked (Mother Mary's messenger: My sister told me to ask Mother Mary the meaning of the vision she saw. She saw Our Lady of Sorrows in black and white, the shining cross, Pope John Paul II, and the Miraculous Medal with light shining from both of Mother Mary’s palms.)

God will gradually disclose them to you, starting from a small picture to bigger and bigger picture until you finally understand all of them with His wisdom.

Human beings are like this. Everyone wants to know what God’s will is. What is the correct answer? What is white? And what is black?

Have trust in His will. He will disclose to you when you are in the situation to understand by yourself. Try to think back how many times you received the visions and did not understand them but in the end you knew by yourself what you wanted to ask.

No more doubt. Offer everything in God’s hands. He nourishes you with spirit and soul. His grace given to you is still coming endlessly.

My dear children, asking forgiveness of sins for people requires penance. This is the only thing that can stop God’s anger. Do not forget to do penance.

My Dearest Son asked me to tell you that what you saw tonight is your task for you to do (Mother Mary's messenger: I saw Santo Niño holding a big Host in His hands. And the Host is brightly green, shining all the time.) He will tell you by His own way.

I thank you for offering both of your mind and soul to be under my care. I tell you that what will happen in the future, the Heavenly Father can see and understand with His foresight. Let yourself follow His will. Do not do it for fame or praise. Accept the judgment from human beings.

What you have received is just only the beginning. This is what I have warned you not to judge other people. How do you feel being judged by others? (Mother Mary's messenger: I just understand Mother Mary’s purpose after she has been repeatedly teaching me this thing for a long time. Now I know how painful it is for those people that got judged by others). Let this be the Heavenly Father’s task.

There are several other things pertaining to members of your family that require your help. Look around you and see who needs help. Do not look only for people from the outside. Their souls will not be at peace if they have not been guided to the Lord.

Remember I told you that you are a candle in the dark. Bring this light to your relatives first. God always sees what you have already done and your good intentions. Do not let the evil spirits have power over you. They are waiting for a chance. They will come in and start to work whenever your heart starts to get flimsy. Remember me and you will be saved from danger.

I tell you at this time and place that both of you must remember my words that were told through the father. Offer yourself to be close to God in every minute. Praying is only a helping tool for those that do not know how to communicate to God. But for both of you, you have already passed that stage.

Have you heard the Lord's voice in your heart? Talk to Him like you talked to the father today. The Lord is wherever you open your heart to Him.

I thank you for everything you did for me in the past. Go and let your fellow human beings know how great the Heavenly Father’s Love is.

Do not expect anything in return. Give from your heart. Even though it is a little thing, it means a great deal to those in heaven.

Every one of you is lucky to have a chance to hear my voice and to receive my warning.

Go back and go over what you have done today to serve God. What are your discrepancies? Apologize to Him from your heart. And don’t do it again.

I am very glad that there are several of you my children who are willing to share the suffering in my heart.”

The Appearance of Mother Mary
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Sunday, August 28, 2005, 3:30 – 4:00 a.m.
Once we arrived at Lamsai and had dinner, I excused myself to pray in front of the grotto before it was getting dark because every Saturday I wanted to pray five sets of the Rosary, extra addition, for the penance I intended to do.

The time went by so fast and it was sunset. I started to have problems reading the prayers but still tried to finish the fourth set.

During that time, I saw the light shining like a red star coming out from the robe underneath the elbow of Mother Mary’s statue. I turned around to check whether it was the reflection of the sun. It was impossible to be the reflection of the sun because it was already dark. It made me wonder whether today Mother Mary wanted to tell me something.

And while I was praying, I sensed with my mind, in a brief instant, that the statue of Mother Mary in the grotto has been transformed.

Mother Mary got a glassy robe covering her blue dress. She was holding a book close to her chest with her right hand. She was surrounded by angels holding a sword in one of their hands. Mother Mary was wearing a high crown, but I could not clearly see it. So I told her in my mind that if it was her intention to let me see her like this, please let me see her one more time. And I saw her again, but only for a few seconds. I could not give additional details.

There was no sign of rain tonight so we went to pray at the lawn in front of Mother Mary’s grotto. The youth group joined us around midnight. We started to pray the novena prayers of the Compassionate Mother together.

Several of us saw the transformation of the statue of Mother Mary while we were praying. Some saw the robe changed color from white to brown then to grey with light pink. The face also changed, it grew a beard and white hair replaced the robe that was covering her face. There was a bird, a symbol of the Holy Spirit, above her head. Underneath her right elbow at the tip of the robe, we saw a bright and shining star. It looked like the one I saw in the evening, but it was not the red one.

While we were singing praise to Mother Mary, one of our elders led us singing praise to Our Lady Agoo. This elder told me to look at Mother Mary’s forehead to see whether there was anything there. I saw with my mind that in the middle of her forehead there was a star, a special symbol of Our Lady of Agoo. I saw the rays of light coming out from that star which immediately lit up her face. Several people could see the star on her forehead during that time, too.

Several people saw Lord Jesus, after He died, being hugged by Mother Mary at the rock that was on the right side of the front of the grotto. The wound on His face, from being tortured, was clearly visible. His mouth opened, showing His tongue which was pierced by a sharp object and His broken nose from being punched. This vision lasted until Sunday before the morning Mass.

It was 3:00 a.m. when I excused myself to get ready to receive Mother Mary’s message. Mother Mary gave the message to me after we quieted down.
“My dear children, today I am very happy to see several new members of your group. What you have asked me depends on each one of your heart, whether you can see me like Adelia saw me. Today I allow you to see me. Focus your heart on me. Look at me closely. If the level of your heart is high enough you will see me.

Do not be surprised with the similarity between the messages you received today and the ones you got earlier. Human beings still forget God and are obsessed with a lot of sins (Mother Mary's messenger: Mother Mary’s voice started to get sad. It made me cry). It was the Heavenly Father’s will to let me come to warn you every time I showed up. Your prayers will soften His heart not to punish the sinners. There are too many of them at this time.

Let all of you be proud that today I really come to see you. No more doubt. There are few people in the world at this present time that open their hearts to me like what you are doing now.

My dear children, I do not want to mention it to make the Church look bad, but it is true that even several of those who have been ordained to serve God are under the power of Satan and evil spirits which lead them into the wrong path.

Pray to God for His forgiveness for those ordained persons who have been chosen to lead His flock to heaven.

Pray more and do more penance for the conversion of sinners. Look at me closely and you will see how much it hurts me.

My Dearest Son is now in your midst. Offer yourselves and your souls at His feet. Let Him lead you until the day you die. He is very kind, giving each of you an opportunity to ask from your heart what you want from Him. Ask and you will receive. The Lord is listening.

My Dearest Son is very pleased that you have volunteered to serve Him. Remember that today's event has been dictated a long time ago. Do not be surprised how you met. It is the will of the Heavenly Father to let you share the suffering of Our Lord Jesus.

Young evangelists, do you remember that once I have asked you whether you were willing to carry the cross? I want a confirmation from you again that you are willing to do it. Go over how much you have served the Lord in each day and in each minute. If you have not done that, He is watching and checking you out!

The Heavenly Father said He did not want anything that did not come from the best of your heart and soul. You cannot lie to Him. He wants only your willingness!
For the next half hour, I want you to look at me closely. If you are the right person, you will see me the way you wish.”

A Teaching From the Heart
Sunday, September 4, 2005, 12:10 – 12:35 a.m.
My dear son, today I have been watching you with great concern. Do not forget my words. Your job is to go out and help others and be their comfort. I hope you still remember that I told you not to forget the members of your family because some of them still do not have a guide to bring them to the Heavenly Father.
Remember not to judge other people no matter what happens. Trust in God’s will only.

Today I know that you want a message that will be beneficial to others. I would like to tell you that human hearts are too difficult for you to understand.
I want to confirm that praying and doing penance really does bear fruit even though these are the things that you might have heard repeatedly on numerous occasions.

The Heavenly Father always listens whether it is a prayer from you, your family, or other Christians who are still faithful to Him. Your prayers please Him. Do not be afraid even though there will be a disaster in the future. Your prayers and penances can change the future.

I could not stand to see my innocent children suffer this fate with others. That is why I come to warn you. Share love and kindness and especially pray for them to receive the blessing from God to be in His peace. All of these things will happen by your pleading. But everything is up to God’s will.

You will see a lot of things in the future. I would like to warn you to be calm when you see them. Let everything happen according to God’s will.

My children, your words might make someone be judged by fellow human beings.

Stay still to pay me homage. From now on, no matter what happens, always remember to do everything with all your heart and soul to pay homage to me and the Heavenly Father.

I would like to tell human beings that before they say something they should carefully think about it first. Whether you mean it or not, there might be adverse effects for someone or for several other people. Let all of you stop talking without thinking first. Can you do it for me, my children?

Be calm and still in every situation. Look at my Dearest Son’s example. How much has He been insulted? How much has He suffered to redeem you? Sin, even as a thought, makes Him sad. If you are sure that you love Him, can you skip doing these little transgressions? Don’t hurt His heart more than it is being hurt right now.

Remember that whatever comes out from your mouth is the cause of sins. Stop it because whatever you say cannot be taken back!

I want you to bring this message to other people. This is the easiest thing human beings can do for my Dearest Son. That is all the Lord asks from you, can you do it for Him?

Do not forget my words. Be a light in the dark for other people, including members of your family who still need this light. Have you ever offered your hands to help them? Ask your heart!

Doing good deeds does not need any announcement. No need for praise. The Heavenly Father sees everything you do and you will receive great rewards from Him when you do them in His name.

Why Do I Keep Repeating Myself?
Sunday, September 11, 2005, 12:15 – 12:40 a.m.
My dear children, today is another day that I come to visit you as I have promised. I thank you for your constant belief in me. The prayer that you took to the father today to be edited will be a prayer that in the future, people will be able to use it to seek comfort from me. Thank you for your effort and goodwill.

(Mother Mary’s messenger: It is the novena prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Morning Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe, and the offering prayer of ourselves to Lord Jesus, the Word became flesh through the Blessed Virgin Mary).

I would like to tell you that sharing love and compassion to your brothers, your sisters, your neighbors, and all human beings and giving with no strings attached will sustain the world and make it peaceful.

Do not expect anything in return. Give from your heart. This will really please the Heavenly Father because He loves every human being as His own child. As a father who loves his children, the Lord only gives with no exception. You will value His love much more when you begin to give love to others first.

I would like to tell you that there will be no peace as long as human beings do not have compassion and good will for each other. What I want to see from human beings in this present time is to show love whenever you can for other fellow human beings in every occasion and place.

Remember that whomever you help is my Dearest Son. He gives you opportunities to do good deeds so He will be everywhere, every place, and even in the person you will pass by without giving help.

My Dearest Son told me that human beings really lack compassion. They will give only when there is something in exchange. Is receiving something in return all you want? If that is the case, you will never know the true happiness. You must discover this by yourselves!

I know that if I keep reminding you to pray and do penance for sins you will protest in your hearts and say why I keep repeating myself. And don’t I have anything new, repeating the same old stuff over and over every time I come? Well, I told human beings the same old stuff throughout the ages and that’s why my words repeated what I have told them in the past. And human beings do not change just like in the past too.

The Heavenly Father remains merciful, sending me to warn human beings countless times. Why do my words not affect some of you? Do you know how much it hurts me when I come to warn you over and over and you don’t get it? This is what I want you to pass on to human beings who still believe in me.

Remind those who are close to you, members of your family, and friends to find opportunities to do good deeds because God always gives them opportunities to do good deeds in every place. And God is in those that you help.

Remember my word: God is in those that you help.

A Message From Our Lady of Guadalupe
Friday, September 16, 2005, 10:00 – 10:30 p.m.
(Mother Mary's messenger: This is a message that Mother Mary gave to a sick person who loves Our Lady of Guadalupe with all her heart and soul.)

My dear child, today I am very glad to see that you have been faithful to me all the time. I am very pleased with everything you have done with love from all of your heart and soul. I saw you every time you were praying and doing penance.

I would like to tell you that my Dearest Son and the Heavenly Father have seen what you did with Their infinite knowledge all the time.

Do not feel bad about your fate. It is the Lord's blessing to let you have time, every minute, so you can do good deeds to help the souls of other people. This stuff is not too much for you, right? Keep doing it, my dear child. The Heavenly Father will bring grace to you and those you have asked for.

Remember that modesty, humility, and no complaints of your obstacles are the characteristics I see in you, and I am very pleased with you.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 11:47 am, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 11:32 am

God Is Everyone You Helped
Saturday, September 17, 2005, 11:23 p.m. – 12:30 a.m.
God is very pleased with whatever you did today in the name of my Dearest Son. You thought correctly to not abandon your relatives, not even a single one of them. So today you have learned how he felt, right?

Do not waste time; every minute of yours in this world is very valuable. Do not lose any opportunity to help anyone or to be their comfort. You will know how lonely that person feels when you put your heart in his or her heart.

Do not let this incident happen again with your relatives and friends. I am willing to join your pleading in your prayer so he will have a better life. Use your special blessing to help him.

I would like to tell human beings not to forget their relatives and members of their family before they help others. Do not let them feel that they have been abandoned to face life alone.

I thank you for doing your duty to the best of your ability, at least for today. Share the love of the Heavenly Father to those around you. This infinite blessing will spread out from those around you. Bring and show the love of the Heavenly Father to other people. Give with no exception, no prejudice, and give with all your heart and soul.

I would like to tell you that nowadays people are obsessed with temptations of the flesh and worldly materials. People think only about their own gains, grabbing everything that they think will make them happy. Thinking only about his or her self, huh? How much are sharing and giving in your heart?

While you lavishly spend money on yourselves to make yourselves happy, there are still a lot of people in need of your help from the tiny amount of your changes.
If your mouths say you love Him (Lord Jesus), He will tell you to show it to Him now.

Do not let go of opportunities to show your love for fellow human beings.
Remember my word: God is everyone you helped. Do not let Him wait for you to show your love for Him again.

If every human being thinks like this, the world will have peace with true love. Even the power of evil spirits will not be able to harm you. Do not let your heart have a space for them to come in and work inside it again.

Give up your will and follow the Lord. And you will know the true meaning of happiness. The Heavenly Father sees and knows everything you do. Do not forget that whatever you do, when and where, God is always watching you.

Accumulate your good deeds so you will be ready to proudly tell the Lord that you have enough good deeds to receive rewards in heaven when it is your time to receive the judgment from Him. I have been trying very hard to constantly remind all of you to do good deeds.

Pleading for Peace at Lamsai
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Sunday, September 25, 2005, 3:10-3:35 a.m.
My dear children, I have seen your perseverance in staying before me tonight with agony (Mother Mary's messenger: There were a lot of mosquitoes tonight, more than other nights that we came to pray at this place). I would like all of you to offer your activities today for the atonement of the sins of those who hurt the heart of my Dearest Son.

Even though you are a small group of people, your action tonight really pleases the Heavenly Father. Now He gives each of you a special opportunity to ask for one thing that you privately want. He will grant each of you the one thing you want.

The Heavenly Father is very pleased that all of your pleas are the same. You asked for the conversion of sinners and peace on earth. He was glad that you did not ask for yourselves.

I would like to tell you, my dear children, that all the angels in heaven joined you in praising God when you prayed.

Today I am very glad that all of you did not come here to see any miracles, but to come to see me with your true hearts. I tell you, this is the miracle that has already happened in your hearts. My message for today might not be similar to the ones I told through this son of mine (Mother Mary means me, the messenger).

I am not going to ask you to pray and do penance because all of you already know in your hearts what you have to do. Ask your heart; is there anything you can do to offer it to the Heavenly Father in return for His generosity?

I thank every one of you for your kindness in gathering together at this place.
From not too many of you, now you can see that there are more of you. This is the result of your prayers (tonight there were more than 20 of us). I want only those who come to me with all their hearts and souls.

You do not have to force or convince anyone to come just to add up the number. They will get the word from you and they will be led by their burning desire to come here.

I thank each of you for your sacrifice, doing it for me all the time and up until now. You do not expect any reward. You come just to see me, right?

My dear children, I am very happy. I want you to safeguard these good deeds forever.

From me, your Mother

Why Don’t Your Prayers Work?
Sunday, October 2, 2005, 12:25 – 12:55 a.m.
My dear children, today is another day that you have asked me to give a message that will benefit others and the content will not be trimmed when it will be passed on to the general public.

Lord Jesus, my Dearest Son, has emphasized that He would like to see human beings have compassion for each other, “Love each other like I love you!” There is nothing more precious than sacrificing your happiness to help other people.

Look at His life which has been recorded in the Gospel as an example. He had mercy for everyone with no regard to their social standing and class. Even a prostitute, the lowest one in social standing, was able to be close to Him. He equally gave love to everyone.

Children, understand that troubled path in this life is only the beginning of the journey to heaven. Sacrifice, love each other, and treat others like you want to be treated.

The Lord sees in human hearts in the present time are full of coarseness and desire for their own benefits, fame, and fortune. They do not know that what they are seeking will not enable them to find true happiness in the everlasting life if they do not open their hearts showing love and kindness to those they can help.

Today the Lord has particularly emphasized this issue. Without love, how can peace exist in this world?

I tell you that prayer is lifting your hearts and souls to the Heavenly Father. Do not rush to finish praying or counting how many prayers you have said. What is the point if your mind do not think along with the prayers, when every word is so valuable?

Have you ever thought of why I always reminded you to pray every time the Heavenly Father sent me to warn you human beings? This is the only thing that can connect human beings to the Heavenly Father. He has never counted how many times you have prayed in a day. The Lord can see in your hearts whether you have prayed with real love for Him.

Take this back and think over whether you have hurried up to finish the prayers. If that is the case, I tell you that it is useless because the prayers did not come from your hearts. This is the reason why the prayers don’t work, nothing happened, even though you have complained how much you have prayed.

I want you to ask your hearts again whether you have prayed with love and all of your hearts and souls.

Do not let all the activities of this world, which always push you to be in a hurry to gain benefits fast, have power over you when you are in front of the Heavenly Father. Nobody can deceive the Heavenly Father by acting humbly but being anxious to quickly get it over with.

I am so tired. When will you understand what I have said? I am so tired….

War in Heaven and on Earth
Sunday, October 9, 2005, 12:50 - 1.50 a.m.
My dear son, thank you very much for waiting to receive my message. I see the happiness in your heart that the work you intended to do for me has been accomplished at one of the levels of success. It is not only you that is happy, but I am too. I am very glad that now there are a lot of people waiting to receive my messages through you.

Children, know that it is really the desire of the Heavenly Father to let me communicate with this son of mine and allow him to hear my messages and record them.

If all human beings in this world are happy and willing to follow the path that my Dearest Son has shown to them, there is no reason why I have to come and remind you in this world again.

But poor human beings, you do not know what you are doing. Do not see only the happiness in front of you which is temporary in this world. Think carefully about the stuff you think is happiness because it is not real. It is only an illusion that you are obsessed and satisfied with.

It is so easy for the devil to come and do his work. And human beings keep falling victims to him over and over like insects flying into the eternal inferno.

Today I want to remind human beings that if you have been following and thinking over what I have been teaching you all the time, you will know that being a good person is not too difficult if you raise up your heart to be in the Heavenly Father’s hands.

The Lord has plenty of love for you, why are you not happy to willingly respond to His love? He wants love to exist in each and every one of your hearts. Whatever you do, if it comes out from the heart full with love, it will be full of compassion because in your heart you want to see whomever you have shown love to be happy.

It is not too difficult for you, right? I want to tell you that if all of you think alike and show the same love from your hearts, this will turn into a wonderful power enabling you to change things miraculously.

I have seen several of you start to get it and do things that begin with love, from only one heart doing it for others.

Your pleading to offer your homeland to me makes me very happy. The Heavenly Father is pleased to see that you love your fellow human beings. Even though they are not your relatives, they are your fellow countrymen.

You have asked for peace in your homeland which made Him very pleased. (Mother Mary’s messenger: This portion of Mother Mary’s message reminds me of Saint Faustina, Sister of Our Lady of Mercy in Krakow, Poland. The saint asked Lord Jesus to have mercy for Poland. And the Lord told her, “On your behalf, I will bless this whole country.” Then Lord Jesus made the sign of the cross over Poland.)

With this act of sending pure-spiritual power, you have blocked the devil’s work. Of course, he is angry with you for not being his instrument. So, several of you might have been tempted. Raise up your hearts to the Heavenly Father. Nothing can harm you if your hearts are in His grace.

Do not listen to the evil spirits in you that keep luring you to think and do what makes you to fall in sin. You could not see this war with your own eyes but it is because of the war that I, angels, and those in heaven have been in your midst. You are the main force in fighting them. Do not let your hearts have room for them.

They have been using you to be their tool to fight me. That is why I sent the guardian angels to be in your midst. Listen to the warning voice in your hearts. This voice is not your conscience. It is the guardian angels’ voice alerting you to pay attention and to not fall into the trap and be the devil’s tools and his slaves.

The war I am waging now has already happened in every one of your heart. I bless you and encourage you to win this war. Follow the footsteps of my Dearest Son. It is the only way that will easily take you away from the devil’s trap. The devil and his minions will never defeat the Heavenly Father.

It is up to each and every one of your heart. Be firm and quickly show love to your fellow human beings now. Do not wait or find a right moment to do it. How do you know whether you will be alive for the right moment to do it?

The time for every one of you has been predetermined. It is you that keep procrastinating, not be in a hurry and to take advantage of the opportunity to show love by doing good deeds to your fellow human beings.

Do not forget that the water falling from high ground to low ground is hard to flow back to high ground again.

Do not waste any opportunity. You have been praying and raising up your hearts to be very high above the evil spirits. And why do you still listen and follow the voice of the evil spirits as if they are your masters?

The Heavenly Father loves you very much. He has never forced you to do anything to please Him. On the contrary, He gives you the right and freedom to think and choose what you want to do. Think about it. Why don’t you show love and gratitude to the Lord who loves you very much?

Whenever you did some little thing, you always had high expectation to receive more in return than what you have given out. Do you see? This is a little trap that the devil set for you to fall in. My children, is there a mother who can stand seeing her children fall in or walk into the trap? That is why I come to warn you with love from every fiber of my heart and soul.

Today you might be confused by my warning. Go back and think over what I have been trying to tell you. Carefully go over it.

You will receive true happiness the second you respond to the Heavenly Father’s will. Whatever you do in the Lord’s name will bring peace as you have asked for.

Do not judge others even though they have committed grave crimes or have gone astray. The Heavenly Father sees everything and the Lord will judge them Himself. Pray for the conversion of those who have fallen victims to the evil spirits. And this is what I have seen several of you did during the weeks of the month that you had the intention to especially pay homage to me.

Spend time of this valuable month doing what I have taught you. A lot of grace will occur if you do them by asking through me.

Remember that I come to you willingly to comply with the Heavenly Father’s desire because all of you are my children.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 11:53 am, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 11:41 am

My Sadness
Sunday, October 16, 2005, 9:50 – 10:30 p.m.
My dear son, I have seen you waiting to receive my message today. Even though it is not Saturday, I had to come as you have asked me to.

It is a waste of opportunity that you have not spread my warning from last week. What I told you would benefit human beings if they put it to use. I want you to spread my message from last week as much as you can and within your capability.

What I want to tell human beings through you today is not to be careless. Let all of you pay attention and think thoroughly of how valuable my coming to warn you in each time means. How much do you understand and put them to use?

Human beings, if you see the importance and offer this month to be a special month for me, spend the few remaining time to benefit others by praying through me. How many of you have heard this pleading voice in your hearts. I have already told you that I have sent the guardian angels to protect and warn you.

My dear children, I want to ask how many of you have opened your hearts and listened to the voice of those guardian angels? Do not waste any more time when you still have a chance.

The Heavenly Father sees that you human beings in this present time do not care about renewing your hearts and minds to be close to Him. All you want to see is only the stuff that you wish to happen right in front of you, right? If that is the case, I tell you that it takes a lot of time for the efforts and prayers of angels and those in heaven to sway the Heavenly Father’s will.

If you are not willing to receive this blessing with angels and those in heaven, it will be very hard to pull you away from the devil’s traps. The devil and his minions are hustling to lead your souls away from the kingdom of heaven.

Help each other to bring peace into this world. I have told you how to bring peace on several occasions. And why are you still procrastinating, and not doing what I have laid out for you? I am so sad. Even among those who have read or heard about my messages, they get excited and joyful only for a short while and then they go back to their old way of life. I am very sad. (Mother Mary’s messenger: Mother Mary’s messages are not the news in a newspaper which once you read, you disregard it.

There must be a follow-up and put them to use in accordance with her wish).
Weak human beings, you only think you are weak and not going anywhere. Soon you will go to confession to cleanse your souls. Don’t forget that if you do not avoid sins next time or you open up the chance to commit the same sins again, all the guardian angels, angels and those in heaven will be sad to see you turn into the devil’s tool again.

My dear children, do not procrastinate. Let all of you have the intention to do only good deeds and to avoid sins today. When you are tempted, don’t forget me, call out the name of my Dearest Son or even plead to the Heavenly Father and you will be saved. Don’t give the evil spirits a chance to take you away from the Heavenly Father.

I have seen that each one of you has made the decision to joyfully and willingly do what the evil spirits wanted (particularly the sins against flesh that make your souls unclean). Do you know how sad I am every time I saw you get lost and fall into the power of darkness? I want to tell you, warn you, and pull you away from that eternal evil. It is so sad that you do not even listen to the warning voice coming from heaven which I have sent to protect you.

My dear children, why are you so easily persuaded? I am so sad to see you being joyful and happy when falling into sins and not caring what will happen in your next life. Do you only want the fake and temporary happiness? I am very sad.

The Heavenly Father is making a decision to warn human beings with His own way.

There will be only crying and weeping when that time has arrived. And you will say this is the punishment from Him. Why don’t you think that the Lord has given you a lot of chances when He sent me to warn you over and over? He has to warn you when you failed to listen to me.

Do not stray again, my dear children. You are lucky that the Lord heard the prayers and pleading to Him to give peace and tranquility in this world. This is the only thing that makes Him hesitate and postpone His warning to all of you.

Children, prepare your hearts and minds well because the disasters are coming and getting close to you. Let all of you spend this time to plead for peace for all human beings by asking through me.

The Pilgrimage to Songkhon
(Our Lady of the Martyrs of Thailand Shrine, Songkhon, Mukdahan Province)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
It was in the afternoon when we went to visit Mother Mary at Saint Michael the Archangel Church at Ban Song Yae, Yasothon Province. Several of us could feel the blessings given by Mother Mary on that day. Some of the brothers and sisters of the youth group asked me what Mother Mary has told me.

When I went inside the church and saw Mother Mary’s statue from afar, I wondered why she wanted to come and stay at this humble and simple place. Then I heard Mother Mary answered my question. She said, “Humility and simplicity are the reasons why I want to be here. And I bless all of you to be in God’s grace.”

So I told the brothers and sisters of the youth group of what I heard from Mother Mary. I also believe that Mother Mary wanted her children to live a life of humility and simplicity too.

At Songkhon, while I was praying at the house of Blessed Sister Agnes Phila (*one of the seven Martyrs of Thailand), I heard “Die from this world while you are still alive.”

I did not understand what it meant and what I had to do. So that evening I asked the father and he kindly explained the meaning to me and made me have a better understanding.

After talking to the father, I started to pray, in my mind, and told Mother Mary that if it was God’s will, I would accept it and asked her to stay with me in my heart. Then I heard her voice, “You got it, my dear son, but it has to be the heart of sorrows. Can you accept it?” I hesitated for a long time before telling her that I gladly accepted this blessing and made myself a part of her.

(* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martyrs_of_Thailand
The Martyrs of Thailand (called also Seven Blessed Martyrs of Songkhon) are seven Roman Catholic Thais executed in Songkhon, Thailand in December 1940 by local police forces. They were beatified by Pope John Paul II in Rome on October 22, 1989.
The names of the Martyrs of Thailand are: Blessed Philip Siphon Onphitak, catechist, 33 years old; Blessed Sister Agnes Phila, 31 years old, belonged to Lovers of the Holy Cross Congregation; Blessed Sister Lucia Khambang, 23 years old, belonged to Lovers of Holy Cross Congregation; Blessed Agatha Phutta, 59 years old; Blessed Cecilia Butsi, 16 years old; Blessed Bibiana Khampai, 15 years old and Blessed Maria Phon, 14 years old.)

The Answer at Lamsai
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Sunday, October 30, 2005, 3:23 – 3:50 a.m.
On Saturday, 29th, around 6:00 p.m., my sister and I went to pray in front of Mother Mary’s grotto before nightfall. After praying for awhile, Mother Mary’s statue started to disappear from the grotto. It really disappeared and we could see the back wall of the grotto.

My sister saw a star where the statue used to be. A little while Mother Mary’s statue started to appear and finally we could see the whole statue again. And it kept appearing and disappearing for several times. My sister told me that perhaps Mother Mary wanted to tell us something.

I gathered my thoughts and told Mother Mary that if she wanted to tell us something, please let me hear her words. And I heard her reply, “Whenever your heart unites with me, you will no longer see my statue because at that time I will be in your heart. Today is the last Saturday of the Month of the Holy Rosary. Pay special attention in praying for your fellow countrymen. There will be lots of grace when you pray in my name.”

After the evening Mass, we prayed until around 3:00 a.m. Then I received Mother Mary’s message. Here it is:

My dear children, today I thank every one of you for paying attention to especially pray for your brothers and sisters. I have already told you that this Saturday is the last Saturday of the month of the Holy Rosary which all of you have offered to honor me. So I want to tell you that the Heavenly Fathers is very pleased and happy with all of your prayers, under my name, asking for peace for your fellow countrymen.

I tell you that this particular prayer has been heard by Him throughout the month of the Holy Rosary. Your belief, even with a few of you, with true intention is able to make everything possible. The Heavenly Father is so kind. Peace will occur in your homeland.

But do not forget that right now I am making war with all the evil spirits. They are angry that you refuse to go along with their instigation. I tell you that peace will last only for a short while because there are men with sins in their hearts who want to do things to get what they want and do not care who will get hurt, lose their possession, become separated from their loved ones and even die before their time.

Those human beings who go along with their own thoughts do not know that they have fallen into the devil and evil spirits’ trap. Children, hurry up and pray to the Heavenly Father to rouse them back into His arms. This is the only way to stop the disaster from happening everywhere at this present time.

With your real intention, my Dearest Son is now in front of you. He is willing to listen to your prayers. My children, talk to Him with a child’s heart. Tell Him with simplicity and ease of what you want. Tell Him now. Ask Lord Jesus of what your hearts’ desire. He is listening.

My Dearest Son has heard your prayers. He said Miracles will occur when you do everything in His name with all your heart and soul. Do not forget your relatives and friends or even strangers. If you see them and know that they need help, help them. The Lord has greater things to reward you in heaven.

Do not forget. Love your fellow human beings like how you love yourselves. Forgive everyone who has made mistakes because the only person who has the job to judge is the Heavenly Father, only Him.

Remember my word: Do not judge others.

The Last Day of the Month of the Holy Rosary
Monday, October 31, 2005, 9:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Today is the last day of the month of the Holy Rosary so we paid special attention when praying to pay homage to Mother Mary and asked for peace in Thailand.

As soon as we started to pray, I got attacked by evil spirits. They scolded me and constantly said filthy things in my ears. I asked Mother Mary to help me defend from this attack. My mother told me that at that time she did not know what was happening to me but she could feel the icy coldness running all over her body, causing goose bumps and numbness of the face constantly.

And at that time I felt the warmth of love and kindness through my mind. I truly believed that Mother Mary heard my cry for help. I looked at the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. The face was sweet and tender like the statue was alive. Then I heard Mother Mary said, “Do not be afraid. I am here. Let your mind be with me. That is all you need, they cannot do anything to you.”

So I paid no attention to the scolding and filthy words and focused my mind to be only with Mother Mary. I knew in my mind that a whole bunch of them came and gathered at the windows of both sides of the house and there were two angels blocking them from getting into my home.

In front of Mother Mary’s altar there were two angels kneeling on the left and right paying homage to Mother Mary. Under Mother Mary’s feet was a devil’s minion whom she stepped on. It was suffering with excruciating pain. And at the same time, my Auntie could see Mother Mary with her eyes. She saw Mother Mary looking at me tenderly. We started to feel encouraged so we prayed the Archangel Michael Prayer three times. Those evil spirits started to slowly disappear from my mind.

When we prayed the prayer to offer Thailand to Mother Mary, I felt in my mind that at that time she was floating above our home. I saw Our Lady of Miraculous Medal, because there were letters which I did not understand surrounding her. I was so glad that Mother Mary has answered our prayers. Even though tonight I did not receive a message from Mother Mary, I was grateful that she always protected us.

(Later on I found out why the evil spirits attacked me: I warned my kid brother, who did not go to church the past two years, to make a confession during the month of the Holy Rosary. And he finally did yesterday. They must be very angry that I was successfully snatched my kid brother’s soul away from them. I was attacked by them three days throughout this week, especially the times we prayed together at night.)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 12:00 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 3 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 12:03 pm

The Precious Treasures of Your Souls
Sunday, November 6, 2005, 1:15 – 2:30 a.m.
My dear son, I thank you for your eagerness when waiting for my message. I would like to tell you that all of the events that have occurred to you today were truly the Heavenly Father’s will.

You did not know beforehand about sharing the spiritual experiences and spreading devotion to me but you were willing to comply with His will (Mother Mary's messenger: I went to a Mass on the evening of the 5th of November and then went to the priest's residence, asking him to bless a statue of the Lord. There were several parishioners tagging along. And the father asked me to share with them my spiritual experiences that I have received from praying at Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai.).

I heard your plea of what to do with this last Saturday of the month. You face a difficulty of going to religious activities on Sunday morning in memory of the departed souls. I thank you for taking the responsibility of leading people to pray in front of me at Lamsai. Have faith, the Heavenly Father will manage your time so you will not miss anything.

Son, people are starting to get interested in me and enthusiastically come to see me with devotion. These things happened because of the constant praying to me. Now you feel it is your duty to be here to pray together with your brothers, sisters, and friends. My dear son, I know what your heart desires. You want my teaching that will benefit others.

Now my Dearest Son says this, “Look for the sacred truth of everlasting life. Nobody can go to the Heavenly Father without following me. Give up everything of the world and follow me.” (Mother Mary means Lord Jesus).

Come on, there is no treasure in the world that truly belongs to you. When the Heavenly Father created you, you came from dust. And you will return to dust. When you leave this world, you are unable to bring anything with you except goodness and virtues or the sins you have committed while you were alive.

Do you see now? The real treasure is not in this world. You must give up fleeting joys and turn around to do good deeds, showing love and kindness to fellow human beings. Do not let go of any chances to do good deeds to your fellow human beings.

Helping does not mean giving money all the time. Giving love, paying attention or even praying for them could not be bought by money.

Whatever you do with all your heart and soul to honor me or my Dearest Son are treasures you can bring with you at the end of your life.

Hurry up to collect the precious treasures of your souls even though they are hard to get. You will receive the returning benefit while you are still in this world: peace in your heart, humility, and simplicity will make you happy.

My Dearest Son wants to see this happen right away. Do not hesitate or procrastinate to do good deeds again. You do not have to wait for anybody to do it first and then follow his or her example. Start with yourself. If you have love with all of your heart and soul, you will willingly do everything for those you love to make them happy.

Also show your love to those around you with no exception, even your enemy. Peace will occur in all human hearts with this kind of love.

The Task Given by Mother Mary
Sunday, November 13, 2005, 10:40 p.m. - 12: 35 a.m.

My dear son, today I am very proud of you for making appearance and spreading my messages. Those who listen are old but still seek the sacred truth of the eternal life in order to lift up their hearts and souls to unite with the Lord.

You have been praised and must be proud, but I want to tell you to be humble and not happy with any kind of praises (Mother Mary's Messenger: Mother Mary reminded me so I will not be full of myself). It is better for you to be proud that you have served me and the Lord.

Today several people who heard you enthusiastically want to see me at Lamsai. And you had a chance to use the special blessing to help many people along with the father and a gentleman that has been chosen by the Lord. Everything happened according to His will.

Son, you did not know why you had to be there. You only knew of your great desire and willingness to spread my messages. The Heavenly Father has prepared this task for you a long time ago. But the problem was that you were not ready for this new task from Him. When it was the right time and you were ready, the Lord created this opportunity for you.

My dear son, I have seen your love and devotion to the Heavenly Father. I heard your plea to the Heavenly Father to give you a chance to serve Him. And you did not forget to bargain with His Mercy for the sick who was about to die (Mother Mary's messenger: There was a sick person whom I was praying for the blessing and healing. I heard Lord Jesus said to me, “Son, thank you for giving comfort to this sick person who is about to die”).

My dear son, nobody can postpone or escape death. I have seen your good intention. With the Lord’s wisdom, passing through the father, now you see the way to solve the problem, right? The Lord (Mother Mary means Lord Jesus) gives you a chance to ask for any blessing at 3:00 p.m. daily by going through His holy wounds. At that time, you can ask everything from Him. Ask with real intention and regularity. The Lord has never denied anybody who asks in His name at this particular time.

You are still too naïve for this world. And because of your innocence, I gave you the task to do. You do not have any tricks or craftiness.

The advice from the father will give you a new perspective. There is no certain way to accomplish a goal. There might be a better way but you do not look for it. Do not do things because you are used to the way you do them. There is no formula to do my work.

My dear son, my Dearest Son is right when He answered you that you were taking advantage of Him by sacrificing your life, only half of it left, to bargain with Him in order for Him to heal that person so he could once again live like a normal person.

The Lord said with a sense of humor because He knew you really meant it but you forgot that you have promised to serve him the rest of your life. Who will carry on with your task if your life has been shortened by this bargaining?

My dear son, you are still naïve like a child. And that is why I and my Dearest Son chose you to do this task. You are aware that I am with you all the time, right? When you wake up, you call me to be with you and to help you to be in the Heavenly Father’s graces. You ask the Lord for a chance to serve Him every day. And that makes me very happy. How many people are there who are willing to carry this heavy cross like you? You even accepted the sorrows of my heart. And this is the love you have for me with all your heart and soul. You accept everything with no exception. If every human being thinks like you, the world will have only peace.

Today you used your innocence and simplicity to handle the evil spirit coming to destroy your soul by making you envious of others who might receive more blessings than you. But with your humility you told it,” Never mind, everything comes from the Lord. If He wants others to receive more blessings than me, let it be according to His will.” You were not upset or wanting to have more or be more than anybody else.

Thank you my dear son for trying to follow the path I have dictated for you all the time. From now on we will be one. Wherever you are, I will be there with you. We will work for the Heavenly Father together. And He told me I have chosen the right person. Be proud that the Lord is especially kind to you. Your soul is being cleansed because your true heart is innocent like a child's. I am very proud of you, my son.

You will bring the belief, by going through your innocence, to other people’s hearts. And make them realize that the way to the Lord is not as difficult as they think. Give up being self- centered, the way human beings are in this world. Offer everything to be in the hands of the Heavenly Father with love, trust, and with all your heart and soul. Be a good example for others to follow and realize how great the Heavenly Fathers’ love is.

There will be a lot of souls saved by following your example. This task is not easy but it is not too difficult beyond your ability.

I never, and will not, let you go out and do things alone without being fully prepared. If you look back you will see that I have always sent you spiritual advisors. When your spirit was strong, I gave you the task that was suitable to your strength.

From now on there will be several tasks coming in your life. Everything is the Heavenly Father’s will given to you. Accept them with joy because those in heaven will be joyful with your success too.

Now you are free from the evil spirits. Do not open up your heart to let them in, giving them a chance to distract you. They will come in every shape and form beyond your imagination. But with your pure heart and soul, they will not be able to do anything to you.

Do not forget to call my name when you are being tempted .With only that, the power of the evil spirits will disappear. But do not be careless because they will not easily let go of you. They were mad at you every time you converted people to go back to the Lord and to understand the way to live a life that is close to Him.

Son, you do not have to think and get ready in advance for anything. The Heavenly Father has already prepared everything for you in advance. You will discover by yourself what the way the Lord has been prepared for you is.

It is getting very late now. Go to sleep, my dear son. Tomorrow you will have to use a lot of energy to live your daily life. Rest in the Holy Spirit. He will help you to have only peace and be ready to wake up to do the work for the Heavenly Father tomorrow. Go to sleep.

The Answer From Heaven
Friday, November 18, 2005, 3:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Today I prayed for the mercy of Lord Jesus by going through His holy wounds for a sick person who was about to die (Mother Mary’s messenger: I asked the Lord to spare his life and let him regain his health so he can continue to do the work for the Church).

The Lord has promised that He will never deny anyone who asks for His blessings at 3:00 p.m.

While I was concentrating my mind in asking for the Lord’s mercy, I heard His voice,” My dear son, I am not going to take his life away from you. During this time, I heard several voices pleading me for his life. All of you have asked during the time I could not deny.”

I was so happy that finally the Lord has answered our prayers.

Mother’s Message
Sunday, November 20, 2005, 12:45 – 1:23 a.m.
On Saturday, November 19, 2005, I had a chance to attend a presentation of True Life In God by Ms. Vassula Ryden at the meeting hall of the Holy Redeemer Church, Bangkok. Sadly, she could not make it as scheduled because of a problem with the plane.

That night the promoter team organized a rally for hymn singing and praying of the Holy Rosary. There was a display of a painting of the face of Lord Jesus that was used for the book cover of True Life In God and a painting of Our Lady of All Nations.

After finishing praying the Holy Rosary, Team True Life In God asked for the illumination of the Lord and opened True Life In God Book 3, Notebook 33, page 94-95, with the message dated for April 12, 1989. After that, there was a video presentation of Vassula which the promoter team played and paused periodically to translate to Thai to make sure we really understood it.

Even though Vassula did not show up that night, her words spoken from the heart made me understand her mission well.

Before I left, the promoter team told us that Vassula will surely show up next Sunday at the same time. I was not sure whether I was going to make it. My home is in the suburb of Bangkok and I had to go to work early Monday morning.

When I got home, it was still Saturday night. So, we prayed as normal even though it was very late. I was hoping that Mother Mary would say something about Vassula not making it as scheduled. Then Mother Mary gave us a message about her. Here is the message:

My dear children, today I saw your eagerness to go and see the messenger of my Dearest Son. I thank you for not leaving like other people, instead you joined in prayer and listened to the truth that Vassula has brought to you all.

It is true that she has not arrived at your country but you have demonstrated the real determination to follow the messages of my Dearest Son.

The Heavenly Father has a reason for everything He does. But you do not have the patience to wait for advice and reminding words from the messenger of my Dearest Son, Human beings are like this, always wanting to see and feel what they can touch. But you, human beings, do not know what your souls want.

I have arrived in your midst with my Dearest Son to give you a chance to open up your hearts and talk to me. But, sadly I saw you get up and leave me one by one, until almost no one was left.

Is this your intention to come and see my Dearest Son? In the end, you have left Him just like in the past that happened over and over again.

My Dearest Son has emphasized being in unity. I would like to ask you this: How many of you have united in spirit and soul for Him tonight? Have you only hoped to meet the person who has spoken to my Dearest Son?

Have you looked around at that place for something beneficial to your souls? Vassula said it right: Even though it is the same thing, human beings see it with a certain aspect and those in heaven see it differently and with much more depth than human beings’ imagination. And this causes me a great grief.

Every time I came to warn you, I have used plain language so human beings could understand the will of the Heavenly Father. But, how many of you have thought about it and put it to use and make peace occur in your hearts

Do not use your human thought process to decipher my messages. Let go of your self-esteem. Open your hearts to be one with me and you will truly understand my messages.

My dear children, open up your hearts. I am so sad. I have come to see you and been waiting for you to open up your hearts to let me in.

You do not have to think about uniting the Church because that is the Heavenly Father’s task. He will make it happen according to His will. How hard have you, a tiny part of the Church, prepared for this task?

I would like to tell you to start from yourself first by being obedient to the Lord’s will, starting with this simple thing. Can you do it for us, my dear children?

Children, you can try looking at the whole thing like human beings do.

There is a Mother who loves you more than her life and she keeps teaching and warning you but you just ignore her and do not try to understand her teaching. Do you know how much brokenhearted she is?

Today will be the first day you write down my message word by word, no longer prepare to use the recorder. This is why I am very pleased with you, naive boy. When you know you can write down my message, you only look forward to writing it down; no longer prepare to use the recorder.

Do you know you can make me laugh while I am still sad? I laugh because of your innocence.

Today I want you to stop writing down my message at this time because your sister is waiting for it.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ พุธ ก.ค. 31, 2019 12:51 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 2 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 12:18 pm

The Compassionate Mother
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Today we arrived at the Holy Family Church a little late because of heavy traffic. It took us about two hours to make it to the Church. Once we arrived, we immediately went to pray in front of Mother Mary’s grotto.

We had to leave at 11:00 p.m. because tomorrow we had to participate in a blessing of the cemetery in memory of the departed at Santikam Cemetery, Sampran.

My sister and I intended to pray for a blessing of healing for five sick persons. And there was not enough time to pray for each individual before nightfall. So we prayed for the five of them at the same time.

While we were praying for a blessing of the healing, in my mind, I started to see Mother Mary in a dark- blue dress. There was a golden-flower edging around her shawl. And she was wearing a crown, just like the one in the painting that Adelia told the artist to paint.

I almost did not believe that the Compassionate Mother has now granted me an audience with her. Mother Mary looked at us approvingly (I saw her face, not Asian like Adelia has explained. Her face was beautiful and sweet just like European sculpture of her that we normally see.

Mother Mary told me that her image that we saw was a result of the level of our own minds. At least, today Mother Mary showed me that if my soul was clean enough, I would one day see her in the image that she wanted me to see.).

Mother Mary told me, “Think of those five persons and gather them in your mind to be at the center of your palms. Think of the white light covering them. They will receive the healing at the same time.”

During that time, I was thinking about them one at a time. I thought of the details of illness of each individual and asked for the blessing for each of them. I told myself that it was too hard to ask for the blessing for several persons at the same time (Mother Mary told me that I was naive. If I knew what I could do, I would do it that way all the time. I did not know how to adapt).

But Mother Mary was kind to me. She taught me to understand how to ask for a blessing of healing. I need only to trust Lord Jesus because He is the best doctor. Let the task of healing be in His hands. It does not matter how many persons are in front of Him. If it pleases Him, miracles will happen.

I heard my sister say that Mother Mary’s grotto just disappeared and now there was only Mother Mary who was acting like she was singing a lullaby to Baby Jesus in the middle of the dark-blue ray that was so bright that my sister could not tell the color of her dress.

My sister told me that everyone we have asked for a blessing of healing must surely be healed. And it corresponded with what I saw in my mind: Mother Mary was in the midst of the sick at that time, 10:45 – 11:05 p.m.

Mother Mary gave all of us the following message:

My dear children, have confidence in us. It is the Heavenly Father’s will to have every one of you gathered together here.

I thank all of you who eagerly intended to come and see me. I know that several of you who asked for my help have been waiting for my response in your hearts. I have to tell you to let go of your human mind. Be obedient and joyful to let everything happen according to the will of the Lord.

Do not think that human beings can judge what is wrong and what is right. Is the answer for what you want (Mother Mary's messenger: from Mother Mary) a "Yes" or "No” question?

The Heavenly Father really loves human beings who are His creation. He allows you to have freedom and choose what you want to do according to your own free will. He keeps looking at you with concern. And this is why I have to come and wait for you here for 17 years.

Throughout this period, you have received the warnings from the Heavenly Father through me periodically. Do you know how many chances he has given you, children?

Ask yourselves whether today you have reciprocated the Lord’s kindness, really from your heart, not an obligation?

If you understand the love He gives you, the One who loves you most, how are you going to reciprocate His love? Regardless of what will happen, everything is His will and has been prepared in advance for a long time.

Trust in Him. The Lord has never abandoned those who trusted in Him. Be careful, children. Do not let worldly activities have power over the will of the Lord.

I know that several of you do not understand my answer. Go back and think over really good about what I want to tell you.

My Dearest Son wants to see love in everything you do with all your heart and soul in order to pay homage to the Heavenly Father.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Today after getting off from work, I went to visit the sick as I usually did on Tuesday. Before going to visit the sick, I went to visit one of our older friends who just got back from a trip abroad in the afternoon.

Her children told me about their wonderful experience, everything has been set up by the Lord without their knowledge in advance. I was very happy for them.

Today I had a chance to see a painting of Saint Joseph leading a donkey with Mother Mary (being pregnant) sitting on its back. And I also saw Mother Mary’s tears which was the most miraculous thing that I have ever seen.

The tears came from a small statue of Mother Mary that the owner of the house has invited that lady and her family to see and kindly put a couple drops of the tear in a small bottle for them, a tiny portion.

I have never thought that I would be blessed with a chance to see and touch Mother Mary’s tear because it was so precious and far beyond my imagination. But with the owner’s kindness, I was blessed with Mother Mary’s tear on both of my palms. Mother Mary’s tear had the same characteristic of fragrant oil. I let my sister touch my palms and the fragrance stuck to her palms, too.

When we made it to the home of the sick, it was a little late, about 10 p.m. My sister and I prayed for a blessing of the healing from Lord Jesus. And at that time I was in a trance, seeing images in my mind, just like a video being played for me.

I saw Saint Joseph leading a donkey with Mother Mary (being pregnant) sitting on its back. Her face was so young and innocent. Mother Mary allowed me to feel her feelings at that time: She trusted the Lord.

She did not know what would happen in the future but she had peace in her heart for having the blessing to be the mother of Baby Jesus who was about to be born.

This feeling was too difficult to put into words. My mind was still, my body was comfortably light. And I was happy, smiling almost unconsciously. My face was raised up, looking at the ceiling, like there was a magnet forcing me to do it.

When I regained my conscience, I knew I had to share this peace with everyone who was there. I held my sister hand with one hand and held the sick’s hand with other hand. I asked my sister whether she has received that peace. My sister nodded her head and happily closed her eyes (later on my sister told me that she saw both of us walking behind Mother Mary, too).

On this occasion, I told them the message that Mother Mary gave us. I really could not remember what I said. But my feeling told me that Mother Mary taught us to trust the Lord, give up our selfness, offer ourselves under His care, and rely on His will. And peace will easily happen in our hearts.

I remembered only Mother Mary’s last sentence, ‘May peace belong to every one of you, my dear children.’ When I heard it, I knew that the time of peace was about to end. I did not want the time like this to end, but I was blessed to feel it up to this point. I cried my heart out because of the turmoil inside me.

It was Mother Mary’s infinite kindness to give us the peace that we could feel while we are still alive in this world.

When the Soul Got Cleansed
December 2, 2005
Today I received an important lesson in my life and it made me understand what Vassula Ryden meant when she told us about receiving a cleansing of her soul. She saw how despicable her sin was and to human beings it might be normal. But to those in heaven, even a tiny sin is important because it hurts Lord Jesus’ heart.

I heard a rumor about one of my benefactors and it worried me because I could not stand other people talking negatively about him.

Fortunately, the lady in that rumor gave him a call on the day I was talking to him about the rumor. He asked me to give the lady a chance to clear herself. After listening to her for a short while, I came to full realization that what I heard was partially true and the information I received was not complete, only partial. And it made me feel guilty for jumping to conclusions.

The more I talked to her, the more I felt disgusted with myself. My mind was so dirty. She was not angry with me. She forgave me and explained the cause of the rumor in details. I was not reprimanded or being held responsible. I felt guiltier of my sin and realized how terrible it was. I felt so bad that I cried. If she scolded me, it would have made me feel much better. I kept saying I was so sorry.

I came home around midnight and still felt bad. I cried several more times. I looked at the statue of Our Lady of Fatima and saw the left eye was red, just like she had been crying hard too.

It was 1:30 a.m. when I was able to close my eyes to sleep.

The Answers From Mother
December 3, 2005
Early this morning I had a special intention to go to a confession at the church but the father has not arrived yet. So I went to pray in front of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I apologized to Him for what I did and my tears started to roll down my face again.

I heard the Lord’s voice talking to me with tenderness, “Silly boy! Before teaching other people, you must truly understand that subject. That is why I let you experience that incident. Everything has been prepared for you in advance a long time ago. And it went accordingly to the plan.”

I started to understand that the Lord wanted my soul to be clean before spreading Mother Mary’s messages. I looked above His face and saw the face of the Heavenly Father. The Heavenly Father said to me, “I forgave you as soon as you truly felt sorry for what you did. Today pay good attention and receive the Holy Communion.”

But I did not dare to receive the Holy Communion because my soul was not clean enough and I have not gone to a confession yet. My soul was still tainted and I did not deserve to receive the Lord to dwell inside me.

Finally, today I found the way to make it to a confession. I confessed my sin to the father in great detail. I felt like I was very despicable. I usually thought I could go to a confession for gossiping anytime I wanted because it was normal for every human being.

But why was I so sad today? While confessing my sin, I cried with real sorrow.

The father taught me like he knew that Mother Mary was cleansing my soul. It made me feel that the sin that is normal to human beings has turned out to be a devastating incident at this present time.

He also taught me not to be stubborn with the Heavenly Father who told me to receive the Holy Communion, but I was too afraid to do it because I thought my soul was not clean enough.

After going to the confession, I felt comforted. The great sorrow has been gradually reduced until I felt only the sadness of falling victim to the evil spirit.

The pride of having a chance to serve Mother Mary completely disappeared from me.

This lesson was bought with high price, with tears, and sorrow in my heart. I will try to stay away from this thing as far as I can because if I make the same mistake again, I do not know whether I could stand the suffering.

Mother Mary told me on September 4, 2005, “Remember, what comes out of your mouth will be the source of sin. Stop it because whatever you say cannot be taken back.” Mother Mary knew what would happen to me. She warned me three months in advance but I did not remember it. Mom, I have made a mistake, I apologize.

10: 45 p.m. – 12:00 a.m.

Tonight I received pleadings from several people to ask Mother Mary for help with the problems confronting them. I told them that I could not tell whether Mother Mary would reveal the answers to them or not. If it was Mother Mary’s wish to answer, they would receive her answers tonight.

This message has the answers directed to those who asked. But I think the teaching of Mother Mary in every subject is so valuable that it had to be collected and recorded here.

“My dear children, I thank all of you for helping that poor lady. It is true that she does not have a psychotic disorder or is crazy but her actions sometimes caused by the evil spirit make her suffer tremendously. I thank the father who took it upon himself to find a healer for her as soon as possible.

Today you have seen that those who serve me do not come from the esteemed group of society. With only their honest hearts and willingness to accept the will of the Heavenly Father, they can make those who are better educated than them accept the truth that they could not deny.

Each particular task will fit a particular person. It is so right for the father to call him to come and provide comfort to that poor lady.

From now on, it is totally up to the lady’s faith and devotion to the Lord which will free her from the actions of the evil spirit. The father said it right: win with virtue, have mercy, love will bring peace.”

Here is Mother Mary’s answer to question number one,” That lady told you to ask me what she should do next with her life. I tell you, she already had some ideas on what to do next. Why does she still want me to tell her what to do?

Let her do everything in the name of the Lord to give praise to Him. It will bring back the positive energy that she has lost. When she opened up her heart to accept the Lord to come and dwell in it, she will no longer be alone.

Whatever she thinks or does, she must consult the Lord because He is always ready to help and He stays close to every one of His children.
I could not give a better answer than this. Believe in the Lord and He will lead her life.”

Mother Mary’s answer to question number two, “My dear children, going through trials and tribulations by people does not mean the Heavenly Father has abandoned them. Some of them must receive a valuable lesson to make their souls stronger and ready to willingly accept the will of the Heavenly Father who gave that lesson to them.

Several of you complain that you are suffering but I want you to take a better look at the situation. What have you learned to benefit your lives and souls? The path to heaven always has obstacles. But if you trust in the Heavenly Father, He, in the end, surely will prepare a better solution for you.

The key thing is not losing your faith. This is the thing that makes me really sad. My dear children, why don’t you have perseverance in the time of trials and tribulations?

Look at my Dearest Son as the example. He had to suffer tremendously in fighting the evil spirit. And He willingly exchanged His freedom and life to free you from all sins. Whom He did it for? It is for you, His children. But now you my children do not have the perseverance, but instead only yearn for comfort, isn’t that right?”

Mother Mary’s answer to question number three, “You want to know why I cried? I cried because you did not listen to my warnings which the Heavenly Father allowed me to come and give to you. I saw you lose your faith and then wander off into the path of disaster of your own souls.

Do you know I have been trying to call you back from the trap of the evil spirit? But you, my children, did not pay attention. You enjoyed the phony thing which you thought was perfectly okay.

I cried because the son I trust (Mother Mary means me, the messenger) also fell victim to the evil spirit with no self-awareness. Fortunately, you (the messenger) tried to reverse the situation, did not let it go like other people. I cried with you (the messenger).

When you (the messenger) felt regret for your mistake, I took your whole grief into my heart. This incident has been dictated in advance by the Heavenly Father a long time ago to test your soul. He kindly did not hold you (the messenger) accountable. By merely seeing you were truly sorry, He forgave you.

I am glad that you (the messenger) had the courage to accept the mistake and made an apology from your heart. And you have received the forgiveness, right?

Remember what the two fathers have taught you (the messenger), giving you advices. They did not advise you by themselves. They were inspired by heaven to teach you that. From now on you will get stronger.

But there are still several things that you (the messenger) have to practice because your task in the future requires these things and you will use them to work for the Heavenly Father.”

Mother Mary’s answer to question number four, “The question is what to do with my work. Have trust, my children. My Dearest Son always stays close to this son of mine (the messenger). The Lord gave wisdom to you (the messenger). Use it to gain benefits, my dear son.

Do not worry about the event in the future that has not arrived. When the timing is right, you (the messenger) will know in your heart what you should do. I believe that you, my son (the messenger), are smart and careful enough not to let everything fall apart by your few words. You (the messenger) will know what you should talk to particular groups, how much and to what extent.

Do not be afraid of opposition, my son (the messenger), because those who work for the Heavenly Father will always go through a painful opposition. I know you (the messenger) can do it. And with the Lord’s wisdom, you (the messenger) will not be sorrowful.

Remember that when the Lord is with you, no one will defeat Him. Have trust, my son.”

I was glad for these people that Mother Mary has kindly answered their questions, making them and me receive the illumination of the heart.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อาทิตย์ ส.ค. 04, 2019 1:45 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 2 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 12:32 pm

The Important Sign
Saturday, December 10, 2005
A gentleman asked me this evening to pray for him because he was so worried about his car, a tool to make a living, which has been stolen. I told him that I would pray for him tonight.

In my mind I told Mother Mary, “Tonight I will ask you for your blessing and illumination. Please talk to me about the task I have to do in the future. And please provide comfort to the person who asked me to pray for him tonight.”

Tonight I received Mother Mary’s answer. Here it is: My dear son, the Heavenly Father has revealed to you in several things that happened to you today to let you know whatever you have been doing is being positively responded. There are many people who give you a hand with spreading my messages. Have trust, my dear son.

My work will be accomplished with no hardship from you. I know that you do not have enough money to publish the book of my messages. But there are people with good hearts who read my messages and want the messages to benefit the souls of other Christians. You will convert several people with my messages.

I thank that kind person and the father who searched for my image and to make it known to the public again. But, be careful. This time you will hear the objection from those who do not believe in me. Several of them will follow you to Lamsai to check it out. They will come to check it out with their own eyes whether I am really still here at Lamsai.

So within the number of people who come with devotion, there will be those who want to check you out whether you pretend to receive my messages or if you actually receive them. Trust in the Heavenly Father, my dear son. The truth is the truth.

Everything will be checked out by the truth that they can feel by themselves.
Son, do not worry about the image whether it will be like the one that was seen by Adelia. Everyone who took part in the revision of this image has been inspired by the Holy Spirit to create it the way it is.

Even though it will not look exactly the same as the one that was seen by Adelia, you have done your best with your human ability. I am very pleased. Do not worry about Adelia. She has already declared that I would use Thai people to proclaim my name. And it is being materialized, my dear son. Continue to do according to the command of your soul. I will lead the way.

Mother Mary answered the question.

“About the stolen car: You want to know whether you will get it back, right? I tell you that you are not going to get it back, my dear son. Remember that sometimes in our lives we will be in trouble because the Heavenly Father allows it to happen.
It does not mean that He does not care, letting His children fall in troubles.

Son, think about what you have learned to benefit your soul while you are suffering at this time.

You claim all worldly possessions you have collected with the sweat of your hard work are yours but I tell you that every possession in this world you collected is not yours. Even your life is up to the Heavenly Father who can recall it anytime, and it will be done according to His will. Death might visit you anytime.

Do not be careless, son. Hurry up to collect the treasures for your soul. When it is the time for the Heavenly Father to call you back to Him, you will have precious treasures of your soul to offer to Him, in the midst of the joy of those in heaven.

I know that the stolen car is your tool to make a living. Do not use human thinking process to solve the problem, my dear son. The firmness of your heart and the pure belief from your heart will calm you and make you accept the will of the Lord.

I believe that the Heavenly Father wants to teach you something. When that time has arrived, He will let you know by your own heart. Do not be obsessive with any treasure in this world. If you truly trust the Lord, He will surely give you a better one.

Children, you are still human being that got stuck with luxury and comfort. And this is why I had to come and warn all of you to not fall into the trap of the devil that will take your souls away from me by luring you with comfort and fleshly pleasures.

I sadly have seen my children walking along the path of destruction. I tried to call them back but they have fallen into the devil’s trap. They did not even listen to the protesting sound of their hearts. That is why I keep warning you to pray and do penance to help the straying souls to come back to the Heavenly Father.

You might not understand why this thing happened to you but soon you will understand what the Lord’s purpose is.

The best prayer must come from your heart. Even though you ask a hundred people to pray for you, it is not equal to your prayer to the Heavenly Father that comes from your sincere heart.

Try to think like human beings do. If you want something from your Dad who only has true love for you but you are afraid to ask him directly and you keep asking others to ask your Dad what you want, your Dad, of course, will acknowledge your need. But he might wonder why you do not ask him directly. Why do you beat around the bush? You just waste time and still do not receive the answer from him, even though you really want to know the answer, right?

I know that you already thought what to do if the answer is “No.” Before making up your mind, pray for the illumination from the Holy Spirit first, my dear son. He will bring wisdom to you so you will decide to do only the right things.

Remember, son, your real treasure is in heaven.”

The Disclosure
Saturday, December 17, 2005, 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Earlier, I have received a warning from my friend about publishing the book of Mother Mary’s messages and she also told me to pray much more in order to receive illumination from Mother Mary too.

I was not afraid of anything. My mind was very calm because I have received a couple important signs from Mother Mary, right after the other.

But as a human being, I still prayed to Mother Mary as she had suggested. I started to pray at noon and about 1 p.m.

I received Mother Mary’s message. Here it is:

My dear son, do not worry about the event that has not arrived yet. The warnings you have received are only the signal for you to get ready to face the situation in the future.

Those who work for the Heavenly Father may be despised and humiliated. But this suffering will also be the testimony of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Son, do not worry about anything. When that time has arrived, the Heavenly Father will protect you from all the harms by His own hands. My dear son, trust in Him and ask Him to always lead you on the path of your life that is ahead of you.

There might be some obstacles in publishing the book you wanted because those who participate are afraid of the harms they might receive.

This is only about your faith and my teaching. Tell them to ease their minds that the one who will be judged is only you, my son. Do what the Holy Spirit has warned you last night.

Do not go there alone. Ask for the person with the highest authority to judge to be there too. And ask that this investigation is open to the public so everyone can attend and the truth will not be twisted.

My dear son, do not be afraid. I know that now your heart is united with mine, as one. We will go to let them judge us together. I will let them judge me, too. At that time, they will appreciate the love that the Heavenly Father has for His stray children.

17 years that I have been waiting for is worth it, there is more faith now.

People will come back to me with nobody forcing them to do it. Official recognition is not important to me (Mother Mary's messenger: There is no official recognition of Mother Mary’s appearances at Lamsai).

I will be very glad that you, my children, convert and follow my teaching. When there is faith coming out from your hearts, it will be holier than any recognition in this world.

Human beings are going to judge the will of the Heavenly Father to see whether it is really His or not, huh? Typical human behavior, you have not given up your ego yet.

When your hearts are not open up to accept it, what is the point of judging me?
Do not be afraid, my son. The truth is the truth. Have trust. The Heavenly Father has already paved your way. Trust in Him.

Lay Evangelists
Sunday, December 18, 2005, 10:45-11:50 p.m.
My dear son, what you saw is the result of your devotion which made me respond to you to let you know that I have acknowledged and have seen everything and every deed you did to pay homage to the Heavenly Father in my name.

Several people might not have seen it the way you did today. Believe that I have made an important sign for you my children to grasp the meaning of it. Plead to the Heavenly Father in my name. He is so kind, like your dad.

Today, I have seen the unity of preparing the praying procedure to be the standard for the future (Mother Mary's messenger: Today we worked together on the schedule of praying in front of Mother Mary’s grotto to make it smoother and more in harmony).

The Holy Spirit will lead the way. In the love that you have for me, there is no difference in age and social status. You did it willingly. I thank all of you for this unity. My Dearest Son is quite pleased, too.

You are in the process of laying down a new foundation for our Church. It is unnecessary to be only the work of ordained persons.

The Holy Spirit has inspired a lot of people to be eager to support the work of the Church without waiting for announcements or requests. From now on, laymen will seek other laymen and proclaim the words of the Lord, shoulder to shoulder with priests and ordained persons.

The reason is it is time for you, my children, who are sleeping to wake up and fight the hidden dangers by yourselves. There are so many evil spirits that keep luring and instigating to break you apart.

The seven deadly sins are still your weakness that they use against you all the time with great effect!

My dear children, we are now fighting the dark power. Praying and doing penance for the stray souls are a must at this time.

Children, I thank all of you for sacrificing your time to work for the Heavenly Father. What would the world be without people like you?

The evil spirit from the dark power is spreading its influence all over the places, even in your own home. It can get in with modern multimedia, in the eyes of human beings. And this multimedia will rapidly bring destruction of the soul to you without your realization.

Take a good care of your children, nieces, and nephews. They are too young to understand what the will of the Heavenly Father is and what the gift from Him is. They cannot sort them out.

The evil spirit is working very hard in the hunt for your souls to be with it. Remind each other, my dear children. Do not wait for the second judgment day to come closer than this.

Mother Mary answered the question:

About my son that has been hurt by the evil spirit: Tell him to be firm. Do not let it shake his faith in the Lord. Its opportunity is getting less and less. Persevere, my son.

Ask the Heavenly Father to have mercy for you, my son. Ask Him to let you free of this suffering. Regardless of what will happen, be firm, be strong, and do not be flimsy.

If you are firm and let everything in the hands of the Heavenly Father, you will be free of this suffering with not much difficulty. The most important thing is your heart.

Do not open your heart to receive it, regardless of what it makes you feel. Fight it and proclaim the name of my Dearest Son. Nothing is more powerful than the power of the Son. Trust the Lord.

I know that you are very afraid but in the end you must fight for yourself, my dear son. Whether it is now or later, you must fight this evil spirit. Why don’t you accept the fact of what is happening to you? You will see the solution. Pray for the blessing from the Heavenly Father. Ask for His power to give you comfort.

Drive away the evil spirit in the powerful name of the Lord with your true soul. You will be safe. Do not think about hurting yourself because that is the way it tries to remind you to solve the problem.

When your soul departs from your body, who will get it? Think about it really good. Will you easily give up your soul to it with this discouragement?

Look at my Dearest Son. How much He had suffered. He bore the excruciating pain in order for the task given to Him by the Heavenly Father to be completely accomplished in accordance with His will, helping to redeem your souls.

The suffering you have been receiving might seem too great for you to bear but it is not even equal to the tiny portion of His suffering.

Dear son, be perseverant. Offer everything as penance, joining with the suffering of the Lord with all your heart and soul. The Kingdom of Heaven is waiting before you. Do not turn around. March forward in accordance with His will. When you offer everything to be in His hands, He will take over this responsibility.

Trust the Lord, my dear son. Do not be afraid. Only your heart can fight it. Remember my words: Your heart is the key for everything you are facing now. Offer your heart to be in the hands of the Heavenly Father.

The Warning Words
Sunday, December 25, 2005, 1:50-2:20 a.m.
My dear children, today I saw the unity from all of you who kindly prayed for your aunt (Mother Mary's messenger: Mother Mary means both of us at home and our auntie’s family who prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet for her at the same time with no prior arrangement).

Baby Jesus told me that today He saw the love which you have for fellow human beings. Know that the prayer from every one of you, especially the Divine Mercy Chaplet, can provide good comfort to the souls of those who are ill.

When all of you united in prayer, the blessing of the Heavenly Father flowed abundantly to your auntie. I thank you, my children. Today you made me very happy.

Next year will be the year of the blessing and grace from the Heavenly Father. He loves every one of you and does not want to see disasters happen to His children.

I tell you, the world is on fire because of sins. Human hearts are hardening more and more everyday by the instigation of the evil spirit. It lures you to be obsessive with luxury and many sins of the flesh. It teaches you to be callous to the Heavenly Father.

It lies to you that if the Lord is really kind, He will forgive you after you are sick and tired of what you have been doing and you ask for His forgiveness. So there is no need to listen to the protesting sound in your heart. Do whatever your heart desires. And when you are ready, you will come back to Him.

Do not listen to it! From the moment you listen to it, it will take you further and further away from the Heavenly Father. This is the reason why you must keep praying and doing penance for the sins of this world.

Listen up, human beings who have not converted to the Lord. When your last day has arrived, you will not have the opportunity to timely make up for your sins. Before you know it, you already have lost that opportunity.

My dear children, now I have cried until my tears turned to blood. Why do you still ignore my revelation, dear children?

The sins you have committed, with no chance for you to convert, sadly make you lose your souls to the evil spirit. And when that time comes, there will be only the sound of grinding teeth and crying with great suffering that even the good deeds or the prayers for His mercy for you will not be able to reach you.

Remember well, your eternal life will be in darkness and the suffering will be so horrible that not even words can describe it.

My dear children, convert now.

Your time will arrive with no warning. Do not let my heart broken into pieces when I see you in the eternal darkness, my dear children.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ ศุกร์ ส.ค. 16, 2019 5:59 am, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 2 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 12:46 pm

My Teacher
Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 9:00 – 10:30 p.m.
My dear son, today I saw you trying to write the stories about me from your heart. Be like a child, my son. With honesty and simplicity, every word you write will make the readers understand and easy for them to think along.

It is no surprise that several people contacted you and asked for my messages to read some more.

Now the job that you have been doing for me begins to show to people that it is based on truth. I will not let you talk in front of others again. Remember my messages and record them first, then read them to others.

Listen to the warning of your friend who took time to make a long distance call to you about this subject with concern. Of course, you did tell me that you would like to live a simple life, working for me and not wanting any kind of fame.

Now people start to know you. Do not forget these words of yours because there will be people who watch you to see whether you do it for fame and fortune.

Your appearances in front of groups of people will happen soon. Do not forget that being my son; you must be simple, humble, and do not want anything in return.

Son, remember my words well. As long as you do not accept any valuable item and money, you will not be tainted. But when the human side of yours makes you want them, it will be an opportunity for the evil spirit to do its work right away. It will destroy you in front of people.

You will be scorned, instead of being praised. Do not be full of yourself!

My son, the arrival of Baby Jesus to stay with you is a confirmation that wherever I am, He is always there. You can always see Him because your soul has already united with Him. You must be strong and gradually get rid of being you. At the same time, your soul will keep growing in the Lord.

Son, do you remember that Baby Jesus told you to talk to me, His Mother, like a little child? What He wants to see is your innocence displayed from the depth of your heart.

I am your Mother, dear son. Do not block or hide your thoughts from me. Regardless of what you think, I am always aware of it.

I know that you really worry about the father. Find time to visit him. You felt happy every time you saw him, right? Listen to his warning because he knows exactly what is happening to you.

Now you start to feel very tired, right? You want to find time to relax but could not find it because you have the passion to help fellow human beings. Occasionally, be still so you will have time to study the Bible and perform sacred activities with fathers and other ordained persons. These activities will make you grow more in spiritual life.

Now you have the tools. Spend a portion of your time with what the Heavenly Father has given you. That’s right. You have correctly seen the preparation of His work for you to do. You already got the weapons in your hands. Hurry up to study how to use them. Soon you will use them for the work you will do for Him.

Do you remember that the father told you to be pleasant? Do not be too serious; the people around you will feel this uplifting spirit too, especially the sick you visit. Do not forget to give them encouraging words and a chance for them to talk or show their feelings.

My dear son, you do not have to stay long to ask for the blessing of healing for the sick because by merely saying the name of the Heavenly Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in my name, the sick will receive comfort from the hands of the Lord.

Asking for a blessing at your home for several people is worth more than visiting the same sick person all the time. When you know that he can feel the blessing, it does not matter whether you are at home or in front of him, it will have the same result.

My dear son, spend your time wisely. Do not rush along with the pleading words of other people because in the end you will not be able to help anybody, not even yourself. You will be too tired, and would have spent all of your energy. At that time who else will you help? Do it moderately, not too much. But do not ignore those who need your help.

Now is the time for me to teach you. Listen to the father. Think like human being. How many hours did you spend going back and forth to visit 2-3 sick people in order to see all of them? How much money did you spend for the trips? Have you ever thought about it?

You think this is the Lord’s work. You must do it like this. I tell you, the Heavenly Father sees your loyalty. But He has never forced you to suffer like this.

My son, your way of helping people is not the only way. Have you ever heard “Smart but not wise”? Currently, you are being like that. You see everything clearly but only on one side. And you do not look for other ways to try them out. Your time is very valuable, spend it wisely.

Son, think about what I told you and you will know that you actually have time to do the tasks given to you by the Heavenly Father and why you did not do them. Do you understand what I taught you?

You already got the tools. Study how to use them well. These gifts will be energy- saving tool for you to work efficiently for the Heavenly Father. Dear son, do not waste more time of the Heavenly Father. The Lord is watching you growing with concern.

And this is one of the reasons why Baby Jesus chose to be with you. He will gradually give you the wisdom in order for you to have time to adapt to the new realm of the level of spiritual growth that you are about to climb.

My dear son, I am very concerned about you. That is why I have to come early to see you (Mother Mary's messenger: I usually see Mother Mary every Saturday). Do not forget to study what you already have in your hands because soon you will have to use them.

When that time comes you will understand and see the benefits of this preparation of yours. And when that day comes, together we will proclaim the name of the Heavenly Father.

Convert Now
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Saturday, December 31, 2005, 3:30 – 4:00 a.m.
My dear children, I thank you for your good will to gather here at this place. Today you should have seen my image that had been lost 17 years ago. Now there is a revival of bringing that image back again.

I thank all of those with kind hearts who successfully helped create this image in accordance with the Heavenly Father’s will.

My children, do not be surprised that you did not hear the repeating sound of my words. I told this son of mine that from now on I will not let him speak (repeating Mother Mary’s words) in front of people again because in the future there will be a lot of people coming to see me here and in that crowd there will be some people with ill intention. They just want to know whether it is a demonic manifestation or a hoax.

Those who do not believe in me will not see me and will not feel the peace that every one of you receives while gathering here in front of me.

I have to warn you again that this world is at the deepest point of sins. It is the time that the Heavenly Father is so sad to see the beginning of the destruction. When that time comes, do not blame Him. Everything will be happened by your hands and actions.

My dear children, I have been warning you repeatedly to convert before it is too late. It seems to me that you have been ignoring me. You do not care that my warning has gone to waste.

My dear children, put yourself in my shoes. Is there a mother who will not protect her children if she sees them in danger?

Every day you are getting further and further away from me. You pretend not to hear my voice. It is very sad. My love for you has been discarded. You are obsessed with all the sins.

When are you going to realize that I come to warn you because of love?

The Heavenly Father might let you receive this lesson by yourselves. Convert, my dear children. At this time Baby Jesus tells me that He will give a chance to those who come to Him to ask for a blessing with all their hearts and souls. They will be saved. The opportunity is already here, my dear children.

Tomorrow is a good opportunity for you to make up with the Lord. Kneel and ask for the blessing. No one will be saved without His help. My dear children, convert.
When you return to your home, tell your friends and relatives about my warning. Discarded love is very painful. You will never understand until you have experienced it yourself.

The opportunity is getting small, my dear children. Apologize and convert. The Heavenly Father always forgives you because you are His creation that He favors the most.

May peace belong to every one of you, my children.

Exhausted Because of Going With the Flow
Sunday, January 1, 2006, 8:30 – 8:35 p.m.
Throughout the last seven months I have been going with the flow which I thought was the work of the Lord. But finally I had to admit that I was so exhausted. I could not do everything that people asked me to do. And right now I am about to lose my strength.

Just like what Mother Mary told me on Wednesday, December 28, 2005, that when I got sick, I could not help myself. And how could I help others?

Tonight when I started to pray, I started to feel very exhausted. I did not even have the strength to force the words through my mouth. My heart shook and beat so fast like I was about to lose conscience. Then I heard Mother Mary’s voice, talking to me,
" My dear son, tell everyone that today I want you to rest. Sleep in the Holy Spirit so you will have strength for tomorrow. You are so tired. Go to bed now.”

I hurried up to go to bed. I only thought of the Holy Spirit before I slept soundly until the next morning.

Manage the Time Well
Monday, January 2, 2006, 9:55 – 10:00 p.m.
Tomorrow I will travel to a northern province for a sightseeing tour early in the morning. After praying as usual, I received a short message from Mother Mary.

Here it is: My dear son, today is a good opportunity for you. You will meet and talk to your new spiritual director. Go and see him. The Heavenly Father has already prepared the path of the future for you.

Spend a portion of your sightseeing time to learn about spiritual life from him. Manage your time well so you will not be too tired. I know that you are about to pray for a blessing for the really sick persons. May peace belong to you, son.

Since it is Mother Mary’s wish, I will happily comply with it.

Knowing Myself
Wednesday, January 4, 2006
I arrived at Chiangmai around 3:00 p.m. I immediately called an elderly lady friend of mine to take me to the home of a sculptor who can make sacred sculptures. But there was not enough time so I had to make a sudden change in my plans to visit an important person instead of going to that gentleman’s home.

I was shocked when I first talked to him because he was so loud like he was scolding me. But as I continued to listen, I realized that he was teaching me to know myself. He taught me what I should do because I got lost by going with the flow.

He asked me when I went out to help other people whether I followed the flow or being passionate. He told me going with the flow and being passionate are different, not the same.

At first, I denied the fact. I told him that I went out because I was being passionate to do the Lord’s work. But now I realize that it was me being anxious to go out and help other people because I thought I could help them and I was happy doing that. I have never asked Mother Mary whether it was the work she wanted me to do.

He suggested that I should spend time to pray so I will be close to Mother Mary in every breath I take, to clean my heart all the time, to have tranquility, clear mind, illumination, peace, and calmness. Do not mix my personal feeling with Mother Mary’s work.

He looked at me with thorough understanding that lately I did not pray much. He told me that if I want to work for Mother Mary I must communicate with her all the time.

If there is something coming up, ask her. Don’t wait for her to show up. Pray much more so Mother Mary will lead the way of my life. Create calmness and silence in my heart so I can hear the Lord’s voice. Receive the Holy Communion frequently to get energy to work for Mother Mary for a long, long time. Do things in moderation. Don’t go with the flow too much. Don’t let anyone order me to do what they want.

Whatever I do that does not make me feel peace in my heart is not Mother Mary’s work.

Always ask Mother Mary what I should do when there is a person asking for help or when there is a problem that I could not solve. Stay away from that situation if I am still confused. Do not fight back. Listen to the voice of the Lord from the silence of my heart.

My job is to persuade people to lift up their hearts to the Lord. So I must find time to be with God everyday and with no interruption from anyone.

It is a good idea for me to ask for the Lord’s blessing for the sick but it is not necessary for me to always be there with them. I can pray for the blessing from home without going to see them.

He taught me not to make people obsessed with me because I got nothing. The blessing comes from the Lord. I am only one of the Lord’s tools.

He taught me that I should explain to the sick that it is them who must open up their hearts to let God come in and heal them. The most important part is to convert and pray with sincerity from their hearts first.

He told me that the majority of people only want the healing of body. When they are healed, they will go back to commit sins just like they did before.

So the sick must be ready to ask for the blessing to heal the weakness of their souls too. And with our mutual prayers, theirs and mine, they will directly receive the blessing of the Lord.

He told me that everything he taught me he got it from Mother Mary’s messages which she has already used them to teach me. I have published the messages to teach others but I do not follow her teaching. Why is that?

I told him that I saw Santo Niño (Baby Jesus) holding a big and shining green Holy Communion and did not know what it meant. He told me the vision I saw has been clearly explained by the Lord. The Lord wants me to frequently receive the Holy Communion, Body of Christ.

I was so busy thinking too deep about the meaning of the vision and that is why I could not find the answer. I was so silly. Why have I never thought of this meaning?

I am so glad to have a chance to meet him today.

I would like to thank my elderly lady friend with kind heart who helped me receiving the illumination.

I would like to thank the Heavenly Father for kindly preparing this special occasion for me.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ ศุกร์ ส.ค. 23, 2019 10:39 am, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 4 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 1:02 pm

Follow My Footsteps
Sunday, January 8, 2006, 12:07 – 12:40 a.m.
My dear son, in a few days you will start spreading my messages. Go on, son. This is a good opportunity for you to speak in front of other people of how much faith you have in me. Be yourself. I know that you could not remember all of my messages. Choose the one that will be beneficial for the group of that particular day.

Son, pray for the illumination from the Holy Spirit. He will lead you to choose which message is suitable for those people. Bring all of my messages with you. When it is time for you to refer to one of my messages, read it to them. There is no need for you to spend too much of your energy getting ready for it.

Be yourself. Do not forget politeness, respectfulness and humility. Your sincerity will touch the hearts of those listeners.

My dear son, throughout this week I want you to receive the Holy Communion everyday according to your intention. Take along your mother and aunt to the Mass so both of them will be in the Heavenly Father’s grace too.

It is time for you to change your conduct. Listen well to the voice in your heart. Have you already known what task to do, how much and how?

That is right. The weapon and tool you possess but have not learned how to use is praying to make your heart unite with the Heavenly Father. Son, I know you can do it because I have prepared you for this job a long time ago.

Let every minute of your time be close to the Lord. Let the Lord lead the path of your life. Son, whenever you do not have something or face any problem that you cannot find the way to solve, ask for the illumination from Him.

The Heavenly Father is so kind and will be very glad to hear your voice talking to Him. Now your heart has opened up for Him. Use this special opportunity to ask for His help by your own heart. He allows you to do that. I will keep an eye on you so you will not go astray. And Baby Jesus will help you to go along on the path which has been dictated from heaven.

But my son, do not be careless. When you have received this blessing, the evil spirits are angry at you and they will look for opportunities to destroy you in front of other people.

Be calm and still when you are being opposed or scorned by other people. Smile and forgive them from your heart. Ask for a blessing of the Lord for them to find peace in their hearts.

Son, do not be afraid of anything. I and Baby Jesus will always be with you. Together we will go and work for the Heavenly Father. Be confident, son. When you meet that esteemed person, your honesty and simplicity like a child will win his heart.

Son, live your life by following my footsteps all the time, in every minute. Be polite, be obedient, be respectful, and be humble. Do not respond to the words of contempt. By accepting the judgment of others with serenity, you will make everyone realize that you are truly the one I have chosen. Son, you can do it.

Spend the time you have left to prepare your heart. When your heart has united with me and Baby Jesus, there is nothing for you to be afraid of.

Trust me, son.

You must be very sleepy. Go and rest in the Holy Spirit.

My son, may peace belong to you.
Saturday, January 14, 2006, 11:07 – 11:38 p.m.
My dear son, today you should have heard the warning of the Holy Spirit, right? He told you to go home and pray at 9:00 p.m. When it was close to 9:00 p.m. you also received a warning from one of your friends to go home, right?

I want you to go home and pray because you must prepare your heart and ask for the illumination from the Holy Spirit to lead you tomorrow (Mother Mary’s messenger: I was invited to talk about spiritual experiences I have received from Mother Mary to those that live in other province). This time is the most important time for you to lift up your heart to Him and ask for the blessing and wisdom from Him.

Today you were told by other people to watch the moon, right? Today I want all of you to know that I have been watching all of you all the time with love and concern. Do not forget the warnings I have been giving to you constantly: to pray, do penance for your sins and fellow human beings who fall in mortal sins in order for them to convert.

My dear children, even when I came to warn you of the dangers which are getting close to you without your knowledge, how many of you have listened to me?

My dear children, it might be too late for those who have been possessed by the evil spirit to the point that makes them concur and go along with it, committing sins without shame, even in front of the Heavenly Father. It might be the time for those human beings to be cleansed.

I have been asking every one of you to pray for those people so they will acknowledge their sins, to convert, and to apologize to the Heavenly Father. The Lord hesitated and postponed the cleanup at this time because He heard the prayers from some of you who had asked in my name.

Even with a few number of people who prayed and did penance, they made His heart soft and merciful. The Lord has postponed this destruction.

Tragically, the sinners have not converted and were not aware that they have survived because of the prayers from some of you, my children. Human beings, do not be careless again.

Remember my words well; the danger will come to you without your knowledge. Before you realize what has happened, it is too late for everything. You will not be able to help anybody, even yourself, if you do not convert.

Currently, the evil spirit is working hard to get your souls to be with it. Do you have to wait until that day arrives, dear children? And when that day arrives, where will you be? Have you thought about it, children?

Love each other. Love, sacrifice, and helping each other will bring peace in your heart. Remember that those who give with no expectation of reciprocation will receive great reward in heaven.

My dear children, hurry up to do good deeds in order to collect the treasure for your souls before it is too late.

May peace belong to every one of you, my dear children.

My dear son, go and get ready for tomorrow. Rest in the Holy Spirit. Tomorrow we will work for the Heavenly Father together.

Mother Mary’s messenger: Tonight, it was well over 1:00 a.m. when I went to bed. So I did not prepare anything to talk for tomorrow. Before going to bed, I only prayed for a blessing for everyone who was sick and asked for the illumination from the Holy Spirit for the task I will do tomorrow.

When I Did Not Go to Pray at Lamsai
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Today I did not have a chance to go to pray with others at Mother Mary’s Grotto at Lamsai because I was sick with the flu. If I got exposed to the cold weather and lack of sleep, I would have been really sick. So I could only send my heart to join them in prayer.
Sunday, January 29, 2006, 12:45 – 12:47 a.m.
My dear children, I thank you for your devotion to me. I can see in your hearts that today you come to me with enthusiasm and sincerity. Several of you might have been disappointed for not seeing my messenger here.

I was the one that stopped him so he would have time to be alone and get close to the heart of the Heavenly Father. He was lost, running around to find a way to be in the Lord’s presence. He misunderstood many things, blindly going with the flow which is getting stronger and stronger that even he could not fight it.

So I let him stop to thoroughly ponder over himself. The thing he is looking for and the most precious blessing is depended on his true heart.

When he understands and accepts the will of the Heavenly Father, he will know that there is no greater love than the love of the Heavenly Father. Because of His fondness for His creation that was created in His image, human beings are His most beloved creation.

When you are getting lost and your hearts go along with the evil spirit’s persuasion, the Lord has sent me to warn all of you, His children, with His kind and merciful heart. He wants all of you, His children, to have a chance to convert and make corrections on your bad behaviors in order for you to have a share in the kingdom of heaven.

Dear children, there are some of you who come to me that still have too much of a high regard of themselves and they think that I might not be aware of it.

Dear children, I tell you now that I, the Heavenly Father, and my Dearest Son have seen your actions and intentions at all times.

Dear children, in coming to work for the Lord, your hearts should have only peace. Do not bring fire to burn others and make yourselves feverish with the poison of the fire from this evil spirit.

Even though you think that nobody knows what is in your heart, I myself know it all along. The Heavenly Father also lets you choose what you want to do. But I want to give you a warning: whatever comes out of your mouth, you cannot take it back.

Dear children, you must take full responsibility of everything you have done by yourselves. This is my warning for today.

If you really love me, you will always find peace, calmness, serenity, and no anxiety in your heart. You will trust the Heavenly Father to lead the way of your life all the time.

So, think over thoroughly what is the purpose of all the questions that have been gushing to my messengers? Is there any benefit for your soul and for others? Sometimes, for this stuff, you can find an answer by yourselves if you use your human brain.

You ask me because you want my confirmation whether it is a “yes” or a “no” according to your own thought, right?

Children, if you trust in the will of the Heavenly Father, these questions would have never appeared.

Today I had to separate my messenger from these things. People have been pulling him to respond to their own needs. I did not prepare this son of mine to work for human beings, instead, dear children, I want him to help lead your souls to the Heavenly Father with your own hearts.

With the obedience and devotion that you have shown to pay homage to the Lord, they will bring an endless blessing to each and every one of you.

From now on I will not let my messenger go with the flow again. Today he had to rest and stay with me in this house in order for him to understand the purpose of the Heavenly Father. What is the Lord’s purpose? In the future you will understand it too.

Do not cling to my messenger. He does not have any special blessing the way you think. The blessing comes from heaven. Have a new understanding. This son of mine is the one who will lead your souls to the Heavenly Father. When your hearts are ready to accept Him, miracles will occur in your hearts.

Remember, dear children, let my messenger successfully do his job that has been given to him. He will spread my messages. This is the upcoming task that he will do.

Let all of you fully understand the will of the Heavenly Father. What He wants most is to see all of His children converted, to be aware of the sins, to ask for His forgiveness with sincerity, and have the intention to avoid committing those sins again. It is so easy. Can you do it for Him?

I am not going to say anything more than this. Do not forget the words I have been warning you. Pray, do penance in atonement for your sins and for other human beings. With this intention to do good deeds, it will bring peace to all places. Love each other like the Heavenly Father loves each of you, His children.

When you are not in a mortal sin, and with disasters that might happen around you, you will be safe under the hands of the Heavenly Father.

What really concerns me is the sinners who still do not convert. They will be the witnesses of the judgment from the Heavenly Father. Dear children, pray for these people. The Heavenly Father is so merciful to them but they do not appreciate that, instead they commit more sins.

At this time their souls have been completely possessed by the evil spirit. But I and those in heaven still believe that as long as there are people with kind hearts praying for those with hardened hearts to the Heavenly Father, one day they will receive an important sign from Him to make them convert even at the last second before they die.

My dear children, keep praying. May peace belong to all of you. This peace will happen when we unite our hearts as one.

May peace belong to every one of you, my children.

When Mother Mary Lets Me Stay Still
Sunday, February 5, 2006, 12.49 – 13:20 p.m.
My dear son, now everything is clear in your heart, right? When you have offered yourself to me, you completely belong to me. Let everything go according to my will. Now you have chosen to believe and gladly walk on the path I have prepared for you.

You are my son. Before you make any decision, you should ask my permission first whether you can do it. Do not do anything according to your will. The reason I did not forbid you in the beginning because one day you will differentiate what is my task and what is not.

Pray for the illumination from the Holy Spirit every time that you will make a decision. My dear son, He will always lead you.

I thank you for understanding me, son. A part of your illness came from not having enough rest and the energy you have lost in helping your fellow human beings. You have a good and steady intention with great desire to help those poor human beings.

You did not realize that with your sincere heart and great desire, you have completely spent all of your energy, sending them to those who came for a blessing of healing.

Yesterday you have realized what happened, right? Even you could not help yourself any longer because you did not have enough energy to help yourself. It was fortunate for you that your older sister went there with you.

With love and concern, your sister sent you a wonderful blessing. You could feel the warmth emanating from the spot of sickness, right? This is the power of love which you have sent to others without realizing it. You thought the whole thing was the blessing of the Heavenly Father.

The reason the Lord let these things happened is to teach you that He perfectly knows what is suitable for whom. Now you have realized with your own heart that in exchange of your life in bargaining with my Dearest Son for that man to have a chance to live and to complete what he wanted to do before dying, it was not the best thing for him at all.

You used your human heart to bargain with God. Finally, you have realized that it was a mistake, and you should not have held him back, right? In letting him at risk with sins, it made your heart know no peace. So you were so eager to look for a priest to hear his confession and to absolve his sins which you must made it happen.

When you knew that he was in the state of grace, you were relieved and gave him back into the Lord’s hands. Son, from now on everything will go according to the will of the Lord.

Have you realized that you lost time, money, and most important thing was your own energy in a bad deal? I want you to remember it well as a lesson learned. Leave decision making to me. You are still too innocent and too weak to go out in the world to work for me, dealing with human beings who have endless desires.

Son, stay still and only listen to my voice. I will always be with you anywhere you go. We will be one. Always think of me, son. Currently you are too weak to fight with the evil spirit which is waiting to destroy you in everywhere.

My dear son, today I am very glad that you understand me and accept everything that has happened with peaceful heart. You are coming on to the right path. Move on with steadfast heart and always trust in the will of the Heavenly Father.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 12:22 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 1:20 pm

When I Got Tempted by the Evil Spirit
Saturday, February 11, 2006, 9: 35 – 10:20 p.m.
On Friday evening I got a phone call from one of the older friends to get ready to go to spread Mother Mary’s messages on Sunday, February 12. I was not aware that I was going to do it so I did not prepare any document, besides I was still sick so I said no to him. But I was confused whether this was Mother Mary’s work. If it was, why I was not in the shape to go and do it?

So I prayed for the illumination from Mother Mary to make me understand her will. It was late before I was about to go to bed when I heard a voice from the dark, “Don’t be stubborn. This is the work I have prepared for you. Go and do it.”

I always believed what Mother Mary told me, but this time why did I have a question in my mind whether it was her work or not?

Before going to sleep, I asked Mother Mary one more time. And I got the same answer, “Yes, my dear son. This is my work.”

On Saturday morning I was still unsettled so I sat down and prayed for the illumination from the Holy Spirit of what I should do on this matter. I heard a voice tell me in my heart to make a phone call to the father and I would receive a clear answer for this matter.

I immediately called the father. He recommended me not to go if I felt not ready because Mother Mary’s work is important. I have to be ready to do it.

On that Saturday night while I was praying in front of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, I saw the statue divide into two statues. The one that newly separated from the first one was angry and told me, “Now you believe human beings more than you believe me, huh?”

I was alarmed that this might not be the Mother Mary that I know. Mother Mary has never been angry and talked aggressively with me like this. So I talked back and said I knew that it was not Mother Mary. Go away. Then I prayed the Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel three times. The fake Mother Mary slowly disappeared.

I was very surprised how the evil spirit dared to pretend to be Mother Mary. I started to pray again.

In a short while Mother Mary said the following to me:

“My dear son, today you have received another lesson about what came from me and what was fake, right? Fortunately, this morning you prayed to the Holy Spirit for the illumination. It was Him who inspired you to make a phone call to the father to check for the truth.

Tonight you saw what happened, right? Sometimes it used my name, hoping to destroy you and my work. It showed how much it was angry and upset with you. This is the point where you caught on and knew it was not me.

My dear son, remember well that in your upcoming path you must try very hard to clearly identify which ones are my work for you to do.

Do not easily trust anybody again. Because you are so honest, the devil will use this to destroy you so you will not be able to work for me again. It will destroy you in front of other people. Son, be very careful.

My dear son, I am very glad that you told me today that you would not do anything by yourself again. You will listen to only my voice. I will gradually teach you for the upcoming task which requires you to appear in public. There is still time for this thing. Don’t accept any request until I let you go to do it when I have fully prepared you.

Son, reply to him with courtesy and humility. If you trust me, do what I have told you. Your big job in the future is waiting for you. I will not let you do any work in my name while you are not fully prepared.

Son, remember that the devil seeks opportunities to destroy you all the time. Do not fall victim to the praises that you will receive. Your weakness is you feel guilty to say no to people who ask for your assistance. This is the point it will use against you, putting you in the situation you could not say no.

This is the reason why I have to safeguard you so you will learn about human heart and know how to avoid the traps. You are not strong enough to fight the desires of human beings. If you mention my name, no one can force you to do what he wants. Reply politely that you will do what he asks when you have received a sign from me first.

My dear son, I am so worried about you. Pray more than this to raise up the level of your heart to be higher than the evil spirits so they will not be able to come and tempt you. What I told you today is strictly for you.

About the warning for other people, I want you to insist on what I have told you at the end of last month. Every word of my warning and teaching will be beneficial for all of the souls of my children. Read and explain to all of my children so they will understand how much I love them and worry about them and how much the Lord is so kind to His children. The Lord gives them an opportunity to convert even at the last second before they die.

My dear children, doing penance is not as difficult as you think: only skip what you want to do according to your will in order to pay homage to the Heavenly Father. In only one day, you can choose to do many penances almost all the time and in every minute. But it is up to you whether to choose to do according to your will or to offer your activities you will do that day to do penance for atonement of your sins and of fellow human beings.

Everything must come from your sincere heart because whatever you will think and do the Heavenly Father, my Dearest Son and I always see it.

It is the will of the Heavenly Father to let you choose freely what you want to do because He loves you, His children. Ask yourself as a human being that when you truly love someone, whether or not will you do only the good things to please that person and make that person happy?

Giving with no expectation of reciprocation occur abundantly just because we want to see our loved ones happy, right? So, when you know the heart of the Heavenly Father is like this, can you still make Him sad?

There is no greater love than the love of the Heavenly Father has for you. So, I want you to really think over whether today you have reciprocated His love?”

Pray to Offer Thailand to Me
Saturday, February 18, 2006, 11:35 p.m. – 12:25 a.m.
My dear children, today I would like to thank you for your unity in setting up the celebration of my feast day at the church for me.

It is the right thing for you to go to confession because you do not have the right to judge other people. Have you seen it today? You thought that person had no compassion for others, but he brought flowers to thank the person who taught the music to the choir and invited all of you to have dinner with him after the rehearsal.

From now on do not be in a hurry to judge other people. Listen, think, and do not rush to say anything until you have all the facts. Taking your time to speak is the best thing to do. When everything is clear, you will know that each individual has his own reason to act like that in that particular situation. When you do not understand him, do not rush to judge that he is no good because he does not think and act like you.

My dear son, I am glad that you realized that you have committed a sin and really felt sorry for it. The teaching of the father today is a reminder for you. If we know who has made a mistake, we warn him with love. Do not use your human thinking process to judge him.

How much does the Heavenly Father love all of you? My Dearest Son showed all of you when He was a human being by endlessly forgiving those who made mistakes. Though they will make mistakes over and over again, the Lord will always be ready to forgive them if they ask for His forgiveness. But do not turn around and commit those sins again.

Have you seen how great His love for His children is? Why did you get angry and was in a hurry to judge others like that? Have you given him a chance to explain himself? Think about it.

So today you received the answer from the father to have trust in the Heavenly Father, right? Sometimes the Lord let you feel the power of His blessing to give you encouragement and to show you that He has always been with you. And the Lord allowed everything to happen according to your pleas. But sometimes it was His mercy for you, because He has been taking care of everything for you. You should not worry about anything anymore.

Son, I have been telling you constantly to have trust in the will of the Heavenly Father because He knows perfectly well what is good for whom at what particular time. You, yourself, also heard the voice of my Dearest Son yesterday, right? He told both of you (Mother Mary’s messenger: my sister and me) to keep praying the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy for your fellow human beings who are facing the weakness of body and soul, including those in the purgatory. The Lord will decide who will receive the blessing you have asked for.

Praying will make your soul closer to the Lord every day. My dear son and daughter, be proud for having been chosen to do this task. Do not doubt in the will of my Dearest Son anymore. When it is the right time, the Lord will show you what He wants you to do next.

For now I want both of you to pray more, much more, so we will be one in prayer for the world to have peace and the conversion of sinners. The penances you have made with the intention to pay homage to the Heavenly Father each day have already been recorded in heaven.

My dear son and daughter, be proud. What you did with the intention to offer to the Lord is what made those in heaven joyful with you. Keep doing it, dear children. Though it is only the two of you, what you did is worthy enough to make the Heavenly Father have mercy for your country and keeps it far away from the disaster that is about to happen.

My dear son and daughter, pray to offer Thailand to me every day in order for me to offer your prayers to the Heavenly Father. Pass the word around that this is what I told you. If you truly love and value your country, pray to offer Thailand to me.

Dear son and daughter, in the future you will be tempted a lot by the evil spirit. Pray for the illumination of the Holy Spirit.

When you are confused and not sure what to do, do not rush into making a decision by yourself without consulting me or my Dearest Son. The evil spirit knows that both of you will only listen to me and my Dearest Son.

My dear son and daughter, be careful. Sometimes, it will trick you by using your devotion to make you stray, make mistakes, and will make you sad later on.

Always remember that whatever task that does not make you have tranquility and peace in your heart, immediately pray for the illumination of the Holy Spirit even though you think it is my wish or my Dearest Son’s wish. The Lord will show you what comes from me and what is phony.

Tomorrow, you (Mother Mary’s messenger: my sister and I) will learn something from seeing the father, but each of you will receive different knowledge. You will definitely use this knowledge for your upcoming task.

My message is still the old message (Saturday, January 28-29, 2006). Son, spread this message of mine and explain to people to make them understand what the will of the Heavenly Father is and what I have been constantly teaching all of you.

I still insist on my old message. Hurry up to spread this message. If you, my children, understand and put it to use, peace will happen everywhere.

Do not forget the great love of the Heavenly Father and show your gratitude with love for Him to your friends, relatives, and fellow human beings.
May peace belong to every one of you, my children.

The Infinite Love
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lumsai
Saturday, February 25, 2006
I prayed to Mother Mary for illumination several days before I came to Lumsai because I felt guilty that I was the source of stress for those who came to Lumsai to join in prayer on January 28, 2006.

I should have explained to them why we set up a prayer schedule for Saturday night: to have continuity in praying to pay homage to Mother Mary, our most beloved Mom. But I did not have a chance to explain in advance and it caused a mistake.

Mother Mary reminded me to be the one to talk to those brothers and sisters to clear the air and have the same understanding that having a prayer schedule is for their own convenience. Whenever they want to pray, there will always be a person to lead.

There is no rule forcing anyone to stay and pray until morning because some of them are not in good health and not able to endure the lack of sleep. They must sleep to conserve their energy to participate in the Mass on Sunday morning and to join the procession to pay homage to Mother Mary.

Anyone who wants to stay up and pray as a penance to offer it to Mother Mary, he can do it willingly on his own.

When everybody is on the same page and when the lead person is not able to do his job as scheduled, we already know the prayer at that particular time and everyone can continue to pray by themselves.

We agreed that it was a good idea, giving everyone a chance to take the lead in praying by taking turn. It will unite all of us to pay homage to Mother Mary.

Mother Mary told me to take full responsibility of the mistake in front of everyone. Mom did not let me judge who was right and who was wrong.

Mother Mary taught me to understand the way to lead everyone’s mind to unite as one in order to show love, mercy, and kindness to each other by praying for the sick and those facing the weakness of soul at that place; opening up their hearts to let

Lord Jesus come in to give the blessing by their own prayer and the rest of us join in praying the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy to give love and goodwill to them.

I previously had no knowledge of this procedure, so Mother Mary spent three days teaching me to understand how it works. She also told me to display the picture of the Compassionate Mother at our gathering so everyone will have a chance to see it again.

After that we prayed the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy again, asking for the conversion of sinners, those in purgatory, and the souls that nobody thinks of in order for them to receive the mercy of Lord Jesus and to have a share in the Kingdom of Heaven too.

When everything began with love, peace and tranquility happened in everyone’s heart at that place. Tonight was really a night of peace. Nothing was rushed through. Everything was gradually progressed. And it came from everyone’s willingness to take the lead in prayer, nobody got tired.

About 11:45 p.m., after a nice rest, we started to pray the Holy Rosary, the Prayer of Consecration to the Compassionate Mother and the Prayer of True Life in God which has the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary about the Passion of Christ Our Lord (with several heartbreaking passages) that made me realize that I am a sinner, never appreciated the Lord who gave up His life to redeem all of us human beings.

In a time span of a day, how many minutes have I opened my heart to welcome the Lord and do penance in order to take part in His suffering and to pay homage to Him?
It was 3:15 a.m. when we stopped praying to wait for Mother Mary’s message.

I have felt Mother Mary’s presence at the grotto the whole time. Mother Mary told me that she was ready to give the message. I was overwhelmed with her kindness to stay in our midst since evening. So I led the brothers and sisters to pray the Hail Mary Prayer three times and then I started to write down her message (word by word).

During that time my aunt and cousin saw the statue of Mother Mary’s in the grotto open her mouth and talk the whole time, giving the message to all of us (Mother Mary's messenger: I was very surprised to see almost everyone who has been praying up to morning was not tired or sick even though the dew has been falling and soaking up the whole area).

Here is the message:
Sunday, February 26, 2006, 3:29 - 4:00 a.m.
My dear children, today I am so happy to see you showing love for each other. You have learned and responded to the will of the Heavenly Father who loves you more than anything.

Dear children, your activity today which you have joined to do really pleased the Heavenly Father. When you understand His infinite love, you will know that regardless of what you do or wherever you are, He keeps an eye on you all the time with concern.

Dear children, I tell you that realizing and responding to the love of the Heavenly Father is the most precious thing. Love others like you love yourselves.

Today I saw the love you have for each other. You feel that today you have serenity and peace in your hearts, right? There is no anxiety, no envy, and no criticism for anybody in your hearts. Children, this is the grace that the Heavenly Father gave to all of you today.

None of you thought about the miracle of what you would see that will be special from others. When you offered your hearts to be in the hands of the Heavenly Father, the miracle already occurred in your hearts. Today I must praise the unity of all of you, my children.

Do you feel that today everything is peaceful, smooth and in harmony? The reason for that is your prayer to me, the Heavenly Father, and my Dearest Son to let everything be at peace. Dear children, I always hear your prayers.

The Prayer of my Dearest Son from True Life in God made several of you sad and cry. My Dearest Son said, “Keep your tears and sorrow for the sinners who are still under the power of the devil.

Even though you will pray very hard for them, if their hearts do not open to accept help from the Holy Spirit, to let Him come in and help, there will be only the sound of crying and grinding teeth when the Judgment Day of the Heavenly Father arrives.”

Dear children, I still insist that you pray for those sinners and pray to offer your country to me. A great disaster is now in front of you.

Safeguard your souls. When the Judgment Day arrives, those who open up their hearts and come to the Heavenly Father will be in the light of glory. Those that fall slave to the evil spirit will be under the horrible darkness forever.

Remember well, dear children, the life of my Dearest Son. How much has He loved you? How much has he suffered to redeem your sins?

What you heard today is only a small portion of it because in reality He suffered terribly. They did not think that the Lord was a human being, a living person who had feelings and could feel pains. They did everything to make Him suffer and be full of shame.

My dear children, if you saw the real scene, none of you would be able to withstand seeing the condition of my Dearest Son.

Dear children, the Lord gave up everything, even His own life for all of you. Have you given love to your fellow human beings in return for His love for all of you?

Children, be aware that you will never be able to completely reciprocate His love. My Dearest Son is fully aware of that too. The Lord only asks you to learn and practice following His footsteps.

Children, don’t be afraid of anything. When you offer your love to the Lord, you will receive His love in return. Even though His love for you cannot be matched, the Lord is merciful and glad to see His children come back to Him.

My dear children, from now on you will be the example for others to understand the Infinite Love. Are you ready to accept this responsibility? I am not forcing you. The Heavenly Father also lets you choose on your own too.

May peace belong to every one of you, my children.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 12:28 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 1:31 pm

The Cleansing of a Soul
Saturday, March 4, 2006, 10:37 – 11:45 p.m.
My dear son, I am very glad to see you trying to help the soul of your cousin (Mother Mary’s messenger: the son of my aunt) who is confronted with family problems.

I have seen your good intention all the time even though you forgot to ask my permission whether I would let you ask for the blessing and put your hands on top of his head. With your good intention, I let you do it for the past five days.

It is fortunate that your cousin was inspired by me to come to your home. He would never be able to open his heart to my Dearest Son and me to come in without your help (Mother Mary’s messenger: from my prayer) and bring his heart to meet the Heavenly Father.

Now the Holy Spirit will lead his life and gives him wisdom to make a living and take care of his two children to always be in the state of grace.

Do not feel bad about my statue (Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal). I chose to be with him to protect him, give him encouragement to live on, and to be his refuge. He needs something to hold on to. He needs something that when he sees it, it will remind him of me and my teachings.

Be proud, my dear son. You have given the best thing to your cousin.

Son, it is true just like what the father told you yesterday. In the beginning you needed to feel and see miracles, but when you got me in your heart, you no longer need the statues of me.

When I am constantly with you in your heart, we will talk by sending only our minds to each other. You no longer need my pictures or statues to remind you of me like other human beings.

My dear son, I am so proud of you. Yesterday when you went to the confession, I was the one who inspired you to remember all the sins that you have forgotten a long time ago.

I want you to have your soul cleansed all the time because from now on the work you will do for me will be constantly challenged by the evil spirit. If you are clean, it could not harm you.

The Heavenly Father will protect you with His own hands.

My dear son, it seems that today I have things to tell you in private but it is not all of them. There are several things I am going to tell you. After nightly prayer, turn off your cellular phone and do not answer it. If it is the person I have sent to you for your help, I will give you a sign. You are still too polite, do not dare to say no when you have answered the phone.

Dear son, you have not spent time to pray by yourself like I told you. This thing is very important for you. Your spirit is in the process of growing but you are being blocked by the devil’s minions, not letting you pray.

Tell everyone that after 9:00 p.m. you will not answer the phone from anybody. The Heavenly Father has seen this blockage all the time. And I, myself, still have a lot of things to teach you in order for you to grow spiritually.

When it is the day I tell you that you are ready, you will see the value of praying to keep your soul clean enough to go and fight all the evil spirits.

Dear son, even those that are close to you, sometimes they will call you to not let you pray because the evil spirit knows your weak point and uses them as its tool and without their awareness. Talk to them politely and excuse yourself so you will spend more time with me. Praying is very important for you at this time.

I know that you want to ask about the message that will be beneficial for the public. Dear son, I have given several messages that are beneficial for the public through you. There are many enthusiastic people who have been following my messages from you all the time.

Anyway, now you start to hear the complaint that the messages you received are too many. Some of the people only want a page or a couple pages of the messages from Lamsai.

Dear son, they do not know the thing they refuse to read is the thing that will lead their souls to a higher level like what I have taught you. Human beings are always weak.

They are not as enthusiastic like when they started off because most of the texts in the messages that they have received are almost the same. So they decided, like human beings, that they have had enough.

Son, do not feel bad. They do not know that they are denying my teaching. In raising up the level of their souls, if they are not receptive, is very hard for you to help them.

Son, do not feel bad with these people. They are the seeds you have sown. When some seed falls into good soil, it is ready to grow and yield a crop. Some of the seed falls on rock, even though you try hard to water and care for it, the seed will only grow in the beginning and because it has fallen on the rock with no nutrients, this seed later on will completely wither.

Dear son, you have done your best. Never let human beings who are weak dictate the work of the Heavenly Father.

Keep going forward. Do not get discouraged with what you heard. Any blessing you have given people with true love, if some of them do not deserve it, that blessing will come back to you.

I want you to remember that you cannot help every human being’s soul. Whoever got a hardened heart, not opening it up, will not find the way of the salvation.

You have been sending blessings to them with your kind heart, continue to do so. Try to help as many souls as you can within your capability. The rest is Myself, My Dearest Son's, and the Heavenly Father’s responsibility.

You did not do anything wrong. If you could not help the soul of any human being, it is because he has chosen his own destiny. My dear son, don’t get discouraged. Help as many as you can and that will be good enough for me. The Heavenly Father understands you perfectly well.

Dear son, about the lost sheep: My Dearest Son will follow it and bring it back, unless it does not want to come back to Him.

I would like you to stop recording this message. Tomorrow afternoon you will spend a lot of energy for the souls you are going to pray in remembrance of them.
May peace always belong to you, my son.

My Heart is Almost Broken into Pieces
Saturday, March 11, 2006, 9:15 – 9: 37 p.m.
My dear children, today is a good opportunity for every one of you to gather here in front of me at this place (Mother Mary’s messenger: Today we gather at the father’s home). I am very glad.

Now your beloved country is in a big crisis. I have been reminding you to pray for and offer Thailand to me so I will offer your pleas to the Heavenly Father.

My dear children, the catastrophes will happen by humans’ hands, particularly dangers from nature with real cause that come from humans who have been destroying natural resources.

My dear children, I am so worried about the whole thing. Let all of you hurry up and pray for your country. The Heavenly Father always hears your prayers. Ask Him to protect your country just like my Dearest Son protected Poland in the past.
If the disaster happens because the sinners did not convert, there will be a lot of damages.

The innocent people will share the same misfortune like them too. But do not worry, dear children. Those that do good deeds, even though they are not Catholics, when the disaster comes, they will be saved from this world and go to another world with eternal happiness because every religion teaches human beings to do good deeds.

Do not blame the Heavenly Father for being mean and for His punishment on human beings who are His creation that He loves the most. He has given you a lot of chances by letting me come to warn you about the disasters in advance.

Sadly, not everybody has been paying attention to my warnings and following my instructions except a few of you who have listened, followed my instructions, prayed, and did penances for the conversion of sinners.

My dear children, my heart is almost broken into pieces when I see the disaster waiting in front of you. Hurry up to pray, save as many human souls as you can. Even though you might not save everyone, you have been trying your best.

Have trust in the will of the Heavenly Father and my Dearest Son because The Lord knows what is best for His children.

Trust the Lord. Let Him lead your life today. Tomorrow is His responsibility and He will choose what is best for you.

May peace belong to every one of you, my children.

The War With the Evil Spirit
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
March 26, 2006, 3:00 – 3:35 a.m.
My dear children, today you must be surprised that the atmosphere of tonight is so subdued and secluded. You might have been trying several times to find out what had happened today, right? Do not guess. Do not use your human thought to find the answer, dear children.

Today all the angels and saints in heaven are extremely sad. All of them have been praying for peace to occur everywhere in this world, not just only in your homeland,
Dear children, I have seen the disaster up ahead.

Human beings with horrible sins in their hearts who are the tool of the evil spirit are making you, my children, fighting each other in order for them to gain power which does not last forever.

Pray much more than this, dear children. The war with the evil spirit at this time is huge. If you want to take this opportunity to do penance for this task, it will be the most precious thing that a human being can do.

Dear children, I do not feel bad to see only a few of you show up today. I want your willingness. Several people could not come even though their hearts have been crying out for me. Their Illness is the obstacle that prevents them from coming to see me today.

Dear children, know that wherever you are, I can always hear you and see whatever you do all the time.

I want to see your pure hearts open up to welcome me and my Dearest Son. Do not take it as an obligation to come and see me here at the end of every month. If you think like that, what is the benefit of it? I only want to hear sincere words straight from your hearts. Wherever you are, your hearts will always feel me.

Dear children, do not be frightened or sad with the fate of your homeland. With love and sacrifices from you, something will be able to resolve with a good result.
But again, just like I told you, this war is huge. The evil spirit will not easily give up.

The sinners who have never been repentant will learn about the decree from heaven one of these days. And at that time it will be too late for everything.

Just like I said, if there is too much evil for the Heavenly Father to hold back, many great losses will occur. Let all of you pray for the innocents who will share the same misfortune with them.

Pass the word that praying to offer Thailand to me has no time limit, not just only April 2. Pray to offer Thailand to me every day, every time, and every minute. Your unity will help me offer your plea to the Heavenly Father. Peace will occur in your homeland again.

During this time I want you to have peace in your hearts first. Love each other, make sacrifice for each other, and forgive each other. These virtues will help you escape the disaster.

Hurry up to do good deeds. If you share the same misfortune with the sinners who do not convert, you will receive the Kingdom of Heaven from the Heavenly Father.

My dear children, hurry up to do good deeds.

May peace occur in every one of your hearts.

The Encouragement
April 2, 2006, 12:21 -1:05 a.m.
My dear children, I would like to thank you all of you for your good will when participating and helping in the work of my Dearest Son through Fr. Corsie Legaspi.
I have seen your good intention when doing everything with real dedication, not caring one bit about being tired.

All of you have sacrificed and gave tremendous amount of love to your fellow human beings. When you offered love and trust to me and my Dearest Son, everything you did pleased the Heavenly Father.

My dear children, the more you are closer to the Heavenly Father, the more the evils spirits are angry at you. They have been trying to break you up. Accept everything with serenity. Let all of you have real trust in the will of the Heavenly Father.

Sometimes the cross that each of you has to carry might make you feel that it is too heavy and you do not want to continue to carry it. Why do those people that have not done the work for the Lord not have to suffer tremendously like you?

Dear children, the path to heaven does not have anybody who has not gone through difficulties and temptations. When you lose your perseverance, get discouraged, and do not want to continue to carry your cross, the victory will immediately belong to the evil spirits. This is their plan to destroy your souls, so you will turn your backs on the Heavenly Father and move forward toward the disaster of your own souls.

Dear children, I would like to tell you that when you volunteered to do the work for the Heavenly Father, you have made a proclamation. And the beginning of the war with the evil spirits occurred right away. I ask you to use humility and to accept everything with your own accord in order to triumph over these evil spirits.

Whenever the Heavenly Father let something happened to those who are loyal to Him, He always had a good reason. You might not understood at that time but when the time of difficulty has passes you by, you will understand and see the value of carrying the cross all the time with gladness.

Dear children, today you saw several people who came to ask for a healing from the father and they did not receive it. It does not mean that they are bad people. My Dearest Son has already prepared a better thing for them if they are still firm in their belief of the path to salvation that goes through my Dearest Son.

Do not use a human heart to judge the work of the Heavenly Father. When the time is right, you will understand His will.

Dear children, the situation in your country seems to get better but in reality there is still a hidden fire that keeps burning. Let all of you continue to pray together to offer Thailand to me.

My Dearest Son said that He wanted to see the cooperation, love, unity, support, and compassion for each other from all of you. If you cooperate with each other, it will be a wonderful force capable of changing the situation and making it end up with a good result.

Check your heart thoroughly to see what you have learned today. May the Holy Spirit lead all of you, my children. Trust in the will of the Heavenly Father and peace will occur in your hearts.

May peace belong to every one of you, my children.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 12:32 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 2:05 pm

From My Heart
April 9, 2006, 10:30 – 11:43 a.m.
My dear children, today I want to tell you that during the last period of Lent to remember the sins you have committed which made my Dearest Son come and redeem all of you with His blood, suffering and His own life.

This is the best time for all of you to convert and apologize to the Heavenly Father. Real contrition, making atonements for sins, and doing penance for yourselves, others, and souls in purgatory will really please the Heavenly Father. He will always be glad to listen to your wishes from the prayers going through the Mercy of my Dearest Son.

The Lord knows perfectly well what is most suitable for your plea. Let all of you trust in His will. The firmness of your hearts is the most important thing. No matter what happens, I want you to accept what the Lord has prepared for you with gladness.

Several of you have passed your pleas to me through my messenger. Have faith. I have always heard these pleas. Let you, particularly those that are sick or confronted with problems that need resolutions, open up your hearts and ask for the mercy from my Dearest Son and the Heavenly Father yourself. This is the key in leading your souls to be close to the Lord. Accept everything.

Do not use a human heart to judge why you have received less than others or why you have not received what you asked for.

I would like to tell you that the Love of the Heavenly Father is very great. He really loves every human being. When you are being confronted with difficulties and sickness, it does not mean that He has abandoned you, His children.

I would like to tell you that the path to heaven does not have anyone who has gone through without difficulties. You should be proud that the Lord gives you a chance to test your own will so you will find the road to salvation from the hands of my Dearest Son.

Let you all remember that nothing belongs to you, even your own lives. Give thanksgiving for everything the Lord has given to you.

The life on this world is a short period of time for you to prepare for the eternal life. Do not get discouraged. Persevere and accept the will of the Lord.

Remember that nothing lasts forever in this world. Let all of you spend every valuable minute preparing yourselves to find the road to salvation of the eternal life.

I ask you to question yourselves whether you really trust in Him with all your hearts and souls when you say the prayer "Jesus, I trust in you.” that you have been saying together with one voice. If you only read it and do not pray from your hearts, this prayer does not have any benefit for your souls.

Let all of you remember that only true love and everything done from your pure hearts will lead your souls to my Dearest Son. There is nothing to be afraid of for those who really trust in His will.

My dear children, even now I still insist that you continue to pray to offer Thailand to me. Haven’t you already seen the purpose of those who came out to talk and quoted the king’s speech? If they are sincere to accept the king’s wish, show it by putting it to use.

You are blessed to have a virtuous king like this. Stop destroying each other and do not make him sadder than this. May you have peace in your hearts and spread this peace to those around you.

May peace belong to every one of you.

My Thought
April 16, 2006, 12:47 – 1:40 a.m.
My dear son, I know that you have been waiting for my message. Today I saw true love coming out from your heart. You asked my Dearest Son to help your gracious older sister, even though you are not a blood brother and sister. It is not more important than your gladness and willingness to ask for the blessing from my Dearest Son to have mercy for this sister of yours in order for her not to receive pain and suffering.

Have faith, dear son. Whatever comes out from your heart is sufficient enough. My Dearest Son said to tell this sister of yours to offer the pain and suffering to Him. This is the most precious gift a human being can offer to Him.

Do not worry about anything. Everything has a cause and has already been dictated in advance. It is the Lord's will to receive this penance. He is pleased that this sister of yours shares the suffering with Him.

My dear son, I have seen your desire to share with me my suffering yesterday (Holy Friday). How many of my children are there that ask to share the suffering with me like you?

The Heavenly Father has seen your desire and so my Dearest Son gave this opportunity to you to be His instrument to bring the blessing to members of your family through this cross of great suffering (Mother Mary’s messenger: It is a cross that was specially constructed with the same design of the cross from the movie “The Passion of The Christ.” We have been praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet since 2:30 p.m. up until 4:00 p.m. in front of this cross).

Be proud that members of your family have received the blessing from the real hands of the Lord.

I thank you for being quick to spread my messages which have made more people convert and reconcile with the Heavenly Father. From now on your work must be fast in order to compete with the work of the devil and evil spirits. Son, manage your time well.

Son, you must pray more than this because at present time, you have not prayed enough to elevate your soul to be higher than this. Now you might not understand why I must be strict with you to pray more than other people.

You might not know that when you prayed to ask for the blessing for those that were sick, body, and soul, you have prayed straight from your innocent heart which really pleased the Heavenly Father. It is right when you told everyone who wanted the blessing in healing to open up their hearts to ask for it from the Lord themselves.

Aren’t you surprised why people asked you to pray on their behalf? Because of your good intention and opening up of their own hearts, they received a lot of blessings from praying together with you.

Several people told you themselves that just thinking of your name and asking for a blessing, they immediately received a consolation, right? This is your duty to bring people’s souls to meet the Heavenly Father by praying together like this. It is the will of the Lord to give them the blessing when they open up their hearts to welcome Him and ask Him for it.

Several people asked my Dearest Son to die from sins and be reborn in Him. I tell you that this really pleases Him. You have converted and do not want to hurt Him again with your sins.

When the Lord has listened to your prayers, He gave you all a chance. Show it by putting it to use. Let all of you have real intention and determination. Do not forget your plea to die from sins.

My dear children, start your new life with my Dearest Son now. He has brought the salvation to you. Do not throw away a special opportunity like this again. Have faith, my dear children.

When you have been born again with Him, He will always take care of you to be saved from all circumstances and evils. Have faith in Him.

The Night of Joy
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
April 30, 2006, 3:00 – 3:30 a.m.
My dear children, I would like to thank the firmness of your hearts. Even though it rained today, you were not discouraged when praying to pay homage to the Heavenly Father, the Infinite Love.

My Dearest Son has arrived and stayed in your midst. Today you can feel the infinite love which He kindly has been giving continuously to all of you.
That is correct, dear children. He is the Infinite Mercy. The Lord said to me that from now on let all of you harvest the love from the vast ocean which He gave you a chance to live in.

Dear children, that is right. Now is the time for His infinite mercy. The Lord said, “I thank all of you who have fought and overcome the obstacles in order to spread my mercy in your homeland. “ He blessed all of you who have taken part in spreading His mercy to receive abundant blessings.

Ask what you want from His mercy by your own heart. You will always receive a response from Him. But everything will be in accordance with His will, to give you what is best at the appropriate time for each and every one of you.

Dear children, I thank all of you for singing that hymn to pay homage to me. I am very happy (Mother Mary’s messenger: At that time we were singing “Salve Regina.” Mother Mary was so happy and told us right away how she felt).

I tell you that as long as your hearts have not tilted toward any temptation that comes into contact with them, you will always be in the state of grace. Dear children, ask. The Lord is listening to your voices.

Dear children, only love with all your hearts and souls will be able to resolve problems and crises. Do not hesitate anymore. Love each other like the Lord loves you. Show your sincerity. Give friendship to everyone with no exemption. Forgive even your enemy. If you can do these things, peace will occur in your hearts. When your hearts have peace, give it to your friends and those around you.

You must be the persons who spread the infinite love of the Heavenly Father by going through the infinite mercy of my Dearest Son.

Dear children, only love that comes from a pure heart will be able to save the world from disasters and to break free from the evil spirit. Children, remember that only the Lord’s mercy can help all of you.

I will protect you as you have asked me. I am very pleased (Mother Mary’s messenger: At that time we were singing “Mother Dear, O Pray For Me.” Mother Mary was so pleased and immediately responded to our plea).

May peace occur in every one of your hearts.

When I Was Tempted by the Evil in My Heart
May 6, 2006
I had the urge to wear a Saint Benedict’s Cross around my neck during the past two weeks. I did not know why. But when I got the cross with me, I felt safe. I was unaware that I was heavily temped by the unseen entity.

While I was on the way home on Sunday night, April 23, 2006, I heard Mother Mary said, “You are being tempted by the evil spirit. It will use your weak points to attack you.”

I told Mother Mary, in my mind, that I would not betray her love. I would never deny Lord Jesus like Saint Peter did and I would not betray the Lord like Judas who sold Him.

But in the end, I fell into the Seven Deadly Sins. The evil took hold of my heart and made me not sorry for destroying the temple of the Lord in my heart. My heart was so hardened. I remembered the words I told Mother Mary that I would not betray her love. But everything was too late.

I prayed for my conversion and to feel the real regret. But nothing happened. Mother Mary used to cleanse my heart to make me sorry even with little sins. So I again prayed for mercy from Mother Mary to cleanse my soul.

I heard Mother Mary said, “You will not be truly sorry until this Saturday.” So I kept waiting for the Saturday to arrive.

On Saturday, May 6, 2006, I had a chance to visit the inside of the Holy Rosary Church. When I saw the portrait of Lord Jesus, I went to pray in front of it and started to feel sorry. Tears rolled down my cheeks without my awareness.

I apologized to the Lord and told Him that I had betrayed Him. I heard the Lord said,” I pardon you. Now that you are truly sorry, go and apologize to the Heavenly Father. He is so kind and has only love to give you all the time.”

When I heard the Lord say that I cried harder because of the sadness that caused me to be far away from Him. One of my older friends took me to see the wooden statue of the Lord (when He died). When I opened the cloth that covered the statue, just only half of it, tears poured down my face like rain.

This statue showed the cruelty which the Lord had suffered tremendously, flesh torn to pieces. Wounds and lacerations that covered all over His body make me realized of the sins I had committed. Because of these sins, the Lord had to suffer like this.

The cruelty in the movie “The Passion of The Christ”, if you saw it, could not be compared to the cruelty displayed by this statue. I hardly believed that this statue has a long history of existence, since Ayutthaya (old capital of Thailand, 1350-1767). The European sculptor really put the feelings and emotions into this statue.

It made me feel like I was in front of the dead body of Lord Jesus and it made me cried harder.

Today I really wanted to go to the confession. So I went to the Assumption Cathedral. But it was like the trick of the evil spirit, there was only one priest and he was saying Mass. So there was no priest to hear confessions. That older friend of mine volunteered to take me to the Holy Redeemer Church in order to find a priest who will timely hear my confession.

When I arrived at the confessional, the light was still on. So I hurried up to make my confession. Without my older friend, I would not be able to go to the confession. I don’t know how to thank this friend of mine who tried to save my soul.

While I was in the church, I still cried, especially when I walked up to receive the Holy Communion. I was so sad that I had betrayed both Mother Mary and Lord Jesus’ love at the same time.

And tonight I received Mother Mary’s message. Here it is:
May 6, 2006, 9:30 – 9:55 p.m.
My dear son, I saw through your heart that you still love and are faithful to the Heavenly Father. Today I heard your prayers asking to be converted and you were truly sorry for the sins you have committed.

My Dearest Son told you Himself that He had pardoned you, right? Now that you are sorry and have the real intention to correct your behavior, go and apologize to the Heavenly Father. He is so kind and has only love to give you all the time.

Dear son, do not follow your own will when you have already offered yourself to be my son. Let me lead your life. Really listen to my voice to know what I will tell you. I thank you for your conversion and courage to confess all of your sins to the father. Your action really pleased the Heavenly Father. He still gives you a chance to always receive His grace.

Dear son, I tell you that only true love will be able to help make everything better. Love is not being selfish: sacrifice to make our loved ones happy, and for them to receive only good and proper things. Sincerity for each other is a precious thing that human beings can give to each other.

But one thing you have to be really careful is the temptations from the evil spirit. It will use your weakness to attack you. Pray constantly so you will be in the hands of the Heavenly Father. The Lord will protect you from all evil spirits.

Today I have seen compassion, concern, and sacrifice from you and your friend. I am very pleased. Let all of you give advice, encouragement, and warning to each other.

You are not alone. You have me, my Dearest Son, and the Heavenly Father who always worries about you, His children. He is always willing to listen to your pleas.

Today you have learned a valuable lesson: overcoming your own will. Let you safeguard this virtue. And always remember me, especially when you are being tempted. I will always be with you.

Dear son, those in heaven welcome you back again. Be proud that today you have done your duty to the best of your ability.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 12:36 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 2:17 pm

Give Thanksgiving to God
May 13, 2006, 11:25 – 11:45 p.m.
Tonight I had a chance to stroll around the place where I stayed. The moon was so beautiful. I had to stop and look at it. A short time later I saw shining green ray at the edge of the moon. It started to expand to the left and right like the moon was splitting apart.

Later on I started to see the face of Mother Mary in the moon at the upper right corner. I was stunned and realized that perhaps Mother Mary would like to tell me something. So I started to pray the holy rosary to pay homage to her.

While I was praying, there was a soft-yellow ray at the bottom part of the moon that started to shine like a beam toward the ground, almost touching it. This shining shaft of light started to stretch and expand slowly like the white ray coming out from the portrait of the Divine Mercy.

During that time I felt like Mother Mary wanted to take me back to where the Heavenly Father has designated for me. A short time later I saw Lord Jesus, in my mind, offering a crown of thorns to me. So I told him, in my mind, that if that was His will, I was willing to accept it.

At the end of praying the holy rosary, I felt like Mother Mary was giving me the blessing through that beam of light. My hands that held the rosary shook to the point that I could felt it in my mind. I started to calm down, not wanting anything and I started to have peace in my heart.

When I got back to my place where I stayed, I prayed like I always did (almost every day). Tonight is Saturday night. Even though I was not home, I knew that Mother Mary would give me a chance to receive her message as usual. And the time I have been waiting for has arrived.
May 13, 2006, 11:25 – 11: 45 p.m.
My dear son, tonight I was so happy to see you praying in front of me with faith coming out from your real heart. So you were able to see what I wanted you to see.

Dear son, now you should have understood that no matter what you will do or wherever you will be, you will always be my son. I have never abandoned you. I have always watched your actions.

It is correct that I have taken you back where the Heavenly Father has designated for you. The Lord wanted you to offer your service to Him.

Today you saw my Dearest Son and knew what He wanted from you, right? He told me that He was pleased that you were willing to accept the crown of thorns with joy in your heart. My dear son, there are few people willing to accept it like you did.

Human beings still fear hardship but you accepted it with joy to let it be according to the will of the Lord. I am so very pleased.

It is right that you teach those who are close to you to know the love of the Heavenly Father. So tonight you were able to feel love and mercy from Him with your open heart welcoming Him in.

Dear son, recommend and remind those close to you to know the infinite love of the Heavenly Father. The Lord wanted you to lead the souls of people who are falling deeper and deeper into sins by the instigation of the evil spirits to convert and be aware of His mercy which allows them to live comfortably.

But I would like to say that when they have received the Lord's mercy, do not harden their hearts to Him anymore.

Let all of you know that the Heavenly Father loves you very much. Respond to His love by being kind, merciful, and offer love to each other. With this love, there will be peace in everywhere.

Do not forget to give thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father.

May peace occur in every one of your hearts.

Love Each Other
May 21, 2006, 9:25 – 9: 38 a.m.
My dear son, I am very glad that you willingly came back to me with all your heart and soul. Remember that you are totally my son. Trust me and let me lead your life.

During the last three weeks (Mother Mary’s messenger: I was being tempted by the evil spirit during this period.) I have been watching you with concern. I kept warning you every time you were about to stray from the path that the Heavenly Father has dictated for you.

Now you must realize what task the Heavenly Father wants you to do. You did not think wrongly. You will know and understand by your own heart that this is your task (Mother Mary’s messenger: I have participated in the work of the committee which belongs to the Archdiocese of Bangkok to spread the devotion to the Divine Mercy).

Be glad and accept this new task. I and those in heaven would like to give you encouragement to truly perform this duty in accordance with the will of the Heavenly Father.

For a reminder to human beings, I would like to say that the Heavenly Father has infinite love to give you, His children, all the time. Let all of you be aware of this fact.

Do not let the evil spirit convince you to go to the place that is so far away from the Lord again. The Lord can see your actions with His divine awareness. He always gives you a chance to come back into His arms.

My dear children, convert. Do not let the way of this world has the power over the love of the Heavenly Father. Convert. Keep praying. Go to confession and receive the body of my Dearest Son every chance you have. You will not be saved without the things I have told you. Convert. Do not let me wait for you with disappointment and heartache again. I love every one of you, my children.

The Heavenly Father wants to see you bring love and peace to each other with all your heart and soul. So today when it is the time for you to offer love to each other at the Mass, offer it with your true heart.

With this love, it will bring warmth, compassion, and concern for each other among you. Do not expect anything in return. My dear children, if you can do it like this, it will really please the Heavenly Father.

May peace always occur in every one of your hearts.

Do You Believe Me Now?
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
May 28, 2006, 3:00 – 3:45 a.m.
My dear children, today you have shown me the good intention and beautiful goodwill of yours. I am so happy. I have heard them in the very beginning of your prayer. Even now your intention has not been diminished with the late hours. Many of you are sleepy but still trying to stay awake to receive my message.

Dear children, everything you did today really pleased the Heavenly Father, starting with your apology to Him because you realized that you are sinners. I have seen you bringing love and mercy of my Dearest Son into your lives; using them and making them materialize.

That is right. You have shown me love and concern for your brothers and sisters even for those who are physically ill and could not be here. You even asked to be their representatives to bring the blessing of mercy of my Dearest Son to them, hoping that they will receive His mercy in accordance with His will.

Dear children, by the faith with all your hearts and souls, many of you should have felt the blessing of mercy from the Son while some of you were praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet and pleading for help from the Lord for those who are facing weakness of the body. Be confident, dear children. By the Lord’s mercy, it will make everything that human beings cannot do to miraculously happen.

Today my Dearest Son has been in your midst since the beginning too. He looked at you, His children, with admiration. The pleas which all of you have been asking, a few were for yourselves. He was very pleased that you love your fellow human beings and sacrifice your effort to ask for help from Him, my Dearest Son, for their conversion, for stray souls, and for helping your homeland to peace.

Dear children, I have told you about these things a long time ago that they would happen and that everything came from human beings with sins in their hearts, with greed, and desire to have more and more. With the urging of the evil spirit, they can do everything to get what they want with no concern for the huge damage that will happen after their actions.

(Mother Mary’s messenger: On May 20-23, 2006, Typhoon Chanchu hit four Northern provinces of Thailand and caused flooding and landslides, creating huge damage in Uttaradit, Sukhothai, Phrae and Lampang. There were several deaths and missing people. The causes are global warming from the greenhouse effect and El Niño).

Dear children, even innocent people have fallen victim to this evil (Mother Mary’s messenger: On May 19, 2006, Ms. Sirinard Thawonsuk and Ms. Juling Pongkanmoon, teachers of Ban KujingLurpa school, were kidnapped. Ms. Juling Pongkanmoon was attacked and severely wounded with crushed skull because of her being hit in the head with a blunt object. The blood stuck in the brain and her breathing is abnormal).

Now do you see that the evil spirit can manipulate your hearts at anytime? That is why I always warn you to pray in order to bring your hearts close to the heart of the Heavenly Father. And doing penance in atonement for sins is always necessary.

Do you believe me now that what I warned you, I have seen in advance of what would happen to you, my children? Several of you might have a question in your hearts that if I have known about it why I did not help change the situation to make it better.

It is the will of the Heavenly Father. He gave you freedom to do whatever you want. But if you realize who loves you and has the infinite goodwill toward you, will you still make Him sad?

He gives you opportunities to use the blessing of love which He gave you to make it happen in your lives by putting it to use. Love with all your heart and soul enables you to sacrifice your own happiness, share love, and concern for each other. This is the will of the Lord.

But my dear children, I tell you that very few of you are able to understand the will of the Lord and willing to do everything in accordance with His will. You choose what to do in accordance with your will and listen to the encouraging words of the evil spirit. Now you realize what happened to your homeland, right?

Dear children, it is not too late. A portion of your prayers and good intention has reduced some of the damage. But, still, currently human beings' hearts are so hardened, refusing the opportunities the Lord has offered them. And that is why disasters have been happening everywhere.

Dear children, hurry up to pray and convert. Pray for those who have committed sins to convert. Pray for those with hardened hearts to have a chance to feel the love of the Heavenly Father. It is never too late because you are His most favored creation.

I bless every one of you who are here. Go back home in peace and be the Heavenly Father’s representatives to show His love to all sinners.

May peace belong to every one of you, my children.

Words of Wisdom
June 5, 2006, 11:00 – 11: 35 p.m.
My dear son, even though today is not Saturday which you normally receive my message all the time, I give my message to you today because there are several obstacles that have been blocking you from doing your job completely.

My dear son, it is time for you to be free from the shackles which the evil spirit has been bringing to influence you little by little without your awareness.

Do not open your heart to let this evil spirit control your life and to make you stray from the path that the Heavenly Father has designated for you.

It is fortunate for you to receive three blessings from the Holy Spirit on last Saturday and Sunday (the Feast of the Holy Spirit). He dwells in you. He makes your mind calm, peaceful, and not distracted by tempting stuff that the evil spirit keeps sending to destroy you.

You must triumph over this temptation. It is up to your heart. If you really love me, stay still and listen to my voice. I will lead your life. Now I will not let the evil spirit come to hurt you.

Do not open your heart to receive its instigating words. If you do not pay attention, you will not hear its voice.

Spend the time you have to gain the most benefit. Your job right now is to pray for the enlightenment from the Holy Spirit to lead your way.

Do not use your own will to change my messages. You must pray more than this and the Lord (the Holy Spirit) will guide you to where you will change or trim down the messages.

Do not forget what I want the most is seeing you, my children, convert and bring my teaching to use in your daily life. This is the heart of my messages. The miracles that you have described, keep them as the original text without cutting down any part of them (Mother Mary’s messenger: The book that will be published might skip some of the original text that is not suitable for the general public).

At the present time I want you to clearly convey my desire. Do not let my children stick with the miracles you have seen. The Heavenly Father told me that He wanted to see all of you to read and understand the real core of my messages. When you put them to use, they will bring peace into your hearts.

Even with the fire from sins, which the evil spirit has been trying to lure you to fall into it, you will be able to distinguish it if you have real intention and follow my teachings.

My children, don’t be careless. Do not be proud that you have been close to the Lord so the evil spirit cannot harm you. You might not know that throughout the day it has been trying to lure you to fall into its trap almost all the time, almost every minute.

The only thing that will help you to be safe is praying to ask for my Dearest Son and the Holy Spirit to dwell in you all the time.

Spend time to talk to the Lord like He is a part of your life. When you have opened up your heart for Him, you will not have room for the evil spirit to come in and work inside your heart.

It is not too late, my dear children. Open up your hearts to welcome the Lord now. Do not let the evil spirit lead your life anymore. Pray more and remember me whenever you are being tempted. I will wait to protect you from danger.

May peace always occur in every one of your heart.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 12:40 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 2:32 pm

Follow My Teachings
June 18, 2006, 6:40 – 7:40 a.m.
My dear son, I have seen you waiting for my message the past several days. I did not give you any messages because you did not need to receive my message every Saturday.

Lately your body was weak because you had to stay up late to pray for the blessing for the sick that needed help. And you had to wake up early which caused you to not have enough rest. So you were not in the condition to receive my message.
Rearrange your schedule. Do not let human beings have power over you. You are not capable to respond to everyone’s need.

It is true that helping other people is a good thing, but do not forget that I have told you that after 9:00 p.m. it is the time for you to pray and stay with me.

Have you seen the result of acting on your own will? You still need to practice a lot more on lifting up the plane of your soul. If you are not in the state of readiness for this task, you will not be able to withstand the weakness of yourself.

Rearrange your schedule and do what I told you so you will really be under the grace of the Heavenly Father.

Dear son, understand the method of communication with human beings in the present time. When my messages have been collected as a book, think of yourself as a reader who has never known my message. How will you convey my messages to make them short and easier to understand?

Have you noticed that even with the books that you bought; you opened it for a few pages and did not want to continue to read it, right? Why is that? Son, remember this when you collect my messages as a book. Only a few people who will follow and understand what you have been trying to describe in your journal.

We are making a book for human beings to read, son. You must understand the needs of human beings in your time.

Son, don’t worry about the name of the book. Make the messages clear. Once the whole thing has been complete, you will know what should be the name of the book.

I know that you want to receive a message that is beneficial for other people. I tell you that at the present time I have given enough teachings that are beneficial to every one of you. It is about time for you to start putting them to use and make them materialize in your hearts.

Reading my messages with great intensity each week does not benefit your souls if you don’t put them to use. What is the use of my teachings to you if I just keep going over them by myself?

So, today I want you, my dear children, to think about what is the heart of my teachings that I have been trying to tell you over and over? Follow the heart of my teachings because that is the desire of the Heavenly Father who sent me down here to tell you, His children.

My dear children, this is the time that the Lord watches you to see when you will understand His will and reciprocate His infinite love.

Let all of you remember well that it is time to put them to use and make them materialize in your daily life. If you are able to do it, your hearts will have only peace just like the words of blessing I have been giving to you all the time.

My dear children, may peace occur in your hearts now.

The Last Warning
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
June 25, 2006, 3:25 – 04:08 a.m.
Today is the 25th anniversary of Mother Mary’s apparitions at Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, so all of us paid special attention when praying in order to pay homage to Our Lady of Medjugorje.

Tonight we received Mother Mary’s message. Here it is:

My dear children, today you have made me very happy. I thank every one of you who has always been faithful to me. I thank all of you for sending out your hearts to me.
That is right.

Even though my apparitions have not been accepted by the Church, I do not pay attention to the importance of it. Dear children, you even certify whether that is me or not, huh? Do you only want a document that has been stamped with a seal of approval?

There are many of you who have travelled from afar, only to have a chance to feel my love which I have been waiting to give to you, my children.

For those of you that have faith with all your heart and soul, I ask you to put my teachings to use and make them materialize in your life. Peace is already in front of you.

You have the right to choose whether to accept it or not because that is the will of the Heavenly Father to give freedom to you, His children. If you understand His infinite love, will you still be stubborn to do what human beings want?

I tell you now that the opportunities given to you by the Heavenly Father are many and endless. But if you do not value them and reciprocate His mercy, you have already fallen into the power of the darkness.

My dear children, I ask you, how many of you have paid attention and followed my warning every time I came to warn you so you would convert? I urge you now to follow it before it is too late.

Oh… human beings, you might not know how many sins you have habitually committed, for fleshly pleasures, for wanting to have more and more, or even the pride you do not want to get rid of, have hurt my heart?

You might not understand until you realize the punishment of those sins after you died. Everything will be revealed to you so you will see all the sins you had committed. And at that time you will be remorseful and very sad, but it will be too late.

My dear children, do not turn into the devil’s tool just because it deceives you and entices you with optical illusions. Call out to me. Do not let things go according to your own will. By only mentioning my name; I will come and rescue you from all sins.

The evil spirit is being bold because you listen to it more than listening to my warning. My dear children, if you were me, you would see yourselves doing what you want and habitually make mistakes. How will you feel?

Dear children, convert. Apologize to the Heavenly Father with all your heart and soul. It is the only thing that will save you from the disaster of your soul.

Dear children, this is my last warning. Remember it well! Even though I am so hurt, there are still some of you who are faithful to the Heavenly Father and follow my teachings.

Dear children, even though it is a small number of you, compared to the sinners, you are like water that refreshes my heart. I thank you for your devotion. Safeguard this virtue and be the example for others so they will understand my teachings.

The Heavenly Father has already prepared something great to give you and to welcome you.

Be perseverant and follow the call of your heart. Whatever makes you calm and have peace in your heart, know that you are walking on the right path.

My dear children, apologize for the sins you have committed and do penance in atonement for them. This is what the Heavenly Father wants to see when you will put it to use.

The Lord has been watching you with concern for a long time. Dear children, I love every one of you. Do not allow the evil spirit to lure you away from the Kingdom of Heaven.

Soon, you will see the impact of the sin that you have taken part to commit affects human beings in this world. I have seen it and I am very sad.

Dear children, there is a little chance left. Hurry up to do good deeds now!
From me, Your Mother, who loves you with all my heart and soul.

With Love
July 2, 2006, 12:15 – 12:50 p.m.
My dear son, I have always seen your good intentions. Even with time passing by, your firm intention to serve me still perseveres.

Do not be afraid or anxious. Whatever caused you to fall in sins and lost the grace, you have been inspired by the Holy Spirit to be well prepared to confess your sins to the Heavenly Father all the time.

Keep cleansing your heart to be pure and keep praying in order to pay homage to the Heavenly Father. He has been watching your actions the whole time. Differentiate what His will is and what are the human beings' demands who want you to respond to their human needs.

When you have intended to follow the Lord’s will, pray to the Holy Spirit for His illumination to lead you in everything you will do in each day. What you lack now is asking me, my Dearest Son, and the Holy Spirit to unite and be one with you in every day, every time, every minute and everything you will do. If you can to do this, there is nothing to block you from being able to follow me and accomplish my work.

My dear son, think carefully over the last period of time what have caused you to lose your time which made you unable to accomplish my work the way you wanted. Carefully think about it.

Son, hurry up and spread my last message from Lamsai. I have told you everything. It is now up to you, my children, whether to gladly follow the will of the Heavenly Father and my teachings, or not.

I have taught you enough. Everything is up to your heart whether to accept them and put them to use.

The salvation of your soul depends on your willingness. I could not force your heart. Entering into the Kingdom of Heaven is not as difficult as you think. It is up to your will whether you want to have a share in the Kingdom of Heaven or not.

My dear children, now everything is up to you to choose which way you want to go.

The splendor of the Kingdom of Heaven always welcomes you back. But if you choose comfort and happiness which do not last in this world, I tell you now that you are falling into the disaster of your soul by your own willingness.

The evil spirits are overjoyed with gladness that you, my children, willingly follow their instigating words.

My dear children, you are deciding the fate of this world by yourselves. I could no longer warn you because your hearts do not open to welcome me in again. This thing makes me sad and it makes me watch you with sorrow in every minute.

My dear children, my heart is deeply hurt.

May peace belong to every one of you who still believes in my teachings.

From me, Your Mother, who love you with all my heart and soul.

Food for Thought From Mother Mary
July 9, 2006, 6:40 – 7.10 a.m.
My dear children, today is a good opportunity for you to prepare for cleansing of your souls to be clean and pure all the time.

Before you go to the Mass, carefully think about your actions that you did throughout the past week. Is there any action that you did by your own free will that made you fall into the Seven Deadly Sins?

I want you to have a clean and pure body and heart before receiving the body of my Dearest Son.

Clean up the temple of your heart first. Even though it is a little thing in your eyes, but if the temple of your heart is unclean, do you think it is suitable to be a holy place for my Dearest Son to dwell in? Think about it, children.

I might not be able to teach you who closes up your hearts, not to welcome me in. Because when you use your human heart to decide your own faith in your heart without following the laws of the Church, you have excuses for several actions that you have done and that you could do without guilt. And they are not sins that will anger the heart of the Heavenly Father.

My dear children, the little things in your eyes are big deal in the eyes of those in heaven. You might think that they are tiny sins, no need to go to a confession. But the Heavenly Father can see with His Divine Awareness that you are not sorry for those activities and do not apologize to Him with sincerity, only reciting along with others during the Mass.

Your hearts are being possessed by the evil spirit, the evil spirit that keeps urging you to be callous to the Heavenly Father.

My dear children, pray for the illumination from the Holy Spirit in each day so He will point you to the right direction. If you choose the comfort and do what you want with your own free will, the path to the Kingdom of Heaven for you will be a blur and only a few of you will receive the salvation.

The gate of the Kingdom of Heaven is always open wide for you, but it is you that choose not to walk toward the Heavenly Father with firmness in your heart.

I would like to tell you that all the activities of yours in this world have a part of the pressure that makes you fall into sins easily, so easy that you are used to them and think that they are not sins that make me and those in heaven sad.

Right now, I might not be able to warn you again. Carefully think whether you will choose the splendor of the Kingdom of Heaven or the darkness and disaster of your souls forever.

May peace occur in the hearts of those who have been faithful to me all the time. Let you, my children, pray for those who go astray to convert. Let you, my children, put my teachings to use in real life so the sinners will see that everyone has a chance for salvation and has peace here in this world.

Let you be a good example for those around you so my children who go astray will see and realize that peace will not occur in their hearts if they still choose to do things according to their own free will.

By opening up your heart to accept that everything that happens in your life is the will of the Heavenly Father who wants to teach you or to have you receive the cleansing of your soul in this world, you will understand His infinite love when giving you those opportunities.

I will watch and give encouragement to every one of you who chooses the Kingdom of Heaven and who tries to fight off the instigating words of the evil spirit.

Let all of you be perseverant and gladly accept everything the Heavenly Father gives you. When the final day of your life arrives, you will receive a welcome with love, joy and warmth from those in heaven.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 12:43 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 2 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 2:45 pm

Message From Dondoo
July 11, 2006, 9:55 - 10:15 a.m.
This morning I had a chance to go to Dondoo church. Once I have arrived at the church, I hurried up to see Mother Mary’s statue. There were traces of tears on the statue’s face. I believe with all my heart and soul that this is her wish to let all of her children realize that she is very sad to see them fall into sins.

I have felt her sorrow and it made me cry my heart out. I cried until I could not stand it anymore. The sorrow of a mother who sees her children going to die but could not help them is too much for anybody to take it.

Then I sensed that Mother Mary wanted to give me a message to pass it on to her other children. And here it is:

My dear children, now you must be aware of the warning and the words I have been teaching you because everything is going to happen for you to see, right? The news for each day is getting more and more violent.

Son, today I was the one that brought you here so you could feel my excruciating pain when I see the disaster waiting in front of my children. Do you know now how much my heart hurts every time I see my children fall into sins and willingly fall victim to the evil spirit?

My dear son, you really understand my sorrow, right? My heart almost breaks into pieces when I see my children happy and enjoying the sin of flesh which they tell me that it is not a sin but it is the true love that human beings should show to each other.

My children, you are not aware that the evil spirit has tricked you to be glad and willing to follow it without realization that by this action, it causes you to be further and further away from the Kingdom of Heaven.

I can no longer warn you. If you are stubborn and do what you want with your own free will, you have chosen to fall into the eternal darkness. If I tell you to convert, you might not listen to my warning again.

Dear children, it is true that the Heavenly Father gave you freedom. But if you have not been praying to ask for the wisdom from Him, the disaster of your soul is waiting in front of you.

Dear children, you think your lives belong to you, right? You want freedom to do what you want, right? Carefully think about it. I have taught you enough.

What makes me really sad is seeing you choose to go willingly with the evil spirit.

That is why I have been crying every day and every minute when I saw you about to leave me.

(Mother Mary’s messenger: This message makes me really sad. Even on the way home, I could not stop myself from crying the whole time.)

Queen of Heaven and Earth
July 15, 2006, 11:30 – 11: 55 p.m.
My dear son, thank you for trying to bring the soul of one of your close confidants to me. Soon he will find out with his own pure heart.

I am the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Whatever comes into contact with your heart (Mother Mary’s messenger: Mother Mary means my close confidant) during this time means you have received the blessing of the Heavenly Father.

You have always been my cute little son. And this is what pleases the Heavenly Father, that you have only innocence of the heart to help those who are sick and suffering. It makes Him have mercy for you.

Today you have realized that the blessing given to you by the Lord is always with you, right?
July 16, 2006, 9:00 – 9:20 a.m.
Dear son, don’t forget the word I told you to hurry up and spread my good news (Mother Mary’s messenger: Mother Mary told me that she is the Queen of Heaven and Earth and wanted me to hurry up to spread her good news. I did not understand what she meant so I went to seek the advice from the father).

The father is right. My good news is not being in a hurry to collect the messages but to follow what I have taught you in order for you to show other people that peace does not have to be sought in any other place.

Peace is in your heart if you are ready to accept the will of the Heavenly Father and follow His wish. Faith and trust with all your heart and soul will enable all of you, my children, to have peace. Even when you fall into the greatest suffering of your life, your hearts will be peaceful and have only joy when receiving the mercy of the Heavenly Father who gives these things to you.

The life of a human being is very short. You are not able to know what day, when, where, and what time, the Heavenly Father will call you back in front of Him. Carelessness is the cause of the destruction of your soul.

Now I will not teach you again. I will give you food for thought but you have to decide by your own self what to do in each case.

I have taught you how to ask for the wisdom from the Holy Spirit a long time ago. It is time for you to ask for the illumination from Him in order for you to always choose the right path. If you are not stuck with your own free will, you will be free from the causes of sins.

Let all of you be like little children, always be my cute little children because I am the Queen of Heaven and Earth whom you can always depend on regardless of where you are and what you do. Be aware that I have always been watching you with concern even though you do not pay attention to me, neglect me, or love me.

There is no mother who can abandon her children whom she loves with her own heart. My dear children, I wait for your return in every minute.

With love from Your Mother,

"Queen of Heaven and Earth"

When Darkness Came to Visit
Before the evening Mass on Saturday, July 29, 2006, there was a big rain storm that lasted about two hours, preventing us from praying in front of Mother Mary’s grotto.
The light in front of the grotto did not work too. Tonight Mother Mary’s statue fell into the darkness that had spread all over the place.

So we moved to pray in front of the church. Even though tonight’s atmosphere was somber because we could not see our most beloved Mother Mary, we could still sense her presence the whole time we prayed.

Tonight’s message from Mother Mary made me cry my heart out because I have felt Mother Mary’s sorrow.
July 30, 2006, 3:10 – 4:00 a.m.
My dear children, the activities you have done together today, especially when you paid attention to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for those who are sick physically and spiritually, including those poor souls (in the purgatory) and the souls whom nobody thinks of, made me very happy.

You have shown the love that you should show to each other which is the wish of the Heavenly Father for you to do.

Now you have shown me that in this world there is a small number of you who gladly accept my teachings and put them to use. The Heavenly Father will reciprocate your love with a greater reward on the day you stand before Him.

My dear children, I have always heard your pleas.

Today I want to pass a message to the nun who has an enthusiastic heart and wants to come back to serve me again,” My dear child, I love you and fully understand your feeling. But when you have chosen the life of praying for others, I want you to trust God. Whatever He gives you at this time, accept it with gladness.

You could not ask for what you want at this time, child. Be perseverant and be a good servant of the Mother Superior. Be obedient and listen to the Mother Superior like you listen to me. Whatever you should receive at the proper time, the Heavenly Father will give it to you.

My dear child, trust the Lord like I do. I believe with all my heart and soul that He will take care of me and He has already prepared everything for me in advance. If you trust in Him like this, peace will occur in your heart.

Be perseverant. The Kingdom of Heaven is not easily obtained without pains. Be perseverant and gladly accept everything that happens as the will of the Lord.”
My dear children, today I see inside each of your hearts and it makes me really want to give you comfort.

Remember this: Whatever you did in this world, all of them already have been recorded in heaven.

I thank every one of you who has paid special attention when praying tonight. Children, do you know that every word you have prayed to praise the Heavenly Father and apologize to Him for all the sins you have committed really pleased Him?

But I am still sad that human beings have committed a lot of sins. Now is the time for those that choose to be with the darkness to receive a lesson, my stray children who willingly did it.

The fruit of your sins will affect the whole world. If you see what I saw (the picture of the approaching destruction), you might lose hope and could not do anything anymore.

I thank every one of you who tries to pray in atonement for your fellow human beings. Dear children, I would like to tell you now that by your good intention, it will partially soften the impact of the destruction (but not enough to stop the whole thing).

It is time for human beings to receive a lesson. You forget the Heavenly Father, ignore my love, and do not care about the suffering of my Dearest Son who gave up His life to redeem you from your sins.

However, the Heavenly Father is merciful and just. Have you ever heard the saying about whatever bad deed you did that bad deed will come back to haunt you? The Heavenly Father always listens to your pleas. Any disaster will be reduced by His merciful heart.

Don’t get discouraged, my children. Continue to pray and do penance according to your ability. When the sinners have been cleansed, it will be the time of the return of my Dearest Son.

Simply remember that whoever did good deeds will be rewarded with good deeds. And the sinners will be separated and cast into eternal darkness.

My dear children, pass the word that you are the ones that speed up the judgment before its time. And at that time, don’t blame the Heavenly Father. You have willingly chosen the destruction of your own souls with the freedom that you can choose whatever you want. You don’t even listen to my warning. Children, don’t you know how much you have broken my heart?

My dear children, the just will be honored and raised up high. Let all of you who have kind hearts have trust in the Heavenly Father’s will. The Lord is always just. Children, don’t you know that I am very sad?

August 5, 2006, 10:45 – 11:05 a.m.
My dear son, today there were many things that came into your life. Because of your innocence, the Heavenly Father and my Dearest Son are pleased with your obedience that you have for them.

Whatever does not give you peace; know that it is not what I have prepared for you.
Today you have known by yourself of what did not give you peace, right? Do not be disturbed by anything that will happen to you.

The Heavenly Father does not want you to be in a dire situation. Pray for the illumination from the Holy Spirit and you will understand what to do in the future.

My dear children, I want you to pray more in order for you to be in the state of grace. I am glad to see all of you paid attention to do everything properly. You still lack thoughtfulness, think before you decide to do anything.

I came to stay in this house (Mother Mary’s messenger: One of my older friends’ home) in order to help my children who are suffering. Put me (Mother Mary’s statue) in a proper place and let there be praying before me every day. Your pleas going through me will always be heard by the Heavenly Father.

Remember, son. Clean your body and soul to be pure in order for you to receive the grace from the Heavenly Father and my Dearest Son.

Do not forget what the father told you about the bell. Somebody has to hit it in order for it to ring. The bell by itself cannot make noise. Your holiness will be the magnet drawing other children of mine to come in contact with you. You don’t have to go anywhere; they will find a way to come to you.

Don’t forget what I told you to put them to use. If you can do it, you will understand the will of the Heavenly Father who has mercy for you in order for you to continue to do His work.

From now on this place will be the place for people to come and plea to me. That is why I told you to prepare a proper place for me to be worthy of my children’s faith who will come and ask for help from me. I have always given you time. When you are ready, everything will go according to what I have prepared.

Safeguard your virtue because only the holy person can be with the holy things. When the holiness is not inside you, holy things will not be able to be with you.

Son, safeguard your virtue.

From me, Your Mother, "Queen of Heaven and Earth"
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 12:47 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 3:03 pm

With Concern
August 19, 2006, 9:40 – 10:40 p.m.
My dear son, you must be surprised that you have not heard from me for a while, right? Your heart is still confused, not calm and concerned with what you heard.

Dear son, I have always given you time. Lately, I let you be yourself, know how to ask for the wisdom from the Holy Spirit by yourself and do what is right according to the will of the Lord.

Dear son, sometimes the best lesson is the one you get from real life and from pain. I saw you being calm, not fighting back but still unsettling in your heart. Now you have gone through this test. Do you know what to do next?

Being humble is good but it does not mean you have to do everything you were told to do. Ask for the wisdom from the Holy Spirit every time you face a problem that you could not solve. He will let you know what you should choose to do that is suitable for you.

You don’t have to do like other people do. You don’t have to look for anything. If it is the will of the Heavenly Father, He will give it to you at the proper time.

Do not be afraid? What will happen to you in the future has not arrived. I am going to prepare you to be ready for it during this period of time. And when that time arrives, you will know by yourself what you should do.

I have seen your intention to cleanse your soul in order for it to always be pure. And you have been praying more than before.

Dear son, remember that your prayers have always been heard by the Heavenly Father. Whomever you have pleaded for will receive the blessing that is suitable for each of them.

Human beings are still the same. They have to feel and touch in order to believe. Many of those whom you helped did not even know what change has occurred in their souls.

Do human beings only look for physical appearance, body and flesh? They came to ask for the blessing in order to be cured miraculously but they have not thought of the purpose of this opportunity given to them by the Heavenly Father.

Some of them lost their patience and accused the Lord for not helping them, His children.

Think about it, dear children. The Lord has given you this opportunity to cleanse your souls. If you are not sick, you are not going to seek comfort for your soul, right? If you willingly accept the will of the Lord, there will be no more complaints.

Use this opportunity given by the Lord to cleanse your soul. If you offer your pain and suffering in atonement along with the suffering of my Dearest Son, you can offer it in atonement for others too, even for those in Purgatory.

Son, I am glad that now you are more sturdy and more serene.

Is there anything I have not told you in advance throughout the whole time? Don’t be afraid of what I told you with my kindness. Have you not already known in the very beginning what you will face? You have always been glad and willing to do my work.

Dear son, have I ever told you to do any evil?

There are several ways to spread my teachings. You will gradually find them by yourself. And one of those ways is putting my teachings to use in your life. You don’t have to advertise and make any announcements.

You will be a testimony for others to see the advancement of the spiritual life of a person that has put my teachings to use.

Dear son, stop seeking and you will find the path of truth in life. I have taught you enough. Now be sturdy and practice what I constantly taught you. Everything will gradually get better.

Today you have prayed before me. Even though the room was hot, you did not get discouraged.

Keep it up, dear son. Prayers coming from your true heart will always be heard by the Heavenly Father. Get the most out of the opportunity you have, you will convert more people with your prayers and true belief.

Dear son, don’t be obsessed with possessions any more. I have never asked for anything more than what was necessary for me throughout my life on earth. I have always trusted in the will of the Heavenly Father.

Follow my footsteps and you will find peace in your heart.

Dear son, how many people have the opportunity like you? When you get this opportunity, share it with others.

Son, don’t be afraid of anything. The truth is the truth. For those who don’t believe, I cannot force their hearts. Son, pray for the nonbelievers. Only with true love, you will be able to help yourself and others to receive salvation.

Dear son, I will not force you to do what you don’t want to do. From now on if you have done something and do not have peace in your heart, know that it was not me that wanted you to do it.

Today I have spent more time with you, but it is worth waiting for, right? Dear son, I and those in heaven will always give you encouragement.

Today I want to tell you that I am the Queen of Heaven and Earth. I am the lowly one whom the Heavenly Father has mercy for. Son, do not forget that nobody is greater than the Heavenly Father.

Give thanksgiving to the Lord everyday and with everything you do. Without help from the Lord, you cannot do anything.

From me, Your Mother, "Queen of Heaven and Earth"

With Love and Affection
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Today it has been raining since afternoon. When we arrived at the grotto, the area in the front of it was still wet.

Tonight we prayed in front of the church and it was raining on and off as usual. The front of the grotto was bright because the father kindly changed the light bulb, enabling us to clearly see the statue of Mother Mary even though we were far off.
August 27, 2006, 3:05 – 4:10 a.m.
My dear children, today is another day that the Heavenly Father kindly let me come back to be in your midst again. Every time we meet, you will receive my teaching, food for thought, and warning from me.

My children, do you know that I have been very happy every time I saw more of your faithfulness in the Heavenly Father which has been increasing every day? That is right. My dear children, the Heavenly Father always listens to your prayers, from every one of you.

Today my Dearest Son has been in your midst together with me since the very beginning. Have you felt His presence? Today while you were praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet for your brothers and sisters who are sick physically and spiritually, including those who could not make it here because of their illness, my Dearest Son was very pleased to see that you, my children, care about your brothers and sisters.

My Dearest Son told me that it was right for every one of you to willingly come to pray, asking for the mercy from the Heavenly Father for those sinners. You are those who have kind hearts. With love and affection that you have for your fellow human beings, you can soften the impact of the approaching disaster.

Let all of you know that the Heavenly Father has never wanted to see you whom He loved most to be in danger. By the sins that human beings have committed together, the evil was able to have power over your souls.

When the most evil thing takes place, destroying each other will occur because of mistakes and all the sins.

Today I would like to tell you that your trust in your Redeemer will bring salvation to every one of you. Let all of you be firm and trust in His will. Let all of you remember that only His mercy will bring salvation to all human beings.

Be firm, my children. Don’t be tempted by whatever comes to touch your hearts. If you truly trust the Lord, your faith will save you.

Today I promise you that your prayers and penances will cause miracles to happen.
My dear children, last month I gave you bad news. This month I have good news for you. The Heavenly Father has seen your determination, my little group, in trying to ask for His mercy to stop the disasters.

Now He just told me to tell you that with your kind hearts, even though it is a voice from a little group compared to the number of sinners who have fallen under the power of the evil spirit, it made Him have mercy for what you together have pleaded for.

But do not be careless. Do not lose faith and this good intention because the evil spirits really hate you. They will try to tear down your unity, making you hate each other in order to destroy your souls.

So I warn you to be firm, be perseverant, and be still during this time. Be especially careful when you talk to other people in your group. If you start to hear complaints or accusations, I want you to be still and don’t ever spread them around.

Whether you mean it or not, when words come out from your mouth you cannot take them back. If they are encouraging or kind words, they will bring peace to both the speaker and listener. Be very careful.

The cause of disbandment that happened among my children in the past and up until now, is the words coming out from your own mouths.

My dear children, during this time you must be very strong and firm because you are the last target that the evil spirit wants to destroy the most. If there are no people with kind hearts like you, what will the world have left for me and the Heavenly Father to be joyful for?

I will be deeply hurt because the Heavenly Father’s children have fallen under the power of the evil spirit and this world will be covered with eternal darkness.

My dear children, today I am very pleased to see your love and unity. Go back and spread the Heavenly Father’s love to those around you even though they will disregard your good will.

Remember to overcome evils by doing good deeds all the time.

I and those in heaven will encourage you to triumph over this burdensome obstacle. Continue to pray, sacrifice, give love, and do penance. The Kingdom of Heaven is waiting for you. Be perseverant, my children.

Today I want to pass a message to one of my daughters: I have seen you crying before me and I was so moved. My child, I ask you to be stronger. Don’t be wishy-washy.

Don’t be afraid of being tempted. I am always at your side. It is you who have no confidence and you are afraid of the things that come to touch your heart.

Remember my words: The key is you must be faithful to my Dearest Son. Believe like a baby learning how to walk. When your parents tell you to walk to them, you must be confident that you will never be allowed to fall down or lack of their support.

When you really trust Him, you will also find the path to salvation. Dear child, don’t get discouraged. Keep fighting because I am always at your side.

The Sorrowful Rosary
September 2, 2006, 10: 15 – 10: 40 p.m.
My dear son, thank you for leading the recitation of my Sorrowful Rosary. Son, revive the recitation of the Sorrowful Rosary on the last Saturday of the month. I will be very happy.

Don’t forget to pray the Novena Prayers of my Seven Sorrows (Our Lady of Sorrows Novena) because all of you will have a chance to offer your plea to me according to your wish.

Know that in praying, every word has a meaning that will lead your soul to feel the blessing of the Heavenly Father. Don’t rush in praying and don’t be too slow to the point that several of you, my children, who have the intention to pray before me has fallen asleep. Be just right.

My dear son, what have you learned from your illness? Give thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father who gave this opportunity to you. You had time to pray, make atonement along with the suffering of my Dearest Son and had a chance to offer them for the sick and for the souls of the departed.

The Heavenly Father has seen your determination. Even when you suffered tremendously, you have remained faithful and still trust in His will.

Share the lesson you went through with your brothers and sisters. By believing in your Redeemer with all your heart and soul, you have been saved by His mercy.

There are two big tasks waiting for you tomorrow. Take a rest, my dear son. Do not forget to give thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father every day.

Son, take a rest in the Holy Spirit so tomorrow you will have the strength to work for the Heavenly Father at your full capacity. Take a rest.

Think About It Carefully
September 9, 2006, 9: 40 – 10: 25 p.m.
My dear children, thank you for preparing yourselves well by cleansing your souls to be pure before receiving the body of my Dearest Son. I appreciate tonight's prayers to me.

Know that by your pleading through me, the Heavenly Father has always been listening to you.

Remember that even with the prayer from a few people, things can be changed if you pray with all your heart and soul. The Heavenly Father is the Creator, not Destroyer. Let all of you have this correct understanding.

Is there a father who wants to hurt his most beloved children with his own hands?

My dear children, I am always happy to see you give the Heavenly Father’s love to one another via affection, kindness, compassion, and help for those who suffer. Even though you cannot do everything with your physical strength and possessions, you can always pray and do penance for each other.

For those that give with no expectation for reciprocation, they will receive much greater things in heaven.

Children, be a good example for your brothers, sisters, and those around you. The time you have is very short. Let all of you hurry to collect the treasure of your souls because it is the only thing you can take with you after you die. You cannot take with you any of your worldly possessions.

I have already told you that from now on I will not teach you anything. Today is the warning word for you to think carefully about. I cannot force you if you are not willing to comply.

Children, be joyful. Whatever the Heavenly Father has given to you, accept it and let it be according to His will.

Let all of you take advantage of the opportunity given to every one of you by my Dearest Son. Dear children, do not forget that 3:00 p.m. is the time He gives you a chance to always obtain His love and mercy. Make this time worthwhile.

Do not be unresponsive, letting Him wait for you with disappointment. He has infinite love and mercy for all of you, but how many of you are there that can see the value of His love and mercy and respond to His love? Let all of you think about it carefully.

Son, I thank you for still being glad to be my messenger, bringing my messages to your fellow human beings. The work of "Mother Loves You", Book One, is almost complete. Son, pray every time before you work on this book. I will lead your way. Nobody can stop the work of the Heavenly Father.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 12:52 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 3:17 pm

Preparing for the Age of Glory
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
September 24, 2006, 3:00 -3:40 a.m.
My dear children, today you made me very happy. I thank you for reviving my Sorrowful Prayers. The whole time you prayed in front of me, you rejuvenated the hearts of those who wanted to pray the Holy Rosary in front of me.

Today all of you had a chance to pray as you have wished. Let all of you keep the way you prayed as a model because the elders had a chance to do what they wanted before sleeping.

My dear children, in regard to the question the father has asked you to ask me: Nothing is too difficult for your ability. That is right. In the future there will be an age of glory again. When my Dearest Son comes back, the just will be raised up.

Those who sided with the evil spirit, making their souls filthy and falling under the power of the darkness, will receive the cleansing from my Dearest Son.

Do not be afraid, my dear children. Trust the Lord. Continue to do good deeds and give the love of the Heavenly Father to each other with all of your heart and soul. I would like to tell you again that the Heavenly Father is the Creator and the Lord has never wanted to destroy His own creation.

My dear children, now is the time for you to unite your hearts as one. Love each other and bond to each other as brothers and sisters with the same parents.

I cannot force you to do what you do not want to do. Think, my dear children. How will you prepare yourselves to welcome the glorious majesty of my Dearest Son who will come back? Everything must come out from your true heart! Unifying your hearts as one is the only thing I can tell you at this time!

Ask for wisdom from the Holy Spirit. He will lead you to find the path of salvation. You need only to offer love and trust to Him with all your heart and soul.

Do not be afraid of being tempted. The path to glory with my Dearest Son has not been obtained by anyone without struggle.

Today the Heavenly Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit have been with you since the beginning of your prayers. The Lord allows me to stay very close to you. I will not be able to see you if He has forbidden it.

Children, have you seen that? Your prayers made the situation of your homeland better. There was no violent event as it should have been.

My dear children, today is a good opportunity for you to directly ask what you want from the Heavenly Father. He is waiting to hear the pleas from each of you. This chance does not come often. Before you ask the Lord, think carefully of what you want.

Okay, I am fully aware that you want to know what I will tell you. I thank all of you who have paid attention when praying and singing until now. Remember that I love every one of you very much.

Do your duty to the best of your ability in each day. And do not forget to give thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father for His kindness every chance you get.

Dear children, the Lord is listening. Ask and you will receive!

The Month of the Holy Rosary
October 1, 2006, 12:30 – 1:20 a.m.
My dear son, I thank you for waiting to receive my message today. In the month of the Holy Rosary, praying the rosary throughout the whole month will especially put you in the state of grace.

Dear son, know that it is not a coincidence that today you had a chance to go to the Novena and attend the Mass. I have seen your intention when praying on your way to the church. You willingly asked the Heavenly Father and my Dearest Son to lead your life too.

I also heard your plea to the Holy Spirit to enlighten you in order for you to have a good confession today.

Thank you very much, dear son. I am very happy that you have a good intention to keep your soul clean throughout this month, the month of the Holy Rosary.

Dear son, spend time to pray the Holy Rosary for the sinners so that all of them will be illuminated to turn around and be good children of the Heavenly Father again.
I know that you have been praying to offer Thailand to me every day.

I want all of you, my children, to pray this prayer together so peace will finally appear in your homeland. Pass the word that this is what I want. I want to see love and unity from every one of you, my children.

Do not be divisive again, dear children. All of you are my children so all of you are brothers and sisters. Love each other.

Today the father told you how to fight temptations, right? Making penance, making sacrifices, and constantly doing good deeds, will make your heart gentle and receptive to the will of the Heavenly Father.

Through the Holy Communion, ask my Dearest Son to help you be strong and triumphant over temptations.

It is not enough to have the real intention to remedy your behavior; you must have constant actions in avoiding and not giving yourself a chance to be tempted.

It is true that every human being is weak, but it does not mean that you are unable to triumph over temptations. If you have real intention and follow through, you will triumph over temptations with the help from my Dearest Son. Besides, you also have your patron saint and guardian angel that always protect you, but you must be attentive and ask for their help.

Don’t waste your time. Your time is very valuable. There are a lot of people waiting for your help through your prayers. I want you to pay special attention in praying for them this month.

The Heavenly Father and my Dearest Son are waiting to hear your pleas. The prayer with real love coming out from your heart really pleases the Lord. This is what He wants to see from human beings, having love for each other.

Even though you cannot help others with action, or labor, or money, your prayer can help several of them at the same time that you dedicate it to them.

Today I cannot tell you of the approaching event. Children, know that the prayer with all your heart and soul can change every circumstance. Hurry up and pray in every day and every chance you have.

By the love that you have for each other, the Heavenly Father will reciprocate with His own love; pure love that has forgiveness all the time for all of you.

It is quite late at night. Son, go to sleep so tomorrow you will have strength to serve my Dearest Son, the Divine Mercy, as you have promised.

With your belief, you will lead people to find refuge in His mercy.

The Will of the Lord
October 8, 2006, 8: 40 – 9: 30 p.m.
My dear son, thank you for having a good intention to join the devout people to pray before me, especially yesterday which was the feast of my Holy Rosary.

Have you seen that lately a lot of people came to ask you to pray for them? It is not because they don’t believe in me, wanting only your prayers. They were confident that when you prayed for them, I would listen to your prayers and offer them to the Heavenly Father. Several of them have received the mercy of the Lord, getting better physically.

But, dear son, tell them that the Heavenly Father wants to hear the pleas coming from them too. And the pleas will bear fruit by their real intention to willingly accept everything to be done according to the will of the Lord.

Pass the word that during this month, the month of the Holy Rosary, whoever pleads in my name, his plea will always be heard by the Heavenly Father.

Several people have high hopes that when they ask the Lord they will receive what they have asked for right away.

My children, do not use your will to force the Heavenly Father to do what you want. Whatever you have received in the past, in the present, and will receive in the future, has already been dictated by the will of the Heavenly Father.

Whatever you ask for, if it is the will of the Heavenly Father, you will receive it. But whatever you ask for is not compatible with His will, know that, everything will always be done according to His will.

Children, trust in the will of the Heavenly Father. He has never abandoned His children, not a single one of them. Be firm and accept the will of the Lord who grants mercy to all of you.

Let all of you see my Dearest Son as an example. The Lord knew what would happen to Him but He still willingly accepted everything to be done according to the will of the Heavenly Father. Even though He already knew that He would be betrayed and would be crucified, He did not run away from His fate. Think about it, dear children, why He asked to let everything be done according to the will of the Heavenly Father.

You have heard this story a long time ago. Why do you still cling to yourself, not accepting what the Heavenly Father has given you?

Dear children, there is no father who wants to hurt his own children. Whatever the Lord has given you, He always has a good reason for it.
October 15, 2006, 12:00 – 12: 20 a.m.
Dear children, in each phase of your life, the Heavenly Father has already dictated everything appropriate for you. Time will clearly tell you what you have to do at a certain time, where and how. You will know in your heart when that time comes on what you have to do next.

My dear children, don’t forget to spend this month, the month of the Holy Rosary, to pray to the Heavenly Father in my name. Soon you will see how much is the response from the Heavenly Father to what you have been asking for.

If you ask for others with love from all your heart and soul, not for fame, prestige, and fortune, the Heavenly Father will kindly grant you what you have asked for appropriately to each of you.

Trust in the Lord. He has never abandoned His children.

Do not forget to have unity. He wants to see you, His children, love each other like brothers and sisters from the same parents. With this love, there will be no room in your heart to let the evil spirit to come in and work inside it again.

Remember that love with all your heart and soul will triumph over everything. Trust the Lord.

Mother’s Love
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
October 29, 2006, 3:03 – 3:40 a.m.
My dear children, today I have been in your midst since you started praying before me. I thank one of you, my children, who has a beautiful heart, came to pray before everyone and joined me in prayer.

I saw your good will, preparing this place to be a holy place for praying tonight. Your action did not demand anyone to see, but I have seen your actions at all time. I thank you for the concern for your brothers and sisters.

Dear children, true love like this really pleases the Heavenly Father.
I would like to tell you that one of you tonight will receive help if that person only has a firm heart and opens his heart to welcome me and my Dearest Son to come in and dwell in it.

Today is not a coincidence. Everything has been prepared in advance for you. It is up to you to whether willingly welcome me and my Dearest Son to come in your heart with all your heart and soul.

For those of you that pleaded to me when you prayed the prayers of my Novena, Our Lady of Sorrows, I am happy to offer your prayers to the Heavenly Father.

My dear children, there is only a few days left before the end of the month of the Holy Rosary. Let all of you spend the remaining time wisely to gain the most benefit out of it.

Children, do you know that the Heavenly Father has been listening to every word of your pleas throughout the month of the Holy Rosary? Trust in His will. If you do not ask for fame, prestige, and fortune, you will definitely receive a response from the Heavenly Father at the proper time.

Today I will particularly answer a question from one of you, my children. When you hear my answer you will know what I mean.

Dear son, I have listened to your conversation with me at all times. Whatever comes in contact with your heart at this time, I would like to tell you not to worry or lose control of your heart. Do you know that being tempted is one of the tests that the Heavenly Father allows to happen to your family?

If your family members do not love, unite, and help each other, it will be very difficult for you to solve the problem. With the prayers coming from your true heart, they will successfully lead your family to go through this crisis.

Dear son, what you want is only your human desire. Ask yourself that if you do not get this thing at this time, will there be anything that causes the breakup of your family? Be patient. When the time is right, you will know by yourself that it is the time to do what you want.

My dear children, do you feel that today’s atmosphere around you has only love and peace? Your guardian angels have been surrounding you according to the invitation of one of you. And tonight my Dearest Son said that the soul of one of you, my children, will be free if he willingly accepts the help from the Heavenly Father who has prepared it for him.

I ask you to love each other. Really love each other like you are from the same parents. Tonight one of my children will be saved from danger by your love. I want you to remember that everything depends on his decision. He has to choose by himself.

My dear children, I thank you for singing the hymn for me. Children, remember that I have been watching everything you did all the time. Thank you very much.

I want to tell you that today you make me very happy. Even though there is not a rose for me, don’t worry. Tomorrow there will be a lot of roses at my feet. Bring the roses home. I will bless all of them to be holy so you can take them to help those you love and care for.

My dear children, remember that only your belief will make everything possible. Without your beautiful hearts, the roses do not mean anything. Bring them back with love to help your brothers and sisters.

I love you very much.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 12:56 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 3:38 pm

Mother Mary’s Voice
From the Feast of Christ the King
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
November 26, 2006, 3:02 – 3:40 a.m.
My dear children, I thank you for paying good attention when praying tonight.
Dear children, that is correct. I want every one of you spend time alone with me. I want to hear your voice talking to me too. I have been waiting for you to come back to me with concern throughout the whole month.

I want you to live under the hands of the Heavenly Father. I want every one of you to give thanksgiving to the Lord who has mercy for you to be alive and safe up until now.

This occasion is a good time for you to tell me about your gratitude to the Lord. How will you give thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father, suitable for His kindness for you all the time? I am happy to offer your thanksgiving to Him.

Dear children, this is the best time for you to tell the Lord about your wish. Spend this time wisely.

I would like to tell you that the amount of the sins of human beings keeps increasing every day. You have changed the rules and regulations of the faith to suit your needs.

Do you know the stuff that you are being obsessed with and willingly follow has something hidden behind it? Let think about it, children. Human beings are being possessed by the passing joys that have no virtue.

Don’t you know that the thing behind this stuff comes from hell, eternal darkness, and it is taking you, one by one, away from me?

Stop and look around, dear children. The path that is full of luxury and pleasure is not the path to heaven. O human beings, you are so weak and so easily misled.

I insist that nobody can go to heaven if he does not follow the footsteps of my Dearest Son and abandon everything he owns, especially his own self! Open your heart and make room for my Dearest Son to come in and work inside it.

Dear children, do you know that you are now in front of the Heavenly Father and my Dearest Son? Don’t you know that the Lord is giving all of you a chance to have an audience with Him?

Children, you need to learn and practice how to communicate with the Lord when you are at rest in Him. He is waiting to hear your voice to call out to Him and give thanksgiving to Him. Today is your first time to receive this opportunity. You are not familiar with it and don’t know what to do!

My dear children, I have been here all the time and saw your actions from the very beginning. The Heavenly Father and my Dearest Son have been here and also saw your actions from the very beginning too. The Lord has been waiting to see each one of you. How much have you prepared for this occasion?

The Mighty King has humbled Himself to wait for you, human beings, who are His most beloved creation. Have you said hello and given thanksgiving to Him with sincerity? Dear children, what are you doing?

Do you know that each day the Lord has been waiting to hear the sound of thanksgiving from your heart?

How will a father feel when he sees his children ignore him and do not care that the father who loves them with all his heart and soul has been stood up? He did not even receive a greeting from them! Dear children, today is a good opportunity for me to sincerely tell you about this thing.

Do not forget to pay homage to the Heavenly Father and give thanksgiving to Him every day and every chance you have.

Today this son of mine is tired. He was sad with every sin he had committed which he confessed to the father today with the enlightenment from the Holy Spirit; reminding him of the sins he forgot.

Today he saw the image of Lord Jesus’ suffering on the cross. He was sad because the sins he had committed caused this suffering.

Human beings, do not be arrogant and proud of your own self. Empty your heart and the Lord will appear in it.

Pray With Me, Your Mother
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
Saturday, December 30, 2006, 3:05 – 3:35 a.m.
My dear children, today you made me very happy. You were not in a hurry when you prayed and you found opportunities to pause, think of me, and talk to me periodically. I have been waiting to hear your voice for a long time and wondered when you would talk to me too.

Is there a mother who is not glad when her children come to see her and tell her about their ups and downs? My dear children, how do you feel that today you have this opportunity?

Praying is the thing I want to see you do, but do not overdo it like anything else. For example: You bring the foods that you think are delicious to me, hoping that I will be pleased with them. Of course, I am very happy to see your good will and kind heart.

But I want you to ask yourself that if you were me how much can you taste those delicious foods? Your obligation is to reciprocate the kindness by tasting everything and have no chance to talk to me and have a conversation with me. How would you feel?

My dear children, if you really know me, you will know that simplicity and humility are the things I have been practicing all the time. Let all of you be moderate and find time to talk to me so this meal will make me very happy.

For the good opportunity you are waiting for, I bless all of you who are faithful to me to stay in peace and in the hands of the Heavenly Father.

Dear children, I want you to bring the blessing to your family, relatives, and friends, so they too will have a share in this peace. When you have created this peace in your heart, the blessing of peace will spread out to your loved ones by itself.

I want older folks, my children, to take care of your health so you will be able to come and see me at this place all the time. I will always wait for you here to bless you and be your refuge.

Let all of you remember that there is no greater love than the love of the Heavenly Father. Go home and live in His love and will.

From me, Your Mother, who loves you with all my heart and soul

Be Still With Me
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai
January 25, 2007, 3: 15 – 3: 43 a.m.
My dear children, how do you feel to have a chance to pray, be still with me, and talk to me today?

I would like to tell you that today you have directly received the blessing from the Heavenly Father. By being still with me, each of your word, your discernment, and prayers can be heard in heaven. Angels and those in heaven are very glad in your unity for today.

My dear children, know that when you were reaching out with your heart to ask for the blessing for your brothers and sisters, my Dearest Son was very pleased. Tonight several of them were able to feel the blessing from my Dearest Son.

I say again that your activities for tonight are so right. Let all of you maintain these prayers. In the future there will be a lot of people following your footsteps to seek peace in their hearts and happiness every time they pray and be still with me.

My dear children, I am very happy today. Your dinner for me makes me so happy.
Let all of you safeguard this virtue. You have come to the right way. You do not have to make a big deal about communicating with me. You will make me very happy by talking to me with honesty, straight from your heart. That’s all it takes.

You might have a question why I do not talk about events in the future anymore.

Dear children, praying from your heart can change everything. Any terrible disaster will have less impact on you. Haven’t you realized that without your prayers and penances, how your country would have turned out to be?

I still insist that you pray to offer Thailand to me every day. Because of your prayers, you are safe and able to come and see me here tonight.

My dear children, if you really trust the Heavenly Father, you will not worry about anything. Because of your faith and trust, you will always be in the arms of the Heavenly Father. And by His love, you have always been protected and taken care of.

My dear children, give thanksgiving to the Heavenly Father. Without His help, you will not be able to do anything.

I want you to go home and live your life in His love.

From me, Your Mother of every one of you

My Sorrow and Suffering
February 17, 2007, 8:30 – 9: 40 p.m.
My dear children, today is a very special opportunity that the Heavenly Father kindly let me come and see you at this place.

Throughout the last two-three weeks, the Lord allowed you to receive many of His revelations so you will be aware of the sins of human beings which are being committed more and more.

Weak human beings, haven’t you realized what you chose to do according to your will that the majority of them came from the trap and enticement of the evil spirit? The more you listen to it, the more it will lead you farther and farther away from the Heavenly Father.

Few people have been chosen to feel the suffering of my Dearest Son like you. Because human beings’ minds are so occupied with seeking comfort and leisure, they do not have time to open up their hearts to welcome my Dearest Son who has been knocking and no one opened up his heart to let Him in.

Have you seen the wound on the right shoulder of the Lord? The wound did not come from the infliction of any weapon designed for severe punishment. The broken skin showing His flesh and causing His blood to pour out came from the weight of the cross that He was carrying. It kept bouncing and pressing over and over until the wound burst open.

Dear children, the wound is the mortal sins that human beings have been committing again and again without realizing that it is the cause of the Lord's terrible suffering.

The Lord was willing to continue to carry the cross because He has the infinite love of the Heavenly Father given to Him in order for Him to redeem the souls of human beings who have fallen into sins.

Dear children, have you seen how much I suffered? I knew what would happen, everything, but I had to accept everything to happen according to the will of the Heavenly Father.

Is there a mother who can stand watching her son in danger and suffering terribly?

When my Dearest Son died, my heart was almost broken into pieces by the tremendous love I have for Him and by knowing that I could not deny the will of the Heavenly Father.

I comforted His corpse. I used my hands to gently and repeatedly touch the wound on His right shoulder. My Dearest Son whom I raised had turned into a corpse.

Think about it, dear children. I am fully aware of what caused Him to die.

Now the time has gone by for thousands of years, human beings are still slaves to the evil spirit the keeps encouraging them to commit more mortal sins.

Even though the Lord has died and risen, every time human beings who have fallen into sins died and lost their souls to the devil, the Lord suffered for not being to help them. You could not fathom how much He has suffered.

Even at the last second of their lives, they did not convert, felt sorry for their sins, and apologized to the Heavenly Father because evil has completely possessed them.

My dear children, I am so sad. Who will accept my sorrowful heart?

Think about it, children.

From me, Your Mother who love you with all my heart and soul
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yan Agape เมื่อ อังคาร ก.ค. 09, 2019 12:59 pm, แก้ไขไปแล้ว 1 ครั้ง.
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

เสาร์ เม.ย. 06, 2019 3:49 pm

Lenten Season
In front of Mother Mary’s grotto, Holy Family Church, Lamsai,
February 25, 2007, 3:12 – 3:35 a.m.
My dear children, today is another day that you made me very happy. You have shown me your camaraderie and unity.

Have you felt that there was no division and no feeling of being superior among you? Everyone was united and got along well. These are the things that really impressed me.

That is correct, children. Today’s message is the last one. The beginning of the publication of my messages has arrived. No matter how it turns out, know that my intention is to give the messages to those children of mine who are far away and do not have a chance like you.

My teachings will be beneficial to your souls. Don’t worry about anything, including resistance.

Those who disagree have been waiting for this chance for a long time. You will see and feel their efforts. But do not worry because nobody can change the truth and nobody can twist it around too.

Have trust in the Heavenly Father. Everything always goes according to His will.

I want you to really take care of yours souls during the Lenten Season, including your loved ones and those who are close to you because in this day and age you could not guess what will happen the next day.

The greed that was born by the evil inside human beings has been cheered on and encouraged by Satan and evil spirits, making human beings kill each other without realization that it is a sin.

Human beings do not have the right to decide who should live or die.

I feel pity for my innocent children who must lose their lives like innocent babies who had died because of the command from a person who wanted to get rid of the Redeemer, my Dearest Son. This kind of event happened over and over again.

My dear children, even though you are a small group of people, I want to reassure you that the Heavenly Father has always been listening to your pleas.

So, during this Lenten Season, if you refrain from doing things according to your own will, make sacrifices, and have mercy for those in pain and suffering, let you treat them as you would have treated my Dearest Son because whatever you do to others you do it to my Dearest Son too.

Come, my dear children, we will rebuild this world to be full of love, warmth, and peace. But these things will not happen if you are not willing to do it and abandon your own will.

Come, my dear children, spend this period of time well to get the most out of it. I will always give you encouragement. Your goodness and real intention will make you safe from all evils.

May peace always belong to every one of you.

From me, Your Mother

สารของแม่พระผู้เห็นอกเห็นใจฯ Thai and English Version (Book One, Two and Three) are available in E-Book or PDF format, contact saevivat@hotmail.com for a free copy
Yan Agape
โพสต์: 1353
ลงทะเบียนเมื่อ: อังคาร พ.ค. 17, 2005 10:57 am

อังคาร ม.ค. 25, 2022 12:18 pm

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